After a long time, Qin Hao finally completed the leap, and after a gleam of light, he appeared near a planet.

"It seems that expired information is sometimes useful." Qin Hao smiled slightly. Beside him was a blue planet, surrounded by a large number of man-made buildings, and the huge airport was even more busy. A spaceship docked here, and then left the port one after another.

"It's easy to have a boat!" Qin Hao nodded, and then teleported directly to the surface of the planet.

On the way here, Qin Hao thought about some things. It is not difficult for him to grab a ship, because Qin Hao himself can pilot the spaceship of the Yagota Civilization, and he only needs to forcibly read the pilot's memory That's fine, after all, he is no stranger to the technology of the Yagota civilization.

But what happened after he robbed the spaceship? If you want to leave the port, you need the approval of the airport. If you leave the port rashly without completing the procedures, you will be hunted down by the fleet of Yage Tower. The tower fleet found it, and then faced with the boarding inspection request of the Yagota military, they could only choose to take the initiative to launch an attack.

Once attacked, the result would probably be the same as before. Even if Qin Hao and the others were able to destroy some Yagota warships, their vehicles would still be destroyed.

Therefore, in order to pick up Emperor Yan and others smoothly, Qin Hao not only needed a boat, he also needed legal procedures.

In this case, Ming Qiang obviously cannot satisfy Qin Hao's purpose, so he needs to rent a spaceship legally, and then it happens to pass by Emperor Yan and others. The spaceship doesn't even need to stop, as long as it receives a message from Qin Hao , Emperor Yan and the others will definitely teleport to the designated cabin of this spaceship.

At that time, even the owner of this spaceship will not find that his spaceship has more passengers. After all, ordinary civilian spaceships do not have dead-end monitoring like military ships. It is really too much to find a place to hide people. easy.

"Shua!" Qin Hao teleported to the ground of this planet. He appeared on the top of a hill, and at the foot of the hill was a large-scale city.

Rubbing his face vigorously, Qin Hao's face and skin color have changed. The Yageta people are actually quite similar to the people on Earth. They don't want the Navians to have weird looks, although the details of the pupil color and ears are the same as those of the Earth people. Humans are somewhat different, but these fine-tunings are a piece of cake for Qin Hao, who has Zerg genes.

Although Qin Hao has always used amoebas to disguise himself, this does not mean that he does not have this ability. He can even change his own genes, and correcting his appearance is only a little troublesome for him.

After completing the disguise,

Qin Hao came to the edge of the city through teleportation, and then he no longer used his ability, but walked into the city.

"Shua!" Qin Hao walked for about half an hour, and a hover car stopped beside him.

"Take you for a ride?" The window rolled down, and there was a red-haired girl in the car.

"Thank you!" Qin Hao was not polite. Without using his personal ability, it would take him at least an hour or two to walk slowly to the city center, but if he had a car, ten minutes would be enough!

After pulling the door, Qin Hao sat in the co-pilot's seat. In fact, he didn't have a choice, after all, this sports car only has two seats.

"Where are you going?" the girl asked while looking at Qin Hao.

"Go to the airport." Qin Hao said, the airport is in the center of the city, where there is a tower that can send people into space.

"To the airport? Are you planning to leave Donas?" the girl asked curiously. Donas is the name of the administrative star.

"Well, I want to go out for a walk." Qin Hao responded casually.

"Where are you going?" The girl started the car, but she seemed chatty.

"I don't know, just go out for a walk." Qin Hao said.

"Then you might as well go with you." The girl said.

"You? Together?" Qin Hao froze for a moment.

"Well, I'm going on a school leave. I arranged a boat for me. Apart from the crew members, there are a few classmates with me." The girl explained with a smile.

"Why did you invite me? You don't even know who I am..." Qin Hao asked curiously.

"I've taken a fancy to you, after all, you're pretty handsome." The girl said naturally.

"Uh..." Qin Hao didn't know how to answer the girl's direct answer.

Although Qin Hao is not ugly, from the aesthetic point of view of the earth, he is just an ordinary person. Although he has another charming temperament due to his high position for a long time, he is definitely not that top-notch handsome guy.

But after adding some characteristics of the Yageta people, Qin Hao seems to have reached the level of a top handsome guy in the eyes of the Yageta people. Otherwise, the red-haired girl would not be so straightforward, not only stopping to pick him up, He was even invited to go on an interstellar trip with him.

"What? You don't want to?" The girl glanced at Qin Hao.

"Where are you going?" Qin Hao asked.

"I don't know, just take a look in the nearby star fields..." The girl said casually, and it could be heard from her tone that she was a typical rich girl, because she was born with material freedom. degree, so she lives more casually.

"I want to see far away, and even go to the frontier quietly." Qin Hao tentatively said, if he just wandered around the nearby star field, then he would not be able to meet Emperor Yan and others.

To be honest, Qin Hao was really tempted by the girl's proposal. Of course, he was only tempted by the girl's ship, not the girl herself!

Although Qin Hao's original plan was to go to the airport to hire a spaceship, but he has neither the identity of the Yagota nor the currency here, so if he wants to hire a spaceship, he still needs to get the currency here and forge his identity.

And all of these will take time, but if he can touch the girl's spaceship, Qin Hao can save a lot of trouble.

"Okay, I don't care. If you agree to be my boyfriend, then I don't care if I give you the boat." The girl said casually.

"You are really big enough..." Qin Hao glanced at the corner of his mouth, and he was still shocked by the girl's tyrant attitude.

"How is it? Do you agree?" the girl asked.

"Let's talk..." Qin Hao didn't agree, nor did he refuse. He didn't agree because he wasn't interested in the red-haired girl at all, and he didn't refuse because he was afraid that the girl wouldn't let him board the boat after he refused.

"Yo! You're quite shy, my sister likes you like this!" The girl was talking, and even wanted to reach out to hook Qin Hao's chin, but Qin Hao opened it.

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