"What's the matter?" Qin Hao asked.

"Kill me!" Qian Feng said.

"Is it necessary?" Qin Hao asked.

"I'm not sure if I have other monitoring equipment on me. Although you have checked, it is still a risk! Just leave a little hope of saving your life. The technology of the Borg is very powerful! Victor will definitely not Let me die, I am now his capable man, and other big engineers are watching, at this time he will definitely not let me die!" Qian Feng said to Qin Hao.

"Is this really necessary?" Qin Hao asked.

"You have a sense of proportion, don't just kill me, the more serious the better!" Qian Feng said to Qin Hao.

"Then you will have to suffer..." Qin Hao said, looking directly into Qian Feng's eyes.

"There's no time, come on!" Qian Feng said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, and then the murderous aura on his body instantly swept over Qian Feng, followed by the murderous aura, Qian Feng's body collapsed in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, part of his head came out, and the rest became nothing. fly ash.

And even the head is mostly broken. In order to be more realistic, Qin Hao even destroyed part of the life support system, so that Qian Feng's brain can only last for a few hours, and there is a possibility of death at any time!

"Shua!" With a wave of his hand, Qin Hao dropped a parasite.

"Take care of him!" Qian Feng said to the parasite.

"Yes! Master!" The parasite quietly lurks next to Qian Feng's brain. Of course, its task is not to control Qian Feng, but to ensure the activity of Qian Feng's brain by constantly secreting a special liquid. , to make sure he dies before the Borg find him.

After doing all this, Qin Hao teleported directly to the place where Leviathan was lurking. At this time, the Borg fleet had surrounded the planet, and a large number of fighter planes were rushing into the atmosphere.

"Skywalkers! Meet the enemy!" Following Qin Hao's order, an innumerable army of Skywalkers rose into the sky. Although the insect nest had just been established and it was too late to hatch more insect swarms, Leviathan itself It carried a terrifying number of swarms, so the zergs on Calavers are not without the power to resist at this time!

"Boom boom boom..." Just as the Skywalker army and the Borg fighter planes were entangled and engaged in firefights in midair, the warships in space also began to bombard the insect nests on the surface.

Some of the swarm's nests are buried deep underground, but some are above the surface, and the bombing of the Borg is aimed at these nests on the surface.

"Plasma worms! Fight back!" Following Qin Hao's order, the giant zergs that had been hidden in the jungle revealed their figures one after another.

These ultra-giant worms with a height of tens of meters have a huge body and a fat abdomen shining with faint blue light. After receiving Qin Hao's order, these plasma worms raised their hips high one after another, and Aim for the sky!

"Boom!" A cloud of blue plasma shot out, heading straight for the distant starry sky.

The so-called plasma is actually a high-energy plasma cluster. These powerful plasma clusters can cause fatal damage even to warships!

"Swish, swish..." Groups of plasma rose into the sky. Although they seemed unpleasant, they were actually like launching a rocket into space. You could see that it was slowly rising into the sky, but in fact these plasmas The speed is very fast!

Those Borg warships bombing in low-earth orbit were obviously unprepared. After discovering the attack of the plasma worm, they obviously had no time to evade, so they could only raise their shields, trying to rely on the energy shield to withstand the damage .

But unfortunately, the Borg obviously muttered about the strength of the plasma worms. This mass of high-energy plasma quickly hit the Borg starship in low-earth orbit. Those frigate-level small warships could not resist this level of attack Attack, their shields shattered the moment the plasma came, followed by the battleships being directly penetrated by the plasma, flames and explosions became the main theme of these battleships!

Because they are in low-Earth orbit, these spaceships themselves have been captured by the gravity of Calavers. The reason why they can stay in space is mainly because of their own power. Now that the warships are destroyed, under the influence of gravity , These spaceships began to fall to the ground!

On the ground, after those plasma worms launched an attack, they immediately lowered their tails, and then a large number of worker bees drilled out from the ground, and crawled under these plasma worms.

"Crack, click..." Many worker bees carried the plasma worms, and with the sound of their footsteps, the plasma worms began to quickly shift positions.

As far as plasma worms themselves are concerned, although they are powerful, they are extremely lacking in mobility. Although they can walk on legs, their movement speed is too slow. The enemy is cleared on a fixed-point basis.

However, Qin Hao got inspiration from the leader of the swarm, because the leader of the swarm does not even have feet, and their movement is completely completed by the worker bees, and although the speed is not as fast as the vicious dogs, it is also faster than the plasma worms. Much sooner.

So Qin Hao equipped each plasma worm with a large number of worker bees. When the plasma worms attacked, the worker bees hid underground to avoid being affected. When the plasma worms finished attacking, they would crawl out immediately. , and then put on the plasma worm and quickly shift positions.

Because of the cooperation of the worker bees, the plasma worms at this time seem to have the smell of self-propelled artillery. Although their movement speed is still not comparable to those of the highly mobile swarm troops, it is much better than before. Furthermore, their survivability has also been greatly improved.

But no matter how it is improved, the size of the plasma worm is there, and its maneuvering speed cannot be too fast. Although the Borg was caught off guard in the first wave of attacks, they followed up with a few rounds of fire coverage, just Blow up all these plasma worms to the sky.

Without the counterattack of the plasma worms, the Borg fleet in space became even more unscrupulous. They began to frantically encircle and suppress the swarms on the ground. Under the search of the biological radar, the Borg strikes were very precise. In the end, all but Skywalker Besides, the other swarms had to hide deep underground.

In this way, although the swarms under the ground escaped the bombing of the Borgs, it also made the Skywalkers in the sky helpless. Human fighters even had a great advantage, but in the face of the range firepower of the Borg warships, they still suffered heavy casualties, and they were completely wiped out in about two days.


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