"Order all ships to prepare for the breakout and wait for my order!" After all the crew members of the star destroyer and the long-range attack ship had evacuated to the capital ship, Admiral Verop gave the order to prepare for the breakout.

"Yes! General!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order, and soon, all the ships of the Argota Empire fleet began to increase the energy intensity of their shields, ready to bear the blow in the breakout.

Time is passing bit by bit. Seeing that the three-nation fleet that has been assembled in the distance has begun to encircle the Yagota fleet, Admiral Verop still does not rush to issue an order to break through. He is waiting. Waiting for a miracle to appear!

And far away from a few astronomical units, the few remaining earth masters have reached the point of exhaustion at this time. They were forced by the attack of the Gwana Empire fleet to dodge non-stop, and there was no time at all. Formation, let alone the slightest counterattack.

Under the continuous attack of the Gwana Empire fleet, these earth masters were forced into a panic, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

At this time, in the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the Gwana Empire, the people on Earth have become homeless dogs, and the fleet of the Yagota Empire has also become a shackle.

Victory is already in their pockets at this time. Under such circumstances, mental slack is unavoidable. also the same.

His son's vengeance has been avenged, and the country's crisis is about to be resolved. In this situation, his spirit is inevitably a little trance, after all, victory is so close to him at this time.

But at this moment, a destroyer under the command of General Sekele suddenly exploded violently outside the port side of the flagship!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The shock waves generated by the successive explosions made Saikelei's flagship tremble continuously.

"What's going on!? Have you found the source of the attack?" Sai Kelei immediately asked.

"I haven't found it yet!" The adjutant's answer was somewhat disappointing.

"Start the bio-radar immediately, and conduct a coverage scan around the fleet!" Sai Kelei also made a decisive decision, but after he gave the order, before the radar soldiers below started to execute it, frigates and destroyers started There was an explosion near Sekore's flagship!

"Oops!" Sai Kelei frowned, a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"My lord! A large number of life signals have been detected! It's those people from Earth!" Soon,

The adjutant shouted in shock.

"Sure enough, I knew they would not be eliminated so easily!" Sai Kelei frowned, but this did not exceed his expectations.

Although at the beginning, the fleet easily destroyed the vehicles of those earthlings, and did not detect any more signs of life, which made Sekelei think that he really easily wiped out those earthlings, but now Facts have proved that everything is not as simple as it seems.

However, for this result, Sekelei was not unexpected. Even if those earthlings were not wiped out in the first wave of attacks, it was not beyond Sekelei's battle plan.

When designing this ambush, Saikelei had formulated several sets of combat plans and dozens of countermeasures, so even if something unexpected happened, he had a way to deal with it.

"Boom boom boom boom..." As one after another warship was destroyed, Sai Kelei's face sank, but he still remained calm.

"Execute the third pre-selection plan!" Sai Kelei issued an order.

"Yes! General!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order. After receiving the order from Sekelei, the Gwana Imperial Fleet immediately began to adjust its formation. They quickly formed a circular formation, and Sekelei's The flagship is protected in the most central area.

"Hum!" A huge muzzle was opened on the top of Saikelei's warship. Stars are also extremely rare.

With the protruding muzzle of this huge caliber gun, there is no violent energy reaction around it, which is very strange. You must know that even for a battleship-level main gun, its energy accumulation before firing very obvious.

But this main gun with a more exaggerated caliber has no energy response when it is fired, which is really surprising.

And just after the muzzle of the main gun was opened, some tiny microorganisms that were almost invisible to the naked eye gushed out of the muzzle crazily.

After these microorganisms escaped from the muzzle, they quickly spread to the surroundings. Because all battleships are airtight, these microorganisms can no longer return to the battleship after they escape from the flagship. Find everything you can eat in space!

This kind of microorganism is a strange creature that the Gwana people found on a remote planet. They have an amazing appetite and have a strong ability to decompose any organic matter. Once they come into contact with organic matter molecules, they will reproduce rapidly. , and eat up the organic matter.

Sai Kelei's idea is very simple. After releasing these microorganisms, because the shell of the battleship is metal, the microorganisms have no attack power on it. Just wait a few days, and these microorganisms will starve to death by themselves. Not a threat.

But it is different for the people on earth floating in the universe. This kind of microorganism is very deadly to the human body.

And this is the plan No. 3 that Sai Kelei said.


"Grandma, these guys are really insidious. If Brother Qin Hao hadn't been on guard, we would have been on the right track!"

"Yes! Brother Qin Hao has saved our lives this time. If there is any demolition in the future, brother, if you say a word, brother will die!"

On the other side, while attacking, the masters of the earth are also using spiritual power to communicate.

In the previous attack, Qin Hao had a premonition of danger before the drone left the phase channel. Although he still couldn't control the time core at this time, as the time core stayed in his body longer and longer, Qin Hao already has some perception of time, and some unstable power of time.

This time, he used the power of time to predict the attack he would encounter after the transition, so he contacted all the earth masters in advance and asked them to abandon the drone in the phase channel.

Because of their trust in Qin Hao, most of the earth's masters teleported out of the drone directly. Only a few masters of the sea clan had a grudge against Qin Hao, so they didn't leave the drone. After successfully completing the transition, they were attacked by the Gwana people, some of them were killed on the spot, and the rest were chased and fled in embarrassment.

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