"Of course! But you must promise to save Qian Feng!" Victor is not interested in the bug. What he needs now is for Qian Feng to be alive. After all, Qian Feng is his right-hand man at this time, and he also controls the internal affairs of the alliance.

If Qian Feng dies, then the position of Minister of the Interior will definitely be re-arranged, and it will be difficult for other people under Victor to be qualified for this position. Once this position falls into the hands of the opposition, it will definitely become his. Another handicap.

"Don't worry, although I don't know how this worm did it, it did protect Qian Feng's brain very well." The doctor said confidently.

"Then please!" Victor said to the doctor.

"Hmm!" The doctor nodded and entered the operating room.

"Master Chief, do you think there will be any problems here?" A think tank next to Victor said at this time.

"What's the problem?" Victor was taken aback.

"I mean Qian Feng... In that level of destruction, he can still keep his brain intact. Although the maintenance equipment is destroyed, there is a weird bug protecting him. Isn't this too coincidental? "Said the think tank.

"This...you mean that Qian Feng and Qin Hao colluded?" Victor frowned. Just now, his mind was on how to keep Qian Feng and his own sphere of influence, so he didn't think about it. As soon as I reminded, Qian Feng's injury seemed to have too many coincidences.

"I don't doubt Mr. Qian Feng, I just think there are too many coincidences..." The think tank didn't dare to talk too much. After all, if Qian Feng is not found out in the end, it will still be an internal matter. The minister, and he is just a small staff member, and when the time comes, it will be like playing for others to retaliate against him.

"Well! What you said makes sense, but we have to wait until Qian Feng is woken up before investigating!" Victor nodded. The words of the think tank did make him suspicious of Qian Feng, but this suspicion was not enough to make him He immediately gave up on Qian Feng.

At this time, Qian Feng is a very important helper for Vikra. Unless there is tangible evidence to prove that he is a human spy, or plotting wrongdoing, Victor will never give up Qian Feng easily.


About five days later, the doctor's work was completed. He rebuilt Qian Feng's mechanical body, re-installed the life support device for his brain, and reactivated Qian Feng's brain, allowing him to wake up.

"Doctor! Quick! There's a bug in my head,

Get it out now! "Qian Feng shouted to the doctor immediately after waking up.

"Hehe, don't worry, I've already got it out! Do you know what kind of bug it is?" the doctor said with a smile.

"Doctor, I advise you to kill this bug immediately, it is very dangerous! It must not let it escape!" Qian Feng said.

"Oh?" After Qian Feng said this, the doctor became even more interested.

"Also, I want to see Mr. Victor. I have to tell him about the bug first. If he agrees, you can listen in." Qian Feng said.

"Hmm...Okay!" The doctor nodded, and then asked his assistant to inform Victor.

For the Borg, their medical treatment is more like maintenance, so unlike humans, there is a long period of weakness and recovery after surgery in the hospital. For the Borg, their bodies are all mechanical structures , After reinstalling, it is directly at its peak state.

So Qian Feng didn't need any self-cultivation. Now that he has fully recovered, of course, Qian Feng himself doesn't know if he has any extra equipment on his body.

Soon, Victor came to the ward and saw Qian Feng who was already fully dressed.

"My friend, it's great that you're fine!" Victor gave Qian Feng a warm hug as soon as he came up.

"I'm also very happy to see you again. To be honest, I really thought I was going to die this time!" Qian Feng also said with a lucky expression.

"Can you tell me about your meeting with Qin Hao?" Victor asked straight to the point.

"The matter is more complicated, let's sit down and talk about it." Qian Feng made a gesture of invitation, and then sat down first.

Then Victor sat opposite Qian Feng, and the doctor stood aside after getting Victor's consent, without leaving the room.

"I did lure Qin Hao to Karawars star according to the plan I designed before, and met him there." Qian Feng said truthfully.

"En!" Victor nodded, and then signaled Qian Feng to continue.

"Then he questioned me about the betrayal of the Interstellar Federation. In order to delay the time, I talked about some irrelevant things. In order not to anger him, of course I said that I was also forced... "Qian Feng shrugged.

"And then?" Victor asked.

"Then he asked me if it was a trap to lure him this time, and I said yes." Qian Feng said helplessly.

"Is that how you admit it?" Victor was taken aback.

"Didn't you find a bug in my brain when you found me? That thing is called a parasite, and it is a strange bug under Qin Hao's hands. It can parasitize the brains of other creatures and can read Take my memory, once it finds out that I'm lying, it will inject me with a poison that makes my life worse than death." Qian Feng's words are true.

"So powerful?" Victor was taken aback.

"This information is not top secret. You should be able to buy it from intelligence organizations on the black market." Qian Feng said naturally.

"Aside from being able to inject venom, does the bug have other functions?" The doctor on the side asked.

"Then I don't know. I only know that it is difficult for this kind of bug to live without the host. If it leaves the host and cannot find another host in a short period of time, it will die soon." Qian Feng Said.

"It seems that the worm's life extension for you is also for its own life. Before it finds a suitable host, it dare not let your brain die." The doctor analyzed by himself.

"Qin Hao attacked you after he found out that you planned to kill him?" Victor asked.

"No, he is very confident in himself. He doesn't think you can catch or kill him, so he didn't intend to kill me at that time. He planned to take me back and let me be tried by the Interstellar Federation High Court." Qian Feng said with a shrug.

"Then why did he attack you all of a sudden?" Victor asked.

"Because the parasite found the news about Battle Star in my mind..." Qian Feng said helplessly.

"Hehe...he finally found out about Zhanxing, but...it's too late..." Victor sneered, and he didn't pursue Qian Feng's disclosure of absolute secrets. After all, memory reading is such a thing It's not up to you whether you want to confess or not, and in Victor's view, Qin Hao is dead, so the leak of this secret is not so critical.


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