"I don't need you to directly participate in the battle, and you must never directly participate in the battle. Even if the battleships are destroyed in large numbers, or the insect swarms are wiped out by the system, you should not take the initiative!" Before Qin Hao explained the mission of Lucia, he first Told Lucia.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't separate himself, Qin Hao didn't want Lu Xiya to go to the battlefield at all. Now he really had no other choice, so he could only make such a bad move. But even so, Qin Hao must tell him, he doesn't want Lu Xiya Sia also fell on the way to block the Borg.

In Qin Hao's heart, he felt that he owed Lucia too much, and if Lucia made any mistake, he really didn't know how to repay it.

"Then what do you need me to do?" Lucia didn't think too much about it, she just felt that she was very happy to be able to help Qin Hao.

"I need you as the liaison officer between the swarm and the fleet!" Qin Hao said.

"Me? Why does it have to be me? Can someone else do it?" Lucia was very puzzled. This position didn't seem to be a big deal, as if anyone else could take it.

"Hey! This matter can only be done by you, me, and Master. The swarm will not completely obey the orders of others. If the fleet needs to send the swarm to their deaths, the leaders of the swarm may refuse, but if the three of us If they were present, even if the swarm knew that they were going to die, they would execute it," Qin Hao explained.

"The three of us?" Lucia was taken aback.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded. He is the master of the swarm, and his orders must be carried out unconditionally. It is obviously more important to guide those disciples to cultivate, because all the sacrifices made by human beings are to serve them.

Besides Qin Hao, as the former ruler, the queen of insects must be qualified to make the swarm obey unconditionally, but it is almost impossible for the queen of insects to go to the front line. With her fear of the destroyer, it is impossible for her to get close to the battlefield.

In addition to Qin Hao and the queen, Lucia is also a special existence. Although she is just an ordinary earth girl, she has swapped bodies with the queen, which makes Lucia herself have the aura of a queen. , and all the permissions of the Queen of Worms!

In other words, Lucia is a master who doesn't master the gene lock. Although she has the ability to control the swarm, she doesn't know how to control it because of lack of relevant knowledge, but her own rank advantage exists. The orders she issued to the swarm also came from her identity as the master, and the swarm must also obey them unconditionally.

"That's it..." Lucia nodded, and then Qin Hao said with a gentle face: "If I can, I will do anything for you!"

"Uh..." Qin Hao didn't know how to continue with Lucia's words, because the more the girl behaved like this, the more he felt that he owed her...

"When do I want to leave?" Lucia didn't seem to see the embarrassment on Qin Hao's face. She kept her head down since she just said that sentence, as if she didn't dare to look up into Qin Hao's eyes.

"As soon as possible..." Qin Hao stammered a little. Although he felt guilty about Lucia, this is a major matter related to the survival of human beings, so there is really no delay.

"Okay! Then ask Huang Xing to arrange a spaceship for me, and I'll set off today!" Lucia nodded.

"When you get to the front line, don't try to be brave.

As long as you feel danger, evacuate immediately, and don't worry about the casualties of the swarm or the fleet..." Qin Hao reminded Lucia again.

"Don't worry about the casualties of the fleet?" Lucia asked in surprise.

"This war is more brutal than the wars we have experienced in the past. I can tell you with certainty that we cannot beat our opponents at all. What we need is to delay time. For this we may have to pay hundreds of millions of casualties, and The sacrifice of billions or even tens of billions of civilians!" Qin Hao said with a gloomy face.

"Are so many people going to die?" Lucia was so shocked that she was speechless.

"Well!" Qin Hao nodded helplessly, and then said to Lucia: "For the continuation of human civilization, we really need to pay a lot, but as long as we can hold back the enemy, as long as our ultimate weapon is completed, we will have a comeback Hope! So before that, you must not be impulsive, because I can't leave the earth, and you are the only person who can be the communication medium between the fleet and the swarm, so no matter what, you can't have any accidents, your life is far more than a few fleets, Even millions of soldiers are important, because you are related to the success of the entire blocking war, and you are related to the survival of hundreds of billions of human beings!"

"This..." Lucia suddenly felt that there was an extra burden on her shoulders that she couldn't bear at all.

"Could it be that he has been shouldering this burden all the time? He has carried this burden alone for so long..." Lucia looked at Qin Hao tenderly.

"Take care of yourself!" Qin Hao said to Lucia.

"Well! Don't worry, I won't die until I complete the task!" Lucia solemnly nodded to Qin Hao.

"Come on!" Qin Hao patted Lucia on the shoulder, and then urged: "Take care!"

"Well! I'm going to pack my luggage." Lucia turned around and ran away. In fact, she didn't have any luggage to pack at all. She was just afraid that if she didn't leave, tears would burst out.

Looking at the back of Lucia leaving, Qin Hao clenched his fists tightly. Although Lucia completed an important job for him, he really didn't want Lucia to go to the dangerous front line from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. He knew that now is not the time to think about these things. The most urgent task now is to train those disciples. If they succeed one day earlier, human beings will have fewer sacrifices!


"Master Chief, is it necessary for us all to participate in this attack?"

"That's right! We don't know much about military affairs, so it's useless to come here..."

While the Interstellar Federation was actively preparing to fight, in the Nadoran galaxy, in the Borg battle star, a group of Borg engineers were arguing around Victor.

These big engineers can be said to be the highest level of the Borg people. This time they were dragged to the front line by Victor. As some of the big engineers said, they don’t have military skills, so I really can’t think of it. Why Victor must bring them.

"This battle may be our last war. After the war is over, the universe will be unified. At that time, we will definitely be rewarded for our merits. If any of you feel that you can give up this credit and benefits, then I can arrange The spaceship will take you back!" Victor said with a cold face.


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