You must know that although the Yandi tribe is still the first tribe of mankind, Yandi has already felt the threat from the Chiyou tribe and the emperor's tribe. Now that human beings do not suffer from foreign enemies, internal troubles have become the chief worries of these leaders.

So for Emperor Yan, to tie Qin Hao firmly to the chariot of Emperor Yan's tribe, invisibly, it is equivalent to buying an insurance for Emperor Yan's tribe, and it is also a very guaranteed insurance!

You must know that no matter how much competition between humans, there is no possibility of a war between humans and the sea race that puts humans in danger of extinction, and even a war of that level, under Qin Hao's intervention, humans turned their backs For victory! So the importance of Qin Hao can be imagined!

In Emperor Yan's view, if Qin Hao can be tied to his tribe's chariot, then the Yandi tribe will be safe, so he frowned and considered for a long time before saying to Qin Hao: "Brother, you It's been two hundred years since the tribe's division of power has changed. I can't give you a high status for a while. Otherwise, you will be responsible for monitoring everything in the tribe. If it's the leader of the tribe If a person at this level makes a mistake, you tell me, if a person below this level makes a mistake, you deal with it directly.”

"Boss, isn't this appropriate?" Qin Hao frowned. He didn't think that the official position given by Emperor Yan was too small, but that the official position given by Emperor Yan was not only big, but also had real power!

This time Emperor Yan really spent a lot of money to win over Qin Hao, and because the division of rights for the entire tribe has been completed, one radish and one hole, it is impossible for him to pull others out of the hole and put Qin Hao in.

So Emperor Yan directly thought of this point. The official position he gave to Qin Hao didn't have a specific level, but it was very powerful. To sum it up, he was a senior official. Except for Emperor Yan, the rest of the tribe were all in Qin Hao. Under the supervision!

For everyone from the leaders of the tribes down, Qin Hao has the right to kill first and play later, and even for the leaders of these tribes, if Qin Hao finds out their problems, he can report directly to Emperor Yan.

According to Qin Hao's understanding, he is equivalent to directly contracting out all the work of Jinyiwei outside the East and West factories, and directly holds the power of life and death in his hands, so he is simply the number two emperor.

In fact, Emperor Yan hesitated for a while before making this decision. After all, Qin Hao has given such great power to Qin Hao. If he is good at management, he will be able to overtake Emperor Yan himself in a short time. At this time, Emperor Yan is planning to pass the seat to himself. His son, if Qin Hao has the heart, then as long as he manages it a little, basically the power of the Yandi tribe will be nothing to Yanju.

However, after much consideration, Emperor Yan finally chose to trust Qin Hao. After all, Qin Hao's identity is not ordinary, he is the reincarnation of a god! That's God! Can people value the status of the leader of a mere human tribe?

It is also based on this idea that

In the end, Emperor Yan gritted his teeth and handed over such a heavy power to Qin Hao.

And in Emperor Yan's view, only if he gives Qin Hao enough rights, he will really regard the Yandi tribe as his own. If there is any crisis, Qin Hao will definitely step forward.

And even if Qin Hao can't handle things by himself, he can still invite Phoenix and Qilin. If these two big bosses are in charge, let alone human tribal disputes, even if the Sea Clan makes a comeback, the Yandi tribe will not be able to do it at all. fear.

More importantly, in the past two hundred years, with the continuous development and growth of human beings, they have gradually eroded the interests of birds and beasts.

Although humans also hunted ferocious beasts before, but at that time, human beings were small in scale and weak in strength. The ferocious beasts they killed might not kill as many people as ferocious beasts, and those ferocious beasts were relatively low-level.

But with the growth of human beings, now they often kill some relatively powerful beasts to obtain their crystal nuclei. At this time, the meat of beasts is no longer the most important thing for humans.

And as a result, the relationship between humans and beasts and birds began to become tense. In Emperor Yan's view, if Qin Hao became the number two figure in the tribe, then once the beasts or birds became impatient, they would look at Qin Hao. In terms of face, he will not kill him directly, and there will be a buffer at that time, and Qin Hao can also mediate from it.

It was also based on Qin Hao's great effect and benefit to the entire tribe that Emperor Yan finally gritted his teeth and gave up such a huge right at the risk of risk.

"Since you trust me so much, Boss, I'll take over this errand!" After several pushbacks, Qin Hao finally agreed under Emperor Yan's strong request.

"Haha! Brother, with your help, our tribe will definitely be stronger!" Emperor Yan patted Qin Hao on the shoulder and laughed.

"That's for sure!" Qin Hao also laughed.

"Brother, our tribe has moved. You live with me for the next two days, and I will start arranging a place for you." Emperor Yan then said to Qin Hao, the current Yandi tribe is not full of open spaces like before, and you can move at any time A new house has been built for Qin Hao. Today's Yandi tribe is fully built, and every house is occupied by people, so if you want to arrange a house for Qin Hao that suits his status, you have to coordinate carefully. .

"Then thank you boss!" Qin Hao did not reject Emperor Yan's kindness. After all, he planned to stay in the tribe for a long time this time, so it would be more convenient to have his own residence.


Then Qin Hao settled down in Emperor Yan's residence. At this time, Emperor Yan's residence had already taken the shape of a simple palace, so there were still many vacant rooms. It was not difficult to arrange a residence for Qin Hao.

Early the next morning, the leaders of the tribe started a regular meeting in the living room of Emperor Yan's residence.

"Tata Tatata..." After everyone arrived, Qin Hao and Emperor Yan walked into the living room together. Emperor Yan sat on his throne in the middle, and Qin Hao didn't sit on the bottom like everyone else, but It was just a little lower next to Yandi's throne, and a chair was arranged for him alone. You must know that this is the treatment that even Yanju and Jiang and other first-level tribal leaders did not have!

"Who is this person!?"

"do not know……"

"Is he back?"

"It seems... I heard about it yesterday..."


The people below were talking a lot. Some of the small tribe leaders who had newly joined the Yandi Tribe had never seen Qin Hao, and some new generation tribal high-level officials did not know Qin Hao’s existence, but many old people who had been in the Yandi Tribe two hundred years ago did see Qin Hao. Looking at Qin Hao's face, he gradually remembered this person!

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