It is these people, although the Dokanzi people are weaker, they are also easier to control, especially this Moral, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, at least with a little tricks, he can serve us honestly.

"If he is greedy for life and afraid of death, it's simple. Our Sea Clan has a kind of blood witch technique, planting it on a person, he can control the life and death of the person at any time. Once the person becomes suspicious, he will turn into blood on the spot !” Said the only surviving leader of the Sea Clan, at this time he hated these aliens, so when he heard Qin Hao’s words, he took the initiative to offer advice.

"This method works!" Emperor Yan nodded, then looked at Qin Hao: "What do you think?"

"Uh..." Qin Hao frowned. To be honest, he didn't agree with this method very much. He didn't feel sorry for Morroll, but felt that this method was too simple and rude, which would easily arouse rebellious psychology.

However, although Qin Hao hesitated for a while, he didn't say much in the end.

"Boss, it's up to you to decide." Qin Hao has just seen that Emperor Yan is testing him in his words. Since leaving the earth, Qin Hao has been too strong all the way, and he has still become the leader of this team. Passing the nominal leader Yandi, this will naturally cause Yandi's dissatisfaction.

Although Qin Hao bears the title of the reincarnation of a god, Qin Hao, who was also in a high position, knows very well in his heart what is the most taboo of a leader, and now he is violating Emperor Yan's taboo.

So in the end Qin Hao didn't say much, even though he felt that this plan was inappropriate, he didn't stop Emperor Yan, but saved enough face for Emperor Yan, and conveyed enough goodwill to Emperor Yan, showing that he had no intention of competing with Emperor Yan for power.

"Hehe, since that's the case, let's call him in." Sure enough, after receiving Qin Hao's kindness, Emperor Yan showed a smile on his face.

"Yes! Boss!" Qin Hao nodded and walked to the door.

"Pa-ta..." Qin Hao opened the door and said to the outside, "Come in!"

"Yes! Yes! Your Excellency!" Moral walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hello, my lords!" Morroll greeted the earth leaders in the room with a smirk on his face, but unfortunately he spoke the language of the Docanzi, which Emperor Yan and the others couldn't understand at all.

Before Qin Hao used the language of the Dokanzi to communicate with Morroel, it was because he directly read the memory of a Morroel person and gained knowledge about the language from it, but Emperor Yan and others had never done this before. .

"Are you the leader of this fleet?" Emperor Yan asked directly with his spiritual strength,

This is the most direct way of communication between different races.

"Yes! Yes! This fleet is under my management." Morroll nodded hastily. Although his mental power is not particularly strong, it is still completely possible to use it for communication.

"You already know about our cooperation, right?" Emperor Yan asked.

"Yes! This lord has already mentioned it to me." Moral nodded again.

"Then how did you talk about it?" Emperor Yan asked.

"It's like this, because I am not the supreme leader of the Dokanzi people, so I can't be a big master, but I can guarantee that my fleet will provide services for you and your companions. If you want to go deeper Cooperation, I can help you contact our leader." Moral said.

"Is that so?" Emperor Yan said unhurriedly.

"Yes... yes..." Although Emperor Yan did not release his coercion, Morroll was already sweating profusely from being oppressed. Although Moral was the commander of the fleet at that time, he was also a prisoner of the earthlings.

"Is that so..." Emperor Yan didn't continue to express his opinion.

"This... this lord..." Morroll didn't know how to address Emperor Yan, but he instinctively felt that if he didn't say something, the situation in front of him might be a bit unfavorable to him, so he trembled Wei Wei said to Emperor Yan: "My lord, if you have any requests, you can ask them. If I can do it, I will do it. If I can't do it, I will try my best to help you."

"Hehe, I can talk!" Emperor Yan smiled. In fact, he didn't know how to negotiate with Moral. After all, Qin Hao was better at dealing with these aliens.

"Thank you for your compliment..." Moral smiled, but his clothes were already soaked in cold sweat.

"What do you think? Is it necessary for us to cooperate deeply with them?" Emperor Yan looked at the leaders around him.

"I think you can try it." The phoenix nodded. At this time, the Yageta people had already run away. More importantly, those guys abandoned them at a critical moment, so they naturally wouldn't go back licking their faces. I continued to cooperate with the Yageta people.

So for the masters on the earth, these alien civilizations are all the same, there is no distinction between closeness and distance, so it doesn't make much difference who they cooperate with.

Although some of these civilizations are strong and some are not so strong, powerful civilizations also have great ambitions, and they don't want to cooperate fairly with others. They hope to drive the other side, and even after winning, they also scoop up their allies!

Cooperation with weaker civilizations may not go well at first, but at least these relatively weaker civilizations are better controlled. If they cooperate, the earthlings can dominate, which is not a bad thing.

"What about you?" Emperor Yan looked at the leader of the Beast Clan and the two Dragon Clans again. As for the Sea Clan...they had no right to speak at this time.

"We have no objection..." The two Dragon Clan looked at each other. They have already warmed up with the Hai Clan newspaper group. May not live long.

"I listen to Brother Qin Hao." All the leaders of the beasts recommended except one general leader, he is a warrior from the bear clan, named Gu Gang, although his personal strength is brave, but his wisdom is relatively ordinary, although Silly, but he is just an ordinary person, and he is incomparable to these old foxes in front of him, but rough people also have rough ways, so he remembered what Qilin told him before leaving: If you can't make up your mind, listen to Brother Qin Hao! He won't cheat you!

"Brother Qin Hao?!" Emperor Yan looked at Qin Hao, and the expression that had been somewhat relaxed just now became dignified again.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed, although he knew that it was because Gu Gang trusted him, but if he said these words at this time, it would be tantamount to putting Qin Hao on the fire to roast him!

Although Qin Hao's strength at this time is no longer afraid of Emperor Yan, the problem is that he has no need to conflict with Emperor Yan or fight for power. He himself is a bystander. , he will not be able to know the truth about the birth of his Spacetime Destroyer.

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