After a few days of boring interstellar journey, Qin Hao and the smuggling spaceship finally arrived at the place where Emperor Yan and others were trapped.

But as soon as Qin Hao's spaceship approached here, the alarm on the radar screamed crazily!

"Beep beep beep..." Amidst the piercing sirens, Qin Hao's radar discovered a large number of Yagota battleships not far ahead!

"Oops!" The middle-aged man's face was ashen. His spaceship had already spotted those Yagota warships, and the opponent's warship radar might have already locked him.

Just when the middle-aged man was hesitating whether to send a message of surrender, Qin Hao frowned.

Logically speaking, if these Yage Tower battleships appeared in front of Emperor Yan and others, they would definitely be sunk. Judging from the size of the fleet in front of him, Qin Hao did not believe that they could threaten Emperor Yan and other earth masters.

"Did something happen?" Qin Hao frowned.

A moment later, Qin Hao and his smuggling ship suddenly received a clear message!

"Boss, there is a communication over here." The smuggler in charge of the communication equipment shouted.

"My lord...we..." The middle-aged man looked at Qin Hao.

"Take it here." Qin Hao also wanted to see what these Yageta people wanted to do.

"En!" The middle-aged man nodded to his younger brother after getting Qin Hao's approval.

"Shua!" A moment later, a communication came in.

"I'm Verop, Admiral of the Yageta Empire!" A middle-aged Yageta general stepped forward and said.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded to the leader of the smugglers, and the middle-aged man approached tremblingly and said, "Hi, respected General Verop, my name is Alkya."

The middle-aged man didn't have the nerve to introduce himself in too much detail. After all, he was just a smuggler, and he was also an organ smuggler. What's more, he obtained organ tissues by killing people, so this identity was really shameful.

"Alkya, I need to speak to your boss." Admiral Verop didn't even look at Alkya.

"Uh..." Alkiah also knew that his status was far from that of others,

He was not qualified to talk to others at all, so he had to look at Qin Hao.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao smiled, then took two steps forward and asked, "Do you want to see me?"

"You must be Mr. Qin Hao, right?" General Willop said politely.

"It seems that you guys had a good conversation..." Qin Hao nodded, and from the fact that Verop could call out his name, Qin Hao knew that Emperor Yan and the others should have reconciled with these Yageta people.

"Hehe, indeed, we had a friendly conversation. Now your companions are resting with me. If it's convenient for you, you can come over and talk to them in detail." Admiral Verop said.

"Alright, turn off your shield system, I'll come directly." Qin Hao said.

"No problem!" Verop nodded, and then Qin Hao found that the shield of a light cruiser among the Yagota battleships in the distance disappeared.

"Shua!" With a flash of white light, Qin Hao disappeared, and the only ones left on the smuggling boat were the bewildered Alkiah and the others.

"Boss... what should we do..." a younger brother asked.

"Uh... I don't know..." Alkiah, who had a very strong idea, didn't know what to do at this time, did he intend to escape? He was also afraid of being attacked by the battleships of the Yage Tower Empire. After all, he was just an ordinary smuggling ship. Facing the main gun of the battleship, even if he was not killed by a single shot, he still couldn't hold it back a few times.

But if they continued to stay here, it would feel like a rat chatting with a cat. Including Alkiah, the hairs of these smugglers kept standing.

"Let's see the situation first..." After hesitating again and again, Alkiah still didn't dare to run away. After all, they are very close to those warships now. range.


At this time, Qin Hao didn't care about how panicked Alkiah and his younger brothers were. He had already teleported directly to the situation cruiser of the Yagotas. This spaceship looked like a command cruiser at first glance. Its firepower and protection are average, but it has a large number of computers loaded inside, with extraordinary computing power.

Through these computing power, this spaceship can effectively summarize all the intelligence of the fleet, and then calculate the best action plan. At the same time, through the data link system, it can help other spaceships lock the target, correct the trajectory of the weapon, and then improve the fleet's overall performance.

Relying on his understanding of Yagota technology, Qin Hao quickly found the way to the bridge. He walked straight to the bridge all the way, and the cabins he passed were very empty. It can be seen that this is the The commander of the spaceship ordered all the officers and soldiers to avoid in advance.

A few minutes later, Qin Hao arrived at the bridge smoothly, where he also saw with his own eyes the Admiral Verop who appeared in the communication before.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Qin Hao." When Qin Hao entered the bridge, Verop actually got down from his commander's seat, and came to Qin Hao in a few steps, which shows that he How important and respected Qin Hao is!

"I am also very glad to meet you, General Verop." Qin Hao nodded slightly, and then he asked Verop, "Where are my companions?"

"They are resting. I just sent someone to contact their leader. I believe he will show up soon." Verop explained with a smile.

"Chi... Ka..." Sure enough, before Verop's voice fell, the gate of the bridge opened, and Emperor Yan strode in.

"Hehe, brother Qin Hao, you're really good. I didn't expect you to actually get a boat and drive it over." Emperor Yan exclaimed in surprise after seeing Qin Hao. He had already seen it through the porthole before. Qin Hao's not-so-advanced smuggling cargo ship.

"Boss, why are you with them?" Qin Hao asked straight to the point.

"You have been away for several days. Although we can hold on for the time being, the emptiness environment is really uncomfortable. At this time, they just sent olive branches, so we formed an alliance with these people, and they also sent We were connected to the battleship, allowing us to live a comfortable life for a few days." Emperor Yan explained with a smile.

It turned out that in the first few days when Qin Hao left, they were indeed suffering in the void, but soon, this Yageta spaceship appeared in front of them, and promised many benefits to treat Yandi and others. Surrender.

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