At the moment when the girl was in crisis, Qin Hao and Geng Chen were helpless. Neither of them had fire attributes, so it was impossible to reverse the crisis at this time.

As time passed, the girl's body began to gradually collapse, and the fire-attributed body was continuously infused with water-attributed energy. It was out of good intentions that he wanted to quell the disputes between humans and the sea clan by rescuing the girl, but he did not expect that this situation would eventually result.

If the girl's resurrection fails, what Geng Chen will lose is not only a blood coral, but also the girl's chance to be resurrected!

Once the girl is completely dead, the responsibility will eventually fall on Geng Chen, which makes Geng Chen, who originally planned to ease the relationship with Qin Hao, extremely anxious.

"Shua la la..." The girl's body continued to disintegrate, and her physical body was about to collapse completely.

"Chirp!" At this moment, a bird chirped in the sky.

"That's..." Geng Chen suddenly raised his head, and a puffin happened to fly across the sky.

"Om..." At this time, Nvwa's body has completely collapsed, her remnant soul has begun to dissipate, and Nvwa is about to completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

"I have no choice!" Geng Chen raised his head, staring at the puffin in the sky.

At this time, the girl's physical body disintegrated, and there was only one way to save her, which was to find her a physical body immediately, but because of time constraints, it was impossible for Geng Chen to go to the sea to catch a suitable sea clan, and the only people present were Him and Qin Hao.

First of all, Geng Chen himself definitely can’t give himself up for others, and Qin Hao who is at the side is a reincarnated killer. Geng Chen himself is trying to ease the relationship with him, and it is even more impossible to attack Qin Hao at this time, so the puffin passing by in the sky will be became his only choice.

"Shua!" Geng Chen waved his hand, a blue light flashed, the puffin didn't even react, and was captured by Geng Chen.

"Sacrifice!" Geng Chen pinched the spell, and at the same time, the spiritual power instantly enveloped the puffin, and then threw it into the water spirit ball.

"Buzz!" A gleam of light enveloped the girl's remnant soul, which was about to escape, instantly gathered by the gleam, and then injected into the puffin's body.

"Huh..." Geng Chen heaved a sigh of relief, but the cold sweat on his forehead remained undiminished.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Immediately after Geng Chen cast spells continuously,

The water spirit ball kept shrinking, and finally completely merged into the puffin's body.

"Hum!" In the twilight, the puffin began to transform into a shape. Its appearance was 90% similar to that of a girl, but there were a few more colored marks on its cheeks.

Because it is an unconscious incarnation, so at this time the girl is not naked, Geng Chen hastily turned around, although he has seen everything, but the girl's fiancé is right next to him, even if he puts on a show, he has to avoid suspicion .

"Shua!" Qin Hao shook his hands, and his coat was draped over the girl's body.

"This... this was an accident..." Geng Chen explained to Qin Hao with a look of embarrassment, the girl must have been resurrected now, but her identity has changed from a human race to a demon race.

At the moment of crisis, Geng Chen had no choice at all. He could only save the girl first, so he could only temporarily catch the puffin passing by in the sky, and let the girl who had lost her body be entrusted in the puffin's body, and then Gengchen is spending a lot of spiritual power to wash away the soul of Puffin itself, and let the girl's soul blend into it, finally bringing her back to life.

Under the catalysis of the girl's own soul power and Gengchen's spiritual power, the puffin, which was originally just an ordinary bird, was quickly catalyzed into a monster race, and obtained hundreds of years of spiritual power out of thin air. In other words, in fact, it is not a loss for the girl to be resurrected like this. After being resurrected as a monster, her strength has been greatly increased compared to before. After all, Geng Chen has injected her with hundreds of years of spiritual power.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. He had already expected this ending. After all, it was recorded in the myth that after the girl was drowned in the sea, she could not perish, and finally turned into Jingwei to fill the sea for revenge. Everything in the book is somewhat new to the records in the myth, but the ending is the same.

As for the records in the myth, Qin Hao also knows that it cannot be fully believed. After all, the myth must have been processed countless times after being spread for so many years, but it can at least provide a direction. For example, the girl, she is How to be drowned and how to be resurrected may not be the same as that recorded in the myth, but the result is surprisingly consistent.

"It was really an accident..." Geng Chen continued to explain.

"Forget it... when will she wake up?" Qin Hao sighed.

"I don't should be soon..." Seeing that Qin Hao didn't pursue it, Geng Chen was also slightly relieved.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, and at the same time reminded himself that Gengchen resurrected the girl this time as an experiment for him, so that after Qin Hao returned to his timeline, he resurrected Nicole When the time comes, you can prepare in advance, so that you won't be caught blind after a crisis like now.

About half an hour later, the girl who had kept her eyes tightly closed suddenly opened them.

"Huh..." The eyes of the girl who was originally resurrected with the body of a puffin and injected with a large amount of water-attribute spiritual power by Geng Chen flashed twice.

Immediately after Qin Hao and Geng Chen's perception, the girl's attributes began to change rapidly, and the originally pure water attribute spiritual power quickly transformed into fire attribute spiritual power.

"Chirp!" The girl uttered a long howl similar to a bird's song, and then she suddenly rose into the air, turning into a flying bird in mid-air.

Since this bird is different from the previous puffins, it has a black body, only its beak is white and its feet are red. After it soared into the sky, it quickly turned into a ball of flames, trying to escape from the island where Geng Chen lived. .

"She has just been resurrected, and her mind is still in a mess. When she opened her eyes and appeared in a strange place, she was naturally a little scared, so she wanted to escape." Geng Chen was afraid that Qin Hao would be suspicious, so he hurriedly explained.

"Bring her back." Qin Hao said to Geng Chen, his current energy attribute is too violent, if he takes action himself, it is likely to hurt the girl.

"En!" Geng Chen nodded.

"Don't hurt her." Qin Hao quickly added.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Although the girl's strength has greatly increased after her resurrection, he is still not enough in front of Geng Chen.

"Whoosh!" Here, Geng Chen stamped his feet, and a blue light shot up into the sky. Before the girl's incarnation flame could escape far, it was engulfed by the blue light and returned to Qin Hao.

"Shua..." The blue light dissipated, and the girl had recovered her human body. She glared at Geng Chen, but said nothing.

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