"I have already contacted. When we are close to the restricted area, someone will board the ship for inspection. Then we can take the opportunity to talk to the other party. At that time, the other party will expel us. After their ship leaves, we can directly Entering the restricted area, their radar will temporarily malfunction at that time, giving us time to sneak in." The middle-aged man said.

As professional organ traffickers, they have colluded with many local fleets. Although the first-line fleet is carrying out the blockade mission this time, favors always exist. Even if the middle-aged man has no acquaintances in the front-line army, But the officers of the second-line army who colluded with him had many classmates or friends in the first-line army. At most, they could still be contacted through a few more relationships.

There is a saying on Earth that money can turn ghosts, and the same is true in the Yagota civilization. As a senior organ trafficker, this middle-aged man knows how to deal with these greedy officers.

"Okay, since you've made the arrangements, just do as you said, as long as you can reach my destination on time, then everything else is easy!" Qin Hao nodded, and then he warned the middle-aged man: "However, let me say one thing first. If you make any small moves, you can blame me for being rude!"

"My lord, don't worry, I won't disagree." The middle-aged man said hastily.

"Well! Go get busy!" Qin Hao nodded, his consciousness has been firmly locked on the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man did not have abnormal mental fluctuations just now, which means that he is either telling the truth, or He has received very professional and cruel training, so that he can even deceive himself when he tells a lie. In that case, let alone Qin Hao, it is impossible for a god to find out that he is lying.

However, the person who can do this will not be more than one slap in the whole universe. Qin Hao doesn't believe that an organ trafficker can do this!

Two days later, Qin Hao's spaceship finally arrived near the restricted area.

"Boss, our ship is locked!"

"Boss! We have received a clear text message, it is the Imperial Fleet, they asked us to stop the ship immediately for inspection!"

"Boss, we have been locked by the fire control radar!"

The voices of the younger brothers' reports came one after another. Just as the middle-aged man had expected, the fleet of the Yage Tower Empire had already locked the smuggling ship.

"Turn off the engine and shield, and inform the other party that we are under inspection!" The middle-aged man nodded, and then handed Qin Hao a small card.

"My lord, this is your identity card, now you are called Aluka, from the upper planet.

"The middle-aged man told him the basic information of Qin Hao's false identity. In the past few days, Qin Hao's false identity has been completed. After certain operations, although Qin Hao's identity is fake , but his information can already be found in the database of the Yageta people!

So in a sense, although the production process of this identity card is illegal, Qin Hao is already a legal citizen of the Tower of Yage Tower at this time.

"Well, I see!" Qin Hao took the ID card.

Then the spacecraft slowly came to a standstill, and then turned off the shield system and power system.

Under normal circumstances, the first reaction of smuggling ships or other illegal ships that are discovered by customs and guard inspection ships and asked to stop for inspection is to flee, but if the emperor ship involved in the interception, then it is considered the most rampant smuggling The criminal leader will definitely stop the ship for inspection.

Because even if he has illegal items on board, even if he has committed a heinous crime, when the military personnel board the ship for inspection, he can still bribe the other party to give himself a chance of survival, but if he refuses to stop the ship, the warship participating in the interception will definitely open fire Unambiguously, it is absolutely impossible for any smuggling ship to escape in front of the military's warship.

Not long after the smuggling ship stopped, a small patrol boat slowly left the fleet and headed towards their spaceship.

"Chi... Ka..." With a burst of soft noises, the patrol boat and the smuggling ship were docked, and then a group of imperial soldiers walked into the smuggling ship with loaded guns.

At this time, the dead younger brothers under the middle-aged man had already been dealt with. There were some technical personnel on the spaceship. Facing the Teijin who boarded the ship for inspection, they were all a little scared, and they all hid in the corner tremblingly. .

After these emperors boarded the ship, they immediately searched the not-so-large spaceship. They searched for things everywhere, and found a lot of cash easily.

"All these illegal materials will be confiscated!" The leading officer waved his hand, and he took the money without changing his face.

"Yes yes yes! It should be!" The middle-aged man smiled all over his face. The money itself was what he was prepared to bribe these emperors.

"That's all? Are you sending the beggar?" In a corner of the bridge, the officer lowered his voice and said to the middle-aged man.

"Uh... my lord, we don't have much cash..." The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed. Everyone in their line of business has a future, so no one saves money at all. They just spend as much as they earn. It just so happened that he was going to make another ticket this time, so there really wasn't much cash on the spaceship.

"This should be enough!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and a grape-sized transparent crystal popped out from between his fingers. This is just an ordinary male spirit crystal on the earth.

"Super energy crystal!?" The officer's eyeballs went straight after catching it. You can even buy a small spaceship if you know the value of this thing!

The reason why the earth can become such a special planet, and why it can breed superpowers like Emperor Yan and the others, let alone the existence of Qilin and Phoenix, is because of the abundant energy spar deposits on the earth!

You must know that there are energy spar mines on other planets in the universe, but those spar mines are not only low in quality, but also very low in output, so the development of major civilizations has been greatly restricted.

As for the spirit crystal that Qin Hao threw over just now, although it is small in size, its purity is extremely high, and it contains a lot of energy. Because of the size of this thing, although it is obviously not enough to be used as the core of a battleship, But because of its purity, it can be used to produce top-notch main guns of warships, so its value is invaluable in civilizations outside the earth!

"Is it enough?" Qin Hao rolled his eyelids and asked.

"This..." The middle-aged man was shocked, and he quickly winked at Qin Hao, but it was obvious that his reminder was too late!

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