"Boom boom boom boom..." The firepower of the Yagota fleet increased again, and bright light beams bombarded the shields of Navia warships, and several Navia warships were defeated in an instant. They were then sunk by subsequent artillery fire.

"Swish, swish..." Beams of beams shot straight at the Navian warships. The huge gunfire pressure forced these Navian warships to supply most of their energy to the shield system, which caused them to almost There was nothing left to fight back.

In the face of the violent bombardment of the Argota fleet, the outer spaceships of the Navia fleet almost endured silently. The officers and soldiers on these spaceships knew very well that it was impossible for them to go back alive. Now they just want to use Use your own flesh and blood to give the comrades in the inner circle a chance to live.

"Brother, help me take care of my family."

"Fourth! Tell Xiaohua, I may have to break my promise, I can't marry her..."

"Xiaoyu, remember to help me visit my old lady when you are free..."

Although the battleships under fire on the periphery are almost unable to fight back, their communication systems are the busiest at this time. These crew members and officers and soldiers are saying goodbye to friends on friendly warships through communication channels Entrusted with the aftermath.

The tragic atmosphere began to spread among these battleships, but no one took a step back. They still guarded the periphery firmly, using their own battleships to meet the enemy's attack!

Seeing that the phase engines of the battleships in the inner circle had been fully charged, they could immediately blast out of the phase space and escape from the battlefield through phase jumps, but at this moment, a huge shadow enveloped these battleships!

A giant warship appeared above the head of the Navian fleet. Obviously, this giant warship came to the vicinity of the Navian fleet in stealth, and its stealth performance was excellent. Such a huge Titan warship, unexpectedly It quietly appeared above the Navian fleet!

"Buzz!" At this moment, the phase engines of the Naviathan warships in the inner circle had already lit up, and they were about to successfully penetrate the phase space, but at this moment, the gravity field in the surrounding space suddenly distorted, and in an instant, all The phase engines of the Navian warships all failed due to interference!

Although this failure is only for a moment, the problem is that after the phase engine fails, it needs to be recharged. At this time, will these Navian warships still have a chance to complete the recharge under the eyes of the Yagota Titans?

The answer is obviously no!

"We can't go! For the honor of the empire! All warships give up evacuation,

All the energy is supplied to the weapon system, lock the enemy warship, and fire freely! "Sandro clenched his fists hard. When the phase engine failed to jump due to interference, he already understood the fate of his fleet. The only thing they can do now is to drag them to the battleship of the Yagotas to be buried with them. up!

Sandro's immediate decision caused the fleet to change formation immediately, and then the Navians, who had been suppressed for a long time, began to counterattack with all their strength. The Navian warships that had been hiding in the inner circle also rushed to the front line at this time.

At this time, the Navians are no longer in the mentality of breaking the boat, they are basically the mentality of evil spirits, anyway, they are going to hell, so let's bring their opponents together!

"Swish, whoosh..." While the Navia warship was fully fired, they also started the regular engine of the battleship, and in the process of rushing forward, they even activated the phase engine to complete a short-distance phase jump.

For the battleship's phase engine, it is necessary to recharge for medium and long-distance jumps, but if it is a short-distance jump within an astronomical unit, it does not need to be so troublesome, but even if it is only a short-distance jump, it is usually It is necessary to turn off the conventional engine, because completing the transition with the conventional engine activated will cause the spacecraft to undergo an unknown deflection in the phase channel, which will cause the spacecraft to go out of control at a very high speed after it leaves the phase exit point. yaw in an uncertain direction.

This situation is very dangerous for warships, especially fleets, because it can easily cause collisions between warships, or cause one's own warships to collide with enemy spaceships.

But at this time, the Navians have already fought to the death, or they already know that they are dead, so they don't care about it at all. It's nothing at all, because hitting the enemy's warship itself is part of their plan.

"Swish, whoosh..." The firepower of the Navians erupted, even causing the Yagota fleet in the front to go silent for a while, because they did not expect the Navians to be so decisive, and the powerful firepower forced the Yagota fleet in this direction. The Geta battleship can only concentrate the energy of the spaceship to the shield system, and this leads to them continuing to move forward and giving the Navians a chance to hit!

"Boom boom boom boom..." One after another Navian spaceships collided with the Yagota spaceships.

The technology of the Yagota people has indeed surpassed that of the Navians. If warships confront each other in the void, then the Yagota warships of the same tonnage must win. !

You must know that in the vast void, if two behemoths of tens of thousands of tons collide at sub-light speed, it is not something that any shield or metal structure can resist. A collision of this scale will result in inevitable If the two sides ended together, even if the Yageta people's warships were more advanced, it would be useless.

In fact, not to mention the warships of the Yageta people, even the biological armor developed by integrating the biotechnology of the Zerg could not withstand this level of impact.

Because of the desperate attack of the Navians, the Yagota fleet finally began to suffer large-scale casualties, but at the same time, the Titan also started its attack!

"Boom boom boom boom..." In an instant, the Yagota Titan turned into a sea urchin in an instant, and the mouth of its whole body was emitting light beams in all directions, just like the sharp spines of sea urchins. After the sub-warships were hit by the Titan's main guns, they basically broke their shields with one shot. When the second beam hit them, these Navian warships would inevitably turn into fireworks in space.

The Titan showed its awe-inspiring attack power. This is a super battleship second only to the Battle Star. Even in this golden age, it can also exist with one enemy a hundred!

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