A large number of Yagota warships and fighter planes entered the earth, and were then destroyed by the masters on the earth. This caused huge losses to the Yagota people, and at the same time, the masters on the earth captured many Yagota people as prisoners.

Unlike the fish-headed people before, when encountering fish-headed people, the powerful people on the earth may shoot first and then ask questions. When it comes to living beings that are exhausted by themselves, people's first thought is to try to communicate.

After the captives of Yagota found that they could not understand the language, they would definitely try to use spiritual power to communicate. This is the practice of cosmic civilization, and once they receive the spiritual power message, it will be a matter of minutes for these masters on the earth to master it. Therefore, there will naturally be no obstacles to the communication between the two sides.

So when Qin Hao leaves customs and returns to the Yandi Tribe, basically the matter in outer space is no longer a secret. But understand clearly.

But at this time, the attitudes of different races seem to be a little different. First of all, the Sea Race, they are not very interested in things in outer space. Time is calculated in months or even years, which makes it impossible for them to adapt.

The second is birds and beasts. The highest level of these animal cultivators, that is, unicorns and phoenixes, have no interest in getting out of the earth. Although the leaders below them also have some curious existences, most of them are still Like Qilin and Phoenix, they are not willing to leave the earth.

But the human side is completely different. They have no physiological restrictions on leaving the earth, and human beings have greater ambitions than other races. More importantly, although human beings have become stronger than before, but at this time Birds and beasts are still in charge on the earth, and human beings are barely equal to them. If they want to suppress birds and beasts, it will take at least several thousand years of operation.

But the leaders of human beings didn't want to wait so long, so when they couldn't expand internally, they wanted to leave the earth and go outside to find opportunities.

Because of the suppression of the earth, it is almost impossible for these first-generation earth masters to fly out of the earth independently, but it is different with spaceships. These spaceships are products of technology, and they are not suppressed by aura. If you want to get rid of the gravity of the earth and rush into the vast space, it is just a little more energy.

For technological civilization, the earth in this period is a huge energy treasure house, which stores a huge amount of energy crystal resources, but compared with other phases, the gravity is only a little bit stronger. , the impact is not great.

At this time, although most of the warships that fell to the earth were damaged,

However, there are still some lifeboats and landing ships on those large battleships that are well preserved. As long as the captives are obedient, human masters can completely leave the earth with them.

And once it enters outer space, the suppressing force of the earth itself will no longer exist!

You must know that Qin Hao back then could already survive in the universe for quite a long time, and he could also use the power of the eye of the universe to teleport in the universe, and these first-generation earth masters were comparable to Qin Hao at that time. Hao is too powerful, so as long as they get rid of the shackles of the earth, they can gallop freely in the starry sky.

After flying for a period of time, Qin Hao finally returned to Yandi Tribe, and Qin Hao just landed here, he saw some wreckage of warships piled up on the small square in the center of Yandi Tribe, including two A mostly intact escape pod.

"It seems that Emperor Yan and the others have also taken prisoners." Qin Hao thought to himself.

"Lord Qin Hao!" At this moment, a warrior from the Emperor Yan tribe came to Qin Hao's side, and he bowed to Qin Hao.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"My lord, Lord Yandi, please go and discuss the matter!" The warrior said to Qin Hao.

"Understood!" Qin Hao nodded. He had nothing to hide when he came back, so it's not surprising that Emperor Yan knew about it.

Soon, Qin Hao arrived at Emperor Yan's residence. At this time, quite a few people had gathered in the hall.

"You're back!" When Emperor Yan saw Qin Hao coming back, he took the initiative to greet Qin Hao. This time Qin Hao had been away for more than half a year, and Emperor Yan was really afraid that he would leave without saying goodbye like last time.

"Hehe, I was going to investigate the situation, but I met Big Brother Qilin and Sister Phoenix, and then I was dragged away by them. No, they just let me back..." Qin Hao explained with a smile. It was all pushed to Fenghuang and Qilin, anyway, Emperor Yan couldn't go to verify with these two big brothers.

"That's it...that's something that can't be helped, and it's not a bad thing to spend more time with them." Emperor Yan smiled. Originally, he blamed Qin Hao a little bit, but if Qin Hao went to win over Qilin and Phoenix , then it's perfectly fine.

Anyway, the matter about the aliens has almost been resolved now, and if Qin Hao can further win over the relationship with Qilin and Phoenix, it will of course be of great benefit to the Yandi tribe.

"By the way, boss, is there something wrong with you calling me over in such a hurry?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yes, yes, come on, sit down and let's chat slowly!" Emperor Yan pulled Qin Hao back into the hall, at this time, with Emperor Yan's hand hanging down, the chair that belonged to Qin Hao was still there, and no one was there to replace it.

After Qin Hao took his seat, Emperor Yan continued to speak: "We have discussed it for a few days before, do you have any ideas?"

"Boss, since Brother Qin Hao is back, let's tell him about the situation first, or else we'll discuss it for a long time, and he won't even know what we're talking about." A tribal leader said.

"That's right!" Emperor Yan nodded, and then said to Pang Meng: "Come on, tell Brother Qin Hao about the situation."

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Pang Meng bowed respectfully to Emperor Yan, and then said to Qin Hao: "Master Qin Hao, I think you have some understanding of the extraterrestrial visitors, and now we have interrogated two extraterrestrial visitors. From there, they learned that there are countless worlds beyond the vast sky, where the territory is vast and the products are abundant..."

Pang Meng described to Qin Hao everything he had learned from the two Yageta captives.

"Brother, what do you think, do you think these two guys are telling the truth, or are they lying?" Emperor Yan looked at Qin Hao.

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