"Are you threatening me?" Ao Guang stood up, and he also refused to give an inch. Although Qin Hao had the strength to crush him, Ao Guang was not afraid at all when facing Qin Hao.

"It seems that you have made a choice!" Qin Hao's murderous aura permeated again, and the temperature in the entire hall dropped sharply again in an instant.

But this time Ao Guang was well prepared. Instead of being directly suppressed by Qin Hao's murderous aura like before, he crushed a piece of dragon scale in his hand first!

"Shua!" While a golden shield protected Ao Guang, an invisible ripple also radiated.

"Ang!" A dragon chant sounded from a distance, followed by several dragon chant sounds.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." In an instant, eight elders of the Dragon Clan stood beside Ao Guang. These elders were usually dormant because their lifespan was about to expire, but just now they received the Dragon King's call for help. signal, and rushed to Ao Guang's side immediately.

"Who dares to offend the majesty of the Dragon Clan!" an elder of the Dragon Clan headed angrily scolded. It means that they are one step closer to death, so when facing Qin Hao, it is naturally impossible to expect them to have any good looks.

"Little Wuer! Shut up!" Qin Hao hadn't spoken yet, and Geng Chen next to him said with a heavy face.

"Uh..." The leader of the Dragon Clan elder turned around, and only then did he realize the existence of Geng Chen. He had just been awakened, and his mind was still dizzy, so after rushing over, he patronized Qin Hao and glared at Qin Hao. He didn't notice Geng Chen's existence.

"Great-grandfather..." The dragon elder saluted Geng Chen respectfully.

"You guys go back, I'll take care of it here!" Geng Chen said with a gloomy face, and he was also a little angry in his heart. These elders of the Dragon Clan are all the hole cards of the Dragon Clan, and every time they are used, they will be consumed by one. Now, Ao Guang has used these elders so easily, which means that the Dragon Clan may have one less chance to save their lives in future crises!

"Yes!" Several elders saluted Geng Chen respectfully, then turned and left immediately.

"Sure enough, this guy has an extraordinary relationship with the Dragon Clan!" Qin Hao nodded secretly. He suspected that Geng Chen was from the Dragon Clan from the very beginning, but this guy never admitted it, so Qin Hao couldn't be sure. Now it seems that he probably is. The dragon clan can't be wrong about this.

After the elders of the Dragon Clan retreated, Geng Chen looked at Ao Guang sullenly,

Then he said in a cold voice: "Ao Guang, after you became the Dragon King, did you stop paying attention to me?"

"Senior, junior dare not!" Ao Guang hurriedly got up and said.

"Then I'm still here, and you use those elders who don't have much life, what does that mean?" Geng Chen asked sharply.

"The younger generation has no choice but to be restrained by his murderous aura." Ao Guang explained.

"That's enough, don't play tricks on me, you want to blackmail me with the fate of the entire dragon clan, right?" Geng Chen's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

"Juniors don't dare!" Although Ao Guang denied it, that's what he thought.

"Brother Qin Hao, do you mind if we excuse me for a moment?" Geng Chen turned around and asked Qin Hao, but he didn't wait for Qin Hao to answer, he just waved his hands away, a ball of water wrapped around Ao Guang, and then Geng Chen and the two disappeared In Qin Hao's field of vision.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao smiled wryly. Although Geng Chen was asking, he didn't give him a chance to answer at all. Now that the two of them have left, he can't even track him down. This is obviously Geng Chen's fault. He was showing his strength to Qin Hao.

Although along the way, in order to avoid conflicts with Qin Hao, Geng Chen lowered his status very low, but he also wanted to remind Qin Hao that his Geng Chen's strength was not given for nothing, so Qin Hao had better also Make some concessions, otherwise the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry!


On the other side, Geng Chen has already brought Ao Guang to a place where no one is around, and at the same time he has set up a sound barrier.

"Kneel down!" Geng Chen sternly shouted directly.

"Plop..." Ao Guang knelt down in front of Geng Chen without saying a word.

"If you continue to bet on the life and death of the Dragon Clan like this, I will not only abolish you as the Dragon King, but also nail you to the Dragon Clan's shame pillar!" Geng Chen said angrily.

"But don't the dragons suffer less humiliation now?" Ao Guang said unconvinced, he forced Geng Chen to take action in order to maintain the dignity of the dragons.

"Huh! You know what a fart!" Geng Chen snorted coldly, and then sighed. He himself has to admit that Ao Guang is actually the most suitable person among the younger generation to exist as a Dragon King. If he is abolished , then the replaced Dragon King must not be as good as him.

"Senior, I know that Qin Hao is the reincarnated Killing God, but he hasn't recovered the power of his heyday after all. Isn't it all over if he is killed now? Why are you so timid?" Ao Guang asked puzzled.

"If I could kill him so easily, would I still have to compromise like this? Do you think I would suffer less humiliation?" Geng Chen said with a gloomy expression.

"But..." Ao Guang wanted to say something more.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I've calculated dozens of times, almost hurting the primordial spirit, but the result of each calculation is the same, that is, the result of doing something to Qin Hao is the destruction of the dragon clan! How dare you make me do it? ?” Geng Chen said helplessly.

"What? You have calculated so many times, but the results are all the same?" Ao Guang was also dumbfounded. He knew that Geng Chen was extremely good at divination and calculation. Then Qin Hao really couldn't move...

"Hey, this Qin Hao's identity is too mysterious. I have calculated it many times, but each time the result is very vague. The only thing that is certain is that if he insists on killing him, there will be a catastrophe. When the time comes, the Dragon Clan will inevitably die." Annihilation!" Geng Chen said slowly.

In fact, Geng Chen's calculations were very accurate, and his divination skills were indeed very superb, but he guessed one thing wrong, that is, the catastrophe brought about by killing Qin Hao was not because killing Qin Hao was unfavorable. Then he got his revenge.

But as long as Geng Chen insists on chasing and killing Qin Hao, then Hong will definitely use up his last chance to protect Qin Hao, and if Geng Chen continues to kill, Hong can only send Qin Hao back to his time and space.

And in this way, the timeline created by Hong will become meaningless because of Qin Hao's departure, so it will collapse, just like the timeline during Qin Hao's trial before.

Once this time axis collapses, all creatures in this time and space will perish, naturally including the dragon race.

So Gengchen's inferred ending is correct, but the reason is wrong.

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