Freedom is precious, even in some eyes it is more important than life!

But in the eyes of people like Morroll, it is obviously more important to be alive. Although freedom is good, if you pay the price of life for freedom, then Morroll will feel that the price is too high.

So at this time, although Morroll was planted with the blood witch technique, he quickly accepted this reality because he didn't want to die.

Although there is every kind of reluctance in his heart, there is nothing Morroll can do in the face of the powerful earthlings. He doesn't want to die, so he can only accept this reality.

However, while losing his freedom, Morroll also unexpectedly gained some benefits. Along with the blood witch technique, a trace of power from that sea clan master also merged into Morroll's body. Don't look at just a trace of power. But the strength of the earthlings in this era is simply unimaginable for other civilized creatures.

So just this sliver of power also made Morroll's personal strength reach the strongest state in their race. Originally, people like Morroll were not qualified to wear the Dokanz Force Armor. This kind of armor is Tailored specifically for the masters of the Dokanzi.

After wearing this kind of battle armor, in the world of the Dokanzi people, it is basically equivalent to a state of invincibility. Only stronger people who also wear this kind of battle armor can defeat it.

Of course, even the Dokanzi who wear this kind of armor are also vulnerable in the eyes of the people on earth, but in their world, and even the world of other technological races, these people wearing the force armor The Dokanz warriors are also among the most powerful individual soldiers.

So at this time, although Moral was a little distressed about losing his freedom and his life being controlled by others, he was a little happy about the unexpected power he gained.

Unknowingly, a mentality of a traitor began to sprout in Morroll's heart. Although he was a lowly slave when facing these earthlings, Morroll could use the power of the earthlings to fight in many ways. Gain higher prestige and status among Kanzi people!

At this moment, Morroll even saw that interests and even rights are beckoning to him. Although he may never be able to get rid of these earthlings, and may even have to sell the interests of the Docanzi Federation for them, he himself can Gain the benefits that were not possible at all!

People are selfish, and Moral is even more so, so he didn't experience too many ideological struggles, and he soon became a traitor willingly.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, the benefits will be more and more!" Emperor Yan himself is a high-ranking person, and he can see through the joy in Moral's heart at a glance, so he took advantage of the opportunity to draw a picture for Morale. cake.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! My lord, don't worry, my loyalty to you can be learned from heaven and earth!" Moral said with a smile on his face.

Whether as a traitor or as a traitor, the first step is the most difficult to take. After all, betraying one's own clan and one's country is a psychological burden in anyone's heart, but it is the first step. Once you get out, it doesn't matter.

People want face, it's nature, but when he takes this step, he will become more and more shameless, because face is only a psychological satisfaction, but shameless can get real benefits ! Human nature is selfish!

It is undeniable that some people have received a good education since they were young. They may not have read too many books, but they will also receive some moral education, so these people will pay more attention to face and dignity. There will be some bottom lines. But unfortunately, Morel is not this kind of person.

Although he has read more books and received a more refined education, the family's precepts and deeds have taught him how to obtain benefits, for himself and for the family, but he has not been taught to serve the country loyally, so betraying the country is very important to Moral. In other words, there is really not much psychological burden.

After successfully subduing Morol, with the help of this whole-hearted treacherous person, Emperor Yan and other earthlings' task of controlling the Dokanzi civilization entered the easy mode. Through Morroll, Yandi and Qin Hao, they learned about Dokan All the basic common sense and organizational structure of the Federation.

And because Morroll is a qualified treacherous person, through him, Emperor Yan and others have also mastered some disadvantages of the Docanzi Federation. Using these disadvantages, they can further split the top management of the Dokanzi Federation and get what they want. Benefit.

This time, none of the masters on Earth, including Emperor Yan, wanted to directly conquer the Docanzi Federation by force, although with the help of Morroll, the leading party, they could reach the hinterland of the Dokanzi Federation, and then Sweeping the fleet of Docanzi Federation.

But this is of no benefit to Yandi and others. Fighting will only consume the strength of the Dokanzi people. At this time, Yandi and others have regarded the Dokanzi people as their subordinates and servants, so they don't want to The strength of the Dokanzi was weakened.

In this way, it is a better choice to gradually divide and disintegrate the Dokanzi people through Morroll as a medium, and then control the Dokanzi people from top to bottom.

And because of Moral's dedication, he didn't encounter any difficulties in this process. Without the knowledge of Docanzi's senior management, Morroll quietly brought Yandi and other earth masters to the capital planet of the Dokanzi people. And with the powerful force of the earth's masters, they directly occupied the parliament and the presidential palace.

Next came the large-scale planting site of the Blood Witch Technique, and soon the top leaders of the Dokanzi people were controlled by the Blood Witch Technique, and Moral also became the president of the Dokanzi people as he wished.

Until this time, the Dokanzi people at the bottom didn't know what happened. They only knew that the federal government had changed, including the election of Moral as the president. It was impossible for the people at the bottom to get in touch with the core news, so they still fantasize that the supreme power of the country is in their own hands, and it is their right to choose who becomes the president, but they don’t know that all of this is designed by the top, and their so-called elections are just obtained according to other people’s designs. The script just went through it once.

After everything is over, the Docanzi Federation has quietly become a puppet regime under the control of the people on Earth, and Moral has become the spokesperson of Emperor Yan.

During this process, although other high-level officials were dissatisfied and even arranged several assassinations against Morroll, Morroll was so powerful that they could not even imagine it, which made their assassinations all fail without exception. , the next step is Moral's revenge. After several big families were bloodbathed, other families were honest, and those chaebols also acquiesced in Moral's status. At least they did not find out the relationship between Moral and the people on Earth I didn't dare to act rashly before I got the details.

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