At the joint meeting of the Great Engineers, Victor and the opposition were arguing endlessly. Although many people felt that Victor’s decision was right. If Qin Hao could be eliminated, then it would be worth paying the price, but the question is the meaning of the existence of the opposition. It is to oppose the current rulers, whether they are right or wrong, they simply oppose for the sake of opposition.

Therefore, although Victor is almost ashamed by these popular heads, he is helpless. In the final analysis, although he is the chief of the joint meeting of Borg engineers, he is not a dictator. He cannot replace the Borg people with his own will. Make the final decision.

If Qian Feng was still there, he could still help Victor, but now Qian Feng's life and death are uncertain. Although there are a few younger brothers under Vitok's subordinates, the status of these people is obviously not comparable to that of Qian Feng who is in charge of internal affairs , so their remarks are also difficult to play a role.

"Your Excellencies, great engineers, please make a decision early. I can't guarantee that Qin Hao will always be on this planet. Although I don't know what means he has, I always feel that he may escape at any time!" On the big screen, the fleet commander really couldn't bear to watch the quarrel in the parliament hall. As a soldier of the Hawk Faction, he must be on Victor's side and supported the elimination of Qin Hao by destroying the planet.

"That's right! It's meaningless to continue such an endless quarrel! Let's vote!" Vitok waved his hand, he knew that it would be impossible to convince the other party if this quarrel continued, after all, those guys opposed him for the sake of opposing him.

"Okay!" The major engineers of the opposition nodded, and then sat down one after another.

The voting process was actually very simple, it was nothing more than raising one's hand, and soon the statistical results came out, fifty-five to forty-five, Victor won. Although he didn't win much, the vote passed!

"Execute!" Victor said to the commander of the fleet.

"Yes! Chief engineer!" The fleet commander nodded and cut off the communication.

Victor sat on the chair. Although the vote passed, he also realized the seriousness of the problem!

You must know the content of this vote, anyone with a little brain will approve it, but even so, 45% of the people are against it, which means that nearly half of the people have already ignored Borg in order to oppose Victor. The interests of the Human-Machine Alliance are gone!

"We must hurry up, otherwise these people will definitely destroy the alliance!" Victor secretly clenched his fists. Although he wanted to be dictatorial, from the bottom of his heart, he still wanted the Borg mechanical alliance to be good, and those who opposed Pai obviously didn't even care about this bottom line.


On the other side,

After the fleet commander received the order, he immediately ordered the fleet to evacuate to the edge of the gravity well.

"King! They are evacuating to the edge of the gravity well..." The ghost Leviathan, who was monitoring in the subspace, immediately passed the information to Qin Hao.

"Is it finally here..." Qin Hao sighed. He was really ready to sacrifice for this meeting with Qian Feng. Of course, this sacrifice does not mean that Qin Hao wants to sacrifice himself, he just intends to Just sacrifice some swarms.

As the Borg fleet evacuated to the edge of the gravity well on Calavers, the Commander gave the order!

"Prepare for annihilation bomb!"

Following the order, the flagship of the Borg rushed forward, and then aimed at the star Caravals, and this annihilation bomb was modified based on the previous model with the addition of Battlestar technology, and it was even more powerful. devastating weapons!

The destruction weapons used by the Borg were just to tear apart the planet, tear it apart, and finally destroy it, but the annihilation bomb is different. After it hits the planet, it will release the energy to the limit and destroy the planet instantly!

At the end of the Alpha Star Wars, although Alpha Star was destroyed, it was actually just split into several huge wreckage fragments. Although the above environment is not suitable for survival at all, for a few top experts, they are also You can survive on those fragments for a short period of time. For example, those princes of the Zerg, if they were not poisoned by the queen before the Alpha planet was destroyed, they are actually very likely to survive.

But if an annihilation bomb is used to attack Planet Alpha, then even the princes of these Zergs will be destroyed together with the planet. It is impossible for them to find a hiding place, and it is impossible for them to have a chance to escape.


Soon, the annihilation bomb will be loaded!

"Launch!" With the command of the commander, a bright light group went straight to the distant star Caravos.

This annihilation bomb is not a missile in the traditional sense, but an energy light cluster, which contains extremely terrifying energy. Once it explodes, a densely assembled fleet will be destroyed instantly!

"Leviathan! Evacuate!" Qin Hao had already issued the order after receiving the notice from the ghost Leviathan.

The adult Leviathan buried deep in the ground rushed out of the ground, and then rose into the sky. After just a few minutes, it got rid of the shackles of Calavers and rushed out of the atmosphere. At this time, Borg The human annihilation bomb has just been launched, and it still has to fly tens of seconds away from the Calavers star.

"Sure enough! We forced him out!" The Borg fleet commander immediately became excited when he saw the adult Leviathan rushing out of Calavers.

"Surround it! Destroy it!" After receiving the order, the Borg fleet immediately pursued and intercepted the Leviathan.

"Boom!" The adult Leviathan felt the threat, and it immediately spit out a quantum breath, and the bright beam hit the destroyer rushing in front, and the destroyer was instantly destroyed!

But more Borg battleships surrounded them, and they bombarded the adult Leviathan indiscriminately. Although the combat power of the adult Leviathan is very strong, it has a powerful biological shell and a destructive weapon. It attacked, but in the face of the siege of many enemies, it was finally defeated. Although it destroyed seven or eight warships of the Borg, in the end, this Leviathan was also shattered by the Borg artillery fire!

"Continue to saturate the target area!" In order to ensure that Qin Hao was killed, even if the Borg commander killed Leviathan, he did not stop the fleet from attacking. On the contrary, the fleet's firepower became more intense.

It's a pity that the Borg's attack was all in vain, because Qin Hao was not on the adult Leviathan at all. He has the ability to teleport and jump, and this Leviathan is just to attract the attention of the Borg. Just after the eyes of the Borg were attracted, Qin Hao had already teleported away from Calavers, and then came to the edge of the planet's gravity well.


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