"Alive?" Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, but he quickly denied this idea. He had already confirmed that the twelve masters of the first generation of the earth had no signs of life at all, and even their bodies had become fossils. Impossible to be alive.

"Who are you? How dare you disturb my peaceful sleep!" That spiritual power swept over again.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Qin Hao sneered, and his murderous aura poured out, covering the entire area near the spring of spiritual energy in an instant.

After the murderous energy covered the entire area, Qin Hao immediately found the source of that spiritual power, a small bead hidden deep in the soil!

"So it's just a remnant soul attached to the spirit bead! No wonder it can only play tricks!" Qin Hao sneered, and then he shook his hand, and the little bead flew out of the soil and landed in Qin Hao's palm.

"Shua!" Murderous aura soaked into the spirit bead.

"Don't! My lord, I know I'm wrong! Don't kill me!" Just after Qin Hao's murderous aura soaked into the spirit bead, that spiritual power immediately began to beg for mercy.

"Who are you?" Qin Hao asked.

"My name is Yue, one of Shengjun's generals." The spiritual power replied hastily, because Qin Hao's murderous energy has completely wrapped him up, so as long as there is a slight fluctuation in his spiritual power, Qin Hao will I can perceive it, so this guy named Yue dare not lie at all.

"Why are you here?" Qin Hao asked.

"I'm waiting for Feng Shengjun to die, and I will seal myself here!" After saying this, Yue suddenly gave a wry smile, and then continued: "It's a pity that during the process of our self-sealing, the surrounding spiritual energy is rapidly losing, and soon it will not be enough It supported our survival, because we were in the seal again, so we noticed it relatively late, my companions died completely without knowing it, and although I was lucky enough to wake up in time, it was too late, I My physical body is already dead, and there is only a trace of remnant soul left, so I can only cling to this spirit bead in desperation."

"Who is the holy king you are talking about?" Qin Hao continued to ask.

"The sage is the lord of the Yellow Emperor's tribe—Gongsun Xuanyuan!" Yue replied.

"Yellow Emperor..." Qin Hao was taken aback, as he was indeed a figure in ancient legends.

"Yes! It is Shengjun!" Yue nodded.

"Then why did he let you seal yourself?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"The Yandi tribe was defeated. Although their leader was beheaded, the remaining people were not willing to fail. Every once in a while, they would cause disaster to the world. After several battles, although we won, the world was destroyed. When it came to destruction, especially the destruction of the Tianzhu, the sky collapsed in the northwest and the earth sank in the southeast; all the spiritual wells began to decay, and this world is no longer suitable for us to live in..." Then Yue began to tell Qin Hao.

Yue talked about a lot of things, some of which Qin Hao had never heard of, but some things could find resonance. After all, many things in the ancient myths of China were consistent with Yue’s description, and Qin Hao had traveled to another time and space before. There he lived with Emperor Yan and others for a period of time, and these experiences can also correspond to Yue's description.

After listening to Yue's narration, Qin Hao connected the things he described and the myths and legends with his previous experience, and quickly came to the conclusion closest to the facts.

That is, in his time and space, the event of an alien spaceship falling to the earth did happen, and Emperor Yan did leave the earth with the masters of the tribe. He tried to find more resources for human beings in the vast universe.

But it is a pity that there is no planet with such aura as the earth in the entire universe. After making a lot of money, Emperor Yan returned disappointed...

It's just that in this time and space, without Qin Hao's intervention, it took longer for Emperor Yan and others to return, and their losses were even greater.

During the period when Emperor Yan led most of the tribe's masters to leave, Jiang did defeat Yanju and became the master of Yandi's tribe, and the emperor's tribe also grew rapidly in these hundreds of years.

When Emperor Yan returned with the remnants of his tribe, Yanju had been dead for hundreds of years, and Jiang had become the actual master of the tribe. Unable to accept this, Emperor Yan immediately summoned the old tribe. Other tribes, including the Chiyou tribe, were still willing Supporting Yandi, the former co-lord of mankind, so with the support of these subordinate tribes, Yandi and Jiang fought a civil war.

In this battle, although Emperor Yan was not poisoned to death by Jiang like in the time and space that Qin Hao traveled through, he only won a miserable victory. Although he defeated Jiang, the strength of Emperor Yan's tribe was also greatly damaged. The Yellow Emperor who had risen at this time The tribe took advantage of the opportunity and defeated the Yandi tribe and became the new co-lord of mankind. Jiang, who had already failed, brought his Yandi tribe members to join the emperor's tribe to complete the integration of Yanhuang.

But Emperor Yan Kui Kui was unwilling to fail. He led his subordinates to compete with the Yellow Emperor for power, and was eventually defeated and killed. Those tribes who were loyal to him also suffered heavy losses in this battle.

After the death of Emperor Yan, the Yellow Emperor became the orthodoxy of human beings logically, thus creating the era of the Yellow Emperor Tribe. At this time, most of the human tribes have completely surrendered to the Yellow Emperor Tribe, but there are still a few loyal factions of Kui Kui who continue to fight. Chi You is one of them.

It's a pity that even Kui Kui, the strongest Emperor Yan, was not the opponent of the Yellow Emperor, and it was even more impossible for Chi You to defeat the Yellow Emperor. In the end, he was also defeated and killed, while his subordinates and those who continued to serve Yan Emperor Kui Kui In a guerrilla way, they continued to resist the rule of the Yellow Emperor.

It's just that the power of the Yellow Emperor's tribe became stronger and stronger later, and these old Kuikai tribes who resisted them had no place to stay on the earth, so they had to leave the earth again in the previous spaceship.

And these first-generation earth masters who were driven away experienced all kinds of deception and betrayal in the universe. In the end, they hated other civilizations on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also wanted to gain the power to survive, so they finally turned into destroyers.

These destroyers will come to the earth to seek revenge every once in a while. The Yellow Emperor led his masters to fight these destroyers several times. In the end, the environment of the first generation of the earth was completely destroyed, and the originally abundant spiritual energy began to dry up. The masters on the earth gradually declined, lest the descendants could not resist when the Destroyers came back, so the emperor finally arranged for his subordinates to seal themselves against the Destroyers who might return at any time.

But no one expected that with the passage of time, the aura on the earth became thinner and thinner, even the aura near the aura springs began to dry up, which made the first-generation masters who were sealed unable to survive. Unknowingly died in the seal...


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