"Ka Ka Ka..." Three thunderbolts struck down, and the Titan's shield shattered in response!

Qin Hao was shocked enough by Phoenix's attack just now, but he didn't expect Qilin's thunder to be even more terrifying. He even destroyed the most powerful shield system of Titan with one move.

"Swish, swish..." At the same time, the Titan battleship also felt the fierce firepower of the opponent. Although its main gun is still charging, this does not prevent it from counterattacking with its secondary guns and close-in defense guns. .

Although Titan's secondary guns and near-defense guns are also very powerful, and the size of Qilin and Phoenix has become much larger, but Titan's attack still gives people the feeling of an anti-aircraft gun hitting a mosquito!

After all, since the Titan was designed, its mission was not to deal with single creatures, and even the air defense mission against fighter planes was not its strong point. Titan is best at dealing with those large warships, such as capital ships, so its powerful Mainly reflected in the main gun above.

Although the Phoenix and Qilin are several hundred meters high at this time, they are extremely flexible. The Titan's secondary artillery can't reach their sides at all, and the power of the close-in artillery is too weak to penetrate the Phoenix and Qilin at all. Kirin's shield.

And the most terrible thing is that the Yageta people are also loyal fans of energy weapons. Their Titans are not equipped with automatic artillery systems that fire solid projectiles. Almost nothing.

"Chirp!" Fengming sounded again, and after losing the protection of the shield, the flames of the phoenix directly burned on the metal shell of the Titan, and this metal has almost no defense ability under the absolute high temperature of the flames of the phoenix. It melted instantly!

"Roar!" Qilin's follow-up attack followed closely, and thunderbolts landed on the Titan battleship. Each thunderbolt could tear the armor of the Titan battleship, and the bow of the Titan was hit in an instant. Got bruised all over.

In less than three minutes, Titan's emergency maintenance system was activated by Qilin and Phoenix, which is enough to see how powerful these two people's attacks are.

Although the size of the Titan battleship is very large, Phoenix and Qilin cannot attack this battleship in all directions, but these two people did not want to give this battleship a rain and dew, so they pressed the Titan's bridge. The part was beaten to death, so a huge gap was made in this part very quickly.

Immediately following the flames of the phoenix, it swept into the interior of the Titan battleship. As a qualified battleship, the interior of the Titan is also a modular design, with multiple isolation systems, but it is used to isolate the external vacuum of the damaged battleship, and General fire.

But can the flames of the Phoenix be the same? This absolute high temperature can even melt the shell of a battleship in an instant.

Can those isolation doors be blocked?

So when the flames of the phoenix swept into the interior of the battleship, it quickly penetrated a large number of cabins, and then spread wildly inside the battleship!

"Quick! Activate the fire extinguishing system!" The commander of the battleship shouted loudly.

"The emergency fire system has been activated, but it has no effect..." The soldiers below looked very ugly, because they tried many ways to extinguish the fire, but none of them had any effect on the flames of the Phoenix.

"Damn it! Is the emergency damage control system activated?" the commander asked.

"It has been activated, and the damaged cabin is being stripped!" The engineer replied, this is the ultimate self-protection method of the Titan battleship. To reduce the loss of battleships.

But before the emergency damage control system was activated, a more serious situation happened!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The flames of the phoenix burned to the arsenal, instantly detonating all the energy ammunition stored in it!

In the violent explosion, the wife of the Yageta people disintegrated in mid-air. Everything happened so fast that the Yageta people had no time to react.

This huge Titan exploded into countless small parts in mid-air, and they all fell towards the surface one after another...

"Oops..." Qin Hao thought to himself.

Just when Phoenix and Qilin teamed up to attack the Yageta Titan, Qin Hao had already killed the fish-headed man. Qin Hao's idea was very simple. He didn't want to let things in outer space leak out, while Phoenix and Qilin Lack of interest in everything outside. Although they know the truth, they should not spread it to the outside world, so after killing the fish head man, this secret will be kept.

But it’s different now. The Titan of the Yagetas was martyred. It exploded into countless pieces of wreckage, and then fell to the ground. There may be living Yagetas among these wreckages. After all, this race also With a certain cultivation ability and the protection of technology, they have a high chance of surviving this kind of crash.

And with so many Yagota people scattered on the earth in this period, it is impossible for Qin Hao to manage them. Once they get in touch with the first generation of earth powerhouses, dialogue will easily happen. When the time comes, outer space The secret is no longer a secret.

Unlike phoenix and unicorn, other earth powers may not be so indifferent to fame and fortune. Once they know about the outer space, those ambitious powerhouses will inevitably find a way to leave, and among these powerhouses are humans. The ambition is the most prominent!

So once Emperor Yan and the others know everything about outer space, it is only natural that the first generation of earth powerhouses walk out of the earth and eventually become destroyers.

"Could it be that the course of history cannot be changed?" Qin Hao thought to himself.

"Why do you want to change it? This place has nothing to do with the time and space you are in. Even if you change this place, your time and space will remain the same, but if you change this place, you will not be able to know that the Destroyer How did it appear!" Hong's voice suddenly sounded in Qin Hao's heart.

"That's right!" Qin Hao suddenly realized that he was indeed a bit of a dead end just now. The purpose of his coming to this time and space was to find out everything about the Destroyer. If he changed the history of this time and space, then he would not know everything about the Destroyer. When he returns to his own time and space, he won't be able to effectively deal with the Destroyers!

After figuring this out, Qin Hao decided to let nature take its course, and he no longer intends to interfere in all this.

"Shua Shua!" Two beams of light landed in front of Qin Hao, and the phoenix and qilin returned to their human bodies.

"It's so fun! It's been a long time since I played so happily!" Qilin said with a big laugh.

"Hehe, this strange thing is quite interesting!" Phoenix also had a smile on his face, and Qin Hao could tell that after the two of them wiped out the Titan, they still had energy left. Obviously, the attack just now was not Not their limit.


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