It is precisely because Qin Hao understood what Enoch said, he felt even more terrifying for the Zerg. They not only possessed extremely strong power and reproductive ability, but also possessed great wisdom, and they even played tricks on their own. Boss, if they were really released, it would be a disaster for humans. product-book-net

After Qin Hao learned some things from Enoch, he saw that the sky had gradually started to brighten, and decided to set off and go back.

"You ask them to help me transport the supplies." Qin Hao said, pointing to the few worker bees.

"No problem!" Enoch directly used mental waves to give orders to the few low-level worker bees.

"By the way, how can I contact you in the future?" Qin Hao asked. He couldn't take this guy to the Federal Glory. First, humans couldn't accept this fact. Second, Qin Hao didn't want the Zerg to know about Iraqi Nok "betrayed".

"King! You can call my name in your heart, as long as it is within a certain range, my tentacles can feel it!" Enoch said.

"How big is this range?" Qin Hao asked.

"About 1,000 kilometers!" Enoch said, this is also the control range of the insect swarm under his command.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked, "Do you usually do activities nearby?"

"Yes, my territory is nearby," Enoch replied.

"That's fine!" Qin Hao nodded, and then left with those worker bees, and Enoch didn't need to go to that valley anymore, so he returned to its wormhole.


"It's like a dream..." Qin Hao rubbed his cheeks as he walked back. Just now, the amount of information he received was too great.

At this time, Qin Hao felt that it was necessary for him to persuade General Cohen to stop the war. If this war continued endlessly, it would definitely not be the Zerg but the humans who would be unlucky in the end!

But the question is will General Cohen listen to Qin Hao? Forget he listened, he believed, but does that work? Will the Federal High Command abandon the invasion of Alpha? Will those nobles give up the energy crystals of Alpha Star?

Qin Hao was only a soldier after all, and everything he knew was based on his words. Even if he brought Enoch to the high-level human beings, the hoarse scream of the leader of the swarm could not confirm everything he said. After all, others don't have Zerg genes, and they can't have telepathy with the Zerg leader.

At dawn, Qin Hao brought a team of worker bees to the outer perimeter of the guard artillery defense circle of the Federal Glory.

"Okay! Go back..." Although Qin Hao couldn't communicate with the Zerg in the air, he could touch the head of the worker bee and convey the order to them.

"Hiss..." After the worker bees unloaded the supplies, they lined up to leave. Then Qin Hao ran to the outpost and asked them to notify Nicole to send a car out to pick up the goods.


"Qin Hao, how did you do it?!" Nicole came out with the team in person. She was full of surprise and disbelief when she saw Qin Hao.

"The process is very complicated, I'll tell you later..." Qin Hao's mind was a little confused at this time, he didn't know how to explain the night's experience.

"Mmm! Mmm! You must be tired too. Go to rest first. When you wake up, I'll take you to see my father." Nicole said.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, he really needed to be alone for a while.

Soon, Nicole brought the supplies back, and the outposts around the Federal Glory were almost completed. Now the weapons and shield systems of the Federal Glory can finally go into hibernation to save energy consumption. .

Qin Hao simply washed and then ate something. Now he no longer needs to rely on food for energy, so his consumption of food has also been reduced a lot.

After returning to his room, Qin Hao was lying on the bed with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He was thinking about how to persuade Cohen to stop the war against the Zerg.

"Should I tell General Cohen my secret..." Qin Hao hesitated.

If he doesn't tell his secret, it will be difficult for him to convince General Cohen, but if he tells the secret between himself and the Zerg, Qin Hao is very worried. He is afraid that he will be caught in the laboratory and used for research Ways to fight the bugs.

"Forget it... Let's talk about this later..." After Qin Hao struggled for a long time, he gave up his plan to tell General Cohen everything.

Although Cohen will treat Qin Hao well, Qin Hao still does not have complete trust in him. Although these Zerg information may be related to the fate of the entire human race, Qin Hao has never felt that he is the savior of the world, and more importantly Yes, Qin Hao told General Cohen everything, and Cohen had no ability to stop the war.

Even if General Cohen reported the matter to the high command, those clansmen and nobles might not believe it. They only had interests in sight, and at this time, they had paid such a large cost, so the possibility of allowing a truce was extremely low.

Qin Hao didn't want to give up his life for the sake of such a small possibility. The risk was too great, and he didn't want to put his fate in the hands of others.

"Tell those corrupt high-ranking officials about everything, I would rather go to the Zerg with my own strength!" In the end, Qin Hao turned his heart away and gave up his previous plans completely.

After he figured it out, Qin Hao, who had not slept all night, felt very tired, so he fell asleep. When he woke up again, it was already evening.

After getting up, Qin Hao washed his face, then left his room and walked towards the bridge.

At this time, Qin Hao was like a hero on the Federal Glory, so he did not encounter any obstacles when he entered the bridge.

"Hehe, Qin Hao, are you awake? How's your rest?" General Cohen greeted him warmly after seeing Qin Hao.

"I have a good rest, my physical strength has recovered." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Come and sit! Tell me how you got these materials back from the Zerg." Cohen will ask very well, because Qin Hao was not a military establishment at this time, so he did not have a battlefield recorder, so General Cohen asked Qin Hao didn't know anything about what happened after he left the battleship defense circle.

"The defense of the valley is not very strict, it may be just a temporary storage point, and the Zerg do not pay much attention to these materials, there are only two or three copper horns and one or two hundred ordinary giant beetles, so it is not difficult to deal with. , I left a bright transport truck before, so after I got rid of those bugs, I pulled the supplies back, but I was ambushed by a small group of bugs on the way, so the car was destroyed." Qin Hao compiled it before coming. Although this set of lies is not very rigorous, the key point is that Cohen made them impossible to prove at all.

So they suspect that Qin Hao may have lied, but they can't get any evidence, and it is impossible for humans to collude with bugs, so they think that what Qin Hao said may be a bit outrageous, but they can only choose to believe it.

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