"Morroll..." Emperor Yan looked at the Dukanzi president in front of him, and said calmly.

"Your Majesty!" Moral stepped forward respectfully.

"It's not an option for us to stay with you all the time, so we are going to find another planet that belongs to us. Where do you think it is suitable?" Emperor Yan said slowly.

"Your Majesty, it is our honor that you and your companions can stay on our planet. I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life!" Moroll felt ecstasy in his heart the moment Emperor Yan finished speaking. He is already Duokan The ruler of the Zi people, at the top of the pyramid, he naturally does not want to have a group of overlords on top of his head!

If Emperor Yan and the others can get out at this time, it will definitely be the best news for Morroll.

But this joy only lasted in Moral's mind for a moment, and after a moment, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

"Morroll! Morroll! Don't get carried away!" Morroll called his name, because he suddenly thought that Emperor Yan was testing himself to see if he would stay with them. There are opinions on the planet of the Kanzis.

You must know that Moral's life is in Emperor Yan's hands at any time, so when he thinks of this, Morale feels like being splashed from head to toe by a basin of ice water.

After calming down, Moral respectfully said the above words to Emperor Yan.

Sure enough, after listening to Morroll's words, Emperor Yan showed a smile, and at the same time made Morroll rejoice, but also terrified.

"I know your loyalty, but we really need a planet of our own, a planet suitable for us, do you have any recommendations?" Although Emperor Yan still spoke the same words, his voice was much more relaxed.

"Your Majesty, if you think our place is not suitable, I do know a few planets, where the civilization of practitioners lives, so the environment is much better than our planets that started with technology." Moral said cautiously.

"Oh!?" Emperor Yan became interested as soon as he heard it, and he immediately said to Moral, "Tell me!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Morroll nodded, then took out a small projection device, and then a star map was projected in front of Emperor Yan. This thing is nothing new to Qin Hao, but it is quite good to Emperor Yan. interesting.

"Your Majesty, look!" Morroll pointed to one of the planets and said to Emperor Yan: "This is the planet we live in now.

It is also the capital star of our Duokanzi people-Libyis! "

"Libyis, like other administrative planets, is an ordinary livable planet. Although there are rich species here, there are no powerful beasts or high-level practitioners." Moral said here, and suddenly turned to In front of a planet that is quite far away from Libby's star.

Then Morroll pulled in the perspective of the planet, and a blue planet appeared in front of Emperor Yan and Qin Hao.

"This planet is called Namer. It is a rare energy-rich planet. There are many powerful beasts on it. Some of these beasts can even easily destroy battle robots!" Hao glanced at Hao, and then continued: "Of course, the most dangerous thing on this planet is definitely not those beasts, but powerful practitioners. They call themselves Dovillians, and these Dovilians have already entrenched on the planet Namer. It's been a thousand years."

"What is their strength?" Qin Hao asked.

"Very powerful!" Morroll said with lingering fear. He once led a fleet to invade there, but suffered a disastrous defeat, so he was very afraid of it.

But after two breaths, Morroll shook his head, and then said to Qin Hao and Emperor Yan: "However, in front of strong men like His Majesty and Lord Qin Hao, those Dovillians are completely vulnerable despite their large number!"

The reason why Morroll suddenly changed his words was because he thought of the powerful strength of Qin Hao and others to easily smash the Titans. Although the Dovillians are also very strong, they can only destroy some frigates at most. They are all powerful heavy cruisers. Unable to fight, let alone battleships and invincible Titans.

The reason why the Dovillians were able to defend Star Namer was mainly because they could use the mine tunnel system inside the planet to avoid the bombardment of warships, and once the invaders were thrown into the ground forces, they could quickly harvest them. The strength made the Dovilians not afraid of the ground troops of technological civilization at all, which made it impossible for the invaders to successfully occupy the ground.

We must know that the purpose of technological civilization to seize a planet is either for resources or for immigration, but no matter what it is, he must occupy this planet, not destroy it.

Namer is rich in energy minerals, so its structure is quite strong. If you want to destroy this kind of planet, you must use super-heavy weapons, but once you use this weapon, the entire Namer star will be destroyed. If it is scrapped, the energy mine inside will be completely destroyed.

It took a lot of effort to destroy Namer, but they got nothing. Naturally, no one would do this kind of loss-making business, so the Dovirians naturally occupied Namer steadily.

And after other civilizations tried, they didn't completely give up on this planet. They were also waiting, waiting for their own strength to improve, and then re-launched the invasion!

As a cultivating civilization, due to the limitation of their racial genes, there is a ceiling for their strength improvement. Because they cannot travel in space, they must be trapped on this lonely star. In this case, a planet has limited resources. Their Population will also be limited accordingly.

When a civilized individual is restricted, there is a ceiling for strength improvement, and the population cannot be increased without limit, his overall strength will also be limited below the ceiling.

But the technological race is different. They are not limited to the development of one planet, and there is no ceiling for the improvement of technology, so although these civilizations that discovered Namer cannot capture this planet for a while, they have not For this reason, it was destroyed, but it was slowly accumulating strength.

After all, such planets producing energy crystals are too rare in the entire universe, and no one is willing to destroy them directly.

"It's interesting!" After listening to Morroll's introduction, Emperor Yan was really tempted. Among other things, it is just a planet suitable for cultivation, which has already made Emperor Yan unable to refuse. After all, this is the purpose of their leaving the earth. What a planet!

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