"Then what do you mean?" Emperor Yan looked at Qin Hao, although he didn't show it, but Emperor Yan was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.

After all, this time leaving the earth to venture outside the sky, Emperor Yan was the leader in name, but after he came out, Qin Hao was always in command, which inevitably made Emperor Yan feel resentful.

It's not that Qin Hao didn't feel this point, but he was a bit stubborn at the beginning, because in Qin Hao's view, these masters on Earth don't understand the rules outside at all, and they must know everything when they just come out. What I don't understand is that when they meet these aliens, they will not be guaranteed to suffer.

That's why Qin Hao took the initiative to stand up and wanted to help these earth masters tide over the difficulties, but now, Qin Hao also figured it out. After all, in his timeline, the first generation of earth people who walked out of the earth in ancient times did not have any help. But not only were they not wiped out by those alien civilizations, but they also became destroyers that frightened all civilizations!

So from this point of view, after the first generation of earth masters came out of the earth, they may have suffered losses or suffered some losses, but this loss is definitely not fatal. Not only did they make a comeback, but they also developed very fast. So much so that even the three powerful civilizations failed to stop their iron hooves, and finally fell into the long river of history.

After figuring this out, Qin Hao swallowed back what he was going to say, and then said to Emperor Yan and the others with a smile: "I originally wanted to help the relatively powerful Yagota people to kill the Navians." Yes, after all, it will be much easier to do that, but you just said that, boss, and you feel that my idea is a bit wrong. After all, the Yagota people are stronger. If I follow my idea and help them get rid of Navi Yaren, then the Yagota people who have suffered little loss are unlikely to kill the donkey. We may have to face the end of the rabbit dead dog, so instead of waiting for the Yagota people to turn their faces, it is better to follow what you said, boss Then, we will help the Navians fight the Yagotas!"

"Hehe..." Emperor Yan was very satisfied when he saw that Qin Hao had turned to support his idea.

"Hey! It seems that I'm still too young, and I'm not as far-sighted as you, Boss." Qin Hao quietly kissed him again.

"Hahaha, you're still young! When I was your age, I didn't know anything! You can think of so much now, it's not easy!" Emperor Yan laughed loudly. It can be said that the flattery was quite in place, which made Emperor Yan show his face in front of all the masters, especially in front of the masters of other ethnic groups, which made him very happy.


In the following time, Qin Hao and the others continued to discuss, but inadvertently, Qin Hao had already quietly let go of the authority in his hands. He basically supported Emperor Yan throughout the whole process, and Emperor Yan did indeed show his satisfaction. look.

Emperor Yan, who regained the command of the team, was full of spirits, and he began to formulate the next battle plan.

Although he doesn't know the outside world, or even the combat principles of these warships, Emperor Yan has lived for so many years, and he has also carried forward the tribe. His ability is beyond doubt. After so many days of observation, Emperor Yan has already understood He has a certain understanding of the battle of technological civilization, and even has some experience in fighting warships.

So when deploying battles, although Emperor Yan's ideas may not be comprehensive, there are no major flaws. At least when facing those known warships, Emperor Yan's battle plan is quite mature.

Time passed and another month or so passed. Although the Navian Stars' fleet was still in their territory, it was already occupied by the Yagotas.

It's just because the Yagotas only deployed a second-rate fleet in this direction, so despite their powerful fleet, they can't cover the entire occupied area, and the Navians are familiar with the geographical environment here, so Their rather large fleet actually slipped under the nose of the Yagota fleet.

After another seven days, the Navian fleet had left their own territory and entered an original neutral zone. Of course, this place had also been annexed by the Yagotas at this time.

"Captain! A small Yageta fleet is found ahead." At this time, the communications officer suddenly reported to Donaville that the reconnaissance plane they sent had detected a small Yageta fleet.

"Report the specific coordinates of the enemy, and calculate the time of our encounter and the possibility of evasion!" Donaville ordered calmly. He is also a senior captain, so it is not beyond his ability to deal with these things.

"Enemy coordinates XXXX, XXXXX, XXXX! If we don't correct the route, we will encounter it in two hours and thirty-one minutes. According to the star map we have so far, there is only one narrow channel available. If we take a detour, we will arrive." The time is estimated to increase by fifty-five hours!" The science and technology officer quickly reported the answer to Donneville.

"It seems that the infiltration plan has failed, we can only attack!" Donaville took a deep breath and said, he didn't care about fifty-five hours, but the route was too narrow, if it was just his spaceship Yes, he can indeed take a detour, but the problem is that his spaceship is still followed by a huge fleet of Navian stars. It is almost impossible for such a large fleet to pass through the route to the end.

"Captain, do we need to request support from the rear fleet?" the communications officer asked. After all, their cruiser alone could not break through the blockade of the enemy fleet.

"No need!" Donaville waved his hand. The biggest combat power of his spaceship at this time is the powerhouses of unknown civilizations living in the cabin, and the combat power of the spaceship itself can be ignored against their backdrop.

"Then what shall we do?" asked the navigator.

"Drive over and say hello to the other party!" Donaville said with a sneer. At the beginning, he saw how Qin Hao and the others destroyed the battleship. The Vivians form a technological crush, so they can't stop these terrifying and powerful alien creatures.

"Yes! Captain!" After receiving Donaville's order, the navigator of the spaceship began to correct the course, and then the spaceship flew directly towards the fleet of the Yagota civilization.

"Captain! The enemy has appeared on our radar!" After more than an hour, the radar soldier reported.

"Well! Keep going!" Donaville nodded. He knew that since his radar could scan the opponent, it is estimated that the signal of his spaceship also appeared on the enemy's radar at this time.

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