After more than an hour, Qin Hao returned to Zayk's territory. !

"His Royal Highness..." After seeing Qin Hao, Zayk became more humble. Before, he relied on the support of Prince Xin, and he didn't want to lose his territory, so his attitude was a little tough. Now that he has surrendered, there is no need for it. Offend these royals again.

"Yeah! I have informed Enoch that it is now preparing to evacuate, so you should leave as soon as possible." Qin Hao urged, and he was actually selfish in urging Zayke so much.

Qin Hao didn't see how Enoch did it before. That guy actually destroyed almost one-third of the ordinary giant beetles, and then gave all the Zerg quotas under his command to the worker bees that were used to carry the load, and then used these worker bees to almost Evacuate the entire territory.

Because Enoch is his own, Qin Hao of course turned a blind eye to this kind of behavior, but when it came to Zayq, Qin Hao couldn't give it time to empty the entire territory, because Zay The resources of the Ke territory itself are not very rich, but the more so, the less he can let this guy move things away.

In addition to this selfishness, Qin Hao is also worried that Zayk will go crazy before he leaves. If he sends those extra swarms to attack the human base in Thunder Canyon, the attack intensity this time will be much more violent than before. Well, then maybe it will put Nicole in danger.

So whether Qin Hao was out of selfishness or for Nicole's safety, he needed to urge Zayk to get out of the way.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness, let's go..." Zayk didn't know what Qin Hao was thinking, and he didn't plan to resist. Anyway, Enoch's site is much stronger, and it can only be replaced by it. Earn or lose.

So Zayk simply cleaned up and let the swarms under his command begin to relocate.

Most of Zayk's subordinates are flying insects. These flying insects have a strong ability to migrate. It will not take long for them to reach Enoch's territory, but Zayk, the big meat worm, is the most troublesome. It does not have any action. The ability and movement have to be carried by the giant beetle, so the speed is very slow. When it reaches the Enoch site, it will be at least ten days later.

"Wait!" Qin Hao stopped Zayk when he was about to leave.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Zayk asked.

"Do you have any unwanted swarms?" Qin Hao asked suddenly.

"Don't want the swarm?" Zayk was stunned for a moment. It was going to move to a more fertile territory, so there was no need to reduce the number of swarms. However, since Qin Hao asked this, it was not easy for him to refuse directly, so He said, "Your Highness, if you want, I can leave some ordinary warriors or Skywalkers behind."

"Then keep 100,000, and let them stay in your nest honestly, and don't go anywhere!" Qin Hao said.

"No problem, do you want a warrior or a skywalker?" Zayk asked, not caring about these common bugs, because they were too easy to replenish as long as there was enough food.

"Half the same." Qin Hao said.

"Okay, Your Highness!" Zayk agreed immediately.

"Well! Let's go." Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Yes!" Zayk was carried by a group of giant beetles, and soon disappeared in the jungle. A large group of insects were left in its lair. These unintelligent insects all stayed underground under Zayk's order. The lair does not move at all.

"It's almost there..." Qin Hao nodded secretly. He managed that the purpose of Ike's request for these bugs was very simple. It was to give himself some military exploits. Although Qin Hao didn't really intend to take away Prince Fei, he I don't mind taking a step up in the federal army.

"Sonic, let's go, you send me near the Thunder Canyon, and then find a place to hide, when I need you, I will find you." Qin Hao said to the giant flying insect sitting down.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Sonic soared into the air, and then flew away in the direction of Thunder Canyon.

After more than half an hour, Qin Hao came to the vicinity of Thunder Canyon, and then he jumped off Sonic's back.

"Find a place to hide around here," Qin Hao said to Sonic.

"Yes! Your lord!" Sonic nodded.

After seeing Sonic fly away, Qin Hao adjusted his individual battle armor to marching mode, and then ran towards the valley.

"Second Lieutenant Qin Hao, you're back!" The soldiers at the outpost were excited when they saw Qin Hao. Although Qin Hao's rank was not high, he was a hero of the entire Seventh Fleet.

"Well! Open the door and let me in. I brought back important information this time!" Qin Hao said.

"Yes!" Several motorized infantrymen opened the gate of the base, and then Qin Hao walked in.

"The battalion commander!" As soon as Qin Hao entered the base, several special forces soldiers found him.

"How is it? Is the base still safe?" Qin Hao asked.

"When you just left, there were several waves of flying insects harassing them, but then it suddenly stopped." Several special forces replied, since Qin Hao forced Zayk to exchange territories, it ordered to stop the attack on the Thunder Canyon base.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, he had already guessed the result, he just asked, just to confirm whether Zayk was obedient.

"Qin Hao!" At this time, a familiar call came from Qin Hao's back, and Nicole rushed over at almost full speed.

"It's great that you're fine!" Nicole hugged Qin Hao from behind. During the time that Qin Hao was away, she had been worried.

"Don't worry, I'm in this jungle, it's like going home, even if I encounter a silver-horn-level bug, I'm sure to run away!" Qin Hao said with a smile, but he was really humble. With his identity as the worm royal family, as long as he does not encounter other royal families, basically no worm dares to fight with him.

"Hmm! I believe in you, you are the best!" Although Nicole still had tears in her eyes, her face showed a smile. She was really proud of Qin Hao.

"Where's Deng Jiaxiao? I have something to talk to him about." Qin Hao said.

"Go! I'll take you there!" Nicole took Qin Hao to the headquarters, because the flying insects' sneak attack stopped, so Deng Jia and the others were finally able to hold a complete meeting.

"Deng Jiaxiao, who do you think is back?" Nicole shouted as soon as she entered the headquarters.

"Qin Hao?! You're back!" Deng Jia was shocked when he saw Qin Hao came back safe and sound, but at the same time he had to admire this guy's ability to survive on Alpha Star. If someone else went out alone, then It's almost like feeding bugs.

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