Latest website: so fast! ? "Huang Xing was taken aback. After the last tragic war, the vitality of the human side was also seriously injured. The size of the remaining fleet was less than one-third of the previous one. There is no way to add it immediately.

You must know that for a super civilization at the level of the Interstellar Federation, it is not difficult to mass-produce other spaceships except for the top warships above the level of Titan, but the problem is that it is not easy to train qualified crew members, even if Human beings already have a stable memory transmission device!

Although a crew member can quickly acquire all the skills he needs through memory transmission equipment, but experience cannot be instilled, and it takes a long time of actual operation to accumulate.

"The work of preparing for the war will be left to you, and all the work of the Federation must now give way to preparing for the war!" Qin Hao said to Huang Xing.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" Huang Xing felt that the burden on his shoulders was more than doubled in an instant. This is an important matter related to the fate of all mankind. Qin Hao can entrust all this work to him. Great trust in him.

"Go get busy... If there is more news, I will let you know." Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" Huang Xing nodded, and then turned around to get busy. Although the Borg have not sent troops yet, human beings are not ready for war at all, so now every minute and every second is needed. Strive for it, every time you accumulate more points, human beings will have more chances of winning.

After dismissing Huang Xing, Qin Hao leaned on the sofa. He slowly closed his eyes, but began to think in his heart.

According to common sense, it is impossible for the Borg people to recover their vitality at this time and make preparations before the war. If they are going to start a war now, either the leader of the Borg people is crazy, or they get What outside help!

"Who helped the Borg?" Qin Hao frowned. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of anyone who could help the Borg recover in such a short period of time.

"Could it be that the Borg have activated artificial intelligence?!" Suddenly, Qin Hao thought of a possibility.

Artificial intelligence has always been a taboo for all civilizations. Each civilization has strict and cumbersome restrictions when developing this technology. First of all, artificial intelligence cannot be used in the military field, that is, it cannot be allowed to come into contact with weapon systems. .

Secondly, artificial intelligence systems in the civilian field are also intelligently used in local area networks, and cannot be fully connected to the Internet to avoid loss of control.


Once it is found that the artificial intelligence has the possibility of awakening self-awareness, there is no need to check and confirm, and it will be destroyed immediately!

The reason why civilizations in the universe are so afraid of artificial intelligence is mainly because too many civilizations have been destroyed by artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness. Even those civilizations that have been lucky enough to defeat artificial intelligence have almost all fallen into decline. .

Therefore, civilizations like humans that have not experienced artificial intelligence wars immediately began to limit the development of artificial intelligence after learning about the history of other civilizations.

But different from other civilizations, the state of the Borg is quite special. They can no longer be regarded as life forms in the traditional sense. Because the Borg are keen on self-transformation, most of their bodies have been mechanized, and even some Borg People even abandon the last brain, they digitize their thoughts, and then completely turn themselves into robots.

And in this way, after transforming from a normal life form into a purely mechanical life form, these Borg are not much different from the artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness. If there is a difference, it is self-cognition difference.

So it makes sense to say that the Borg began to liberate artificial intelligence and apply them in the military field.

"If they really use artificial intelligence on a large scale, then the Borg's ability to prepare for war will indeed be greatly improved..." The more Qin Hao thinks about it, the more reliable it is, but what is the specific reason for the Borg? The preparation time for the war has been greatly shortened, so we have to wait for Qian Feng to send back the latest information...

Because the war is approaching, Qin Hao has no time to think about the relationship between his children. After he briefly explained the seriousness of the situation to General Cohen, he talked to Nicole again. After all, he needs to reduce The time and frequency of the two people's meetings, now Qin Hao needs to seize every opportunity to prepare for the second coming of the Borg.

After rebirth, Nicole is quite reasonable. Although the relationship between her and Qin Hao is heating up rapidly, she really hopes that Qin Hao can be by her side every day, but in the face of human beings' survival, Nicole can only give in. , she knew that she couldn't help much, so the only thing she could do was not to make trouble for Qin Hao.

At this time, the remodeling of the Star Federation's fleet has been handed over to Huang Xing by Qin Hao, but this does not mean that Qin Hao can relax, he still needs to integrate the other half of the Star Federation's combat power - the swarm!

In the last war, the consumption of the swarm was also horrific. Not only were the massive skywalkers and other common units seriously depleted, but even high-level units such as the swarm leader suffered a lot of casualties. Now Qin Hao needs to return to Austria The home star of the Lys galaxy, and see if more swarm leaders can be drawn from there.

Moreover, after such a long period of development, Qin Hao also wanted to know how the Zerg Emperor Clan on the home planet was developing. In the previous wars, the Zerg Emperor Clan's incubation time was too short, so their strength was generally low. It is suitable to directly participate in the battle, but now many years have passed, and with sufficient growth rate, Qin Hao feels that there should be some insect emperors in a usable state.

After making up his mind, Qin Hao left the earth alone in a small spaceship without taking anyone else with him.

Because all the government affairs were handed over to Huang Xing, Qin Hao's departure did not cause any shock. After a month of interstellar journey, Qin Hao arrived at the gravity well of his home planet.

"Hiss... that's ok..." As soon as Qin Hao arrived at the gravity well of Home Planet, he discovered that the planet was abnormal. Except for the circled special land, almost all other places have become the territory of the swarm.

Fortunately, the swarm is restrained by the leaders of the swarm, and they did not eat up everything they saw, which allowed the home planet to maintain a sustainable development state. If there were no constraints from the leaders of the swarm, the terrifying It only takes a few days for the swarm to turn this planet into a death star!

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