Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1969: New Prague Star Defense Battle

At this very moment, on the important planetary nodes in the Calando galaxy, the engineering fleet of the Interstellar Federation is in full swing.

In today's era of highly developed science and technology, whether it is to build spaceships or space buildings, they are all completed using 3D printing technology. Professional space engineering ships can carry a large amount of supplies and materials. There is a fine detail on their bows The spray gun can spray the required materials at the current node according to the needs. Through this technology, several space engineering ships can build large orbital buildings and even space stations in a short period of time with the joint efforts of several space engineering ships!

New Prague Star, an important defense node at the outermost edge of the Calandor galaxy, is not a livable planet, but it is a large colonial planet.

Because this desert planet has an extremely precious metal resource, a large number of immigrants came here, and they exploited the resources here in exchange for wealth. According to the hometown complex of these people, this planet was named New Prague. star.

At this moment, a large number of defense facilities have been built in the orbital space outside New Prague, including drone platforms, large beam cannons, remote shield recharging devices, large antimatter supply stations, etc. It can be said that this planet is being Sit and prepare for the coming war.

Not only in orbital space, but also on the ground. A large number of fortress guns have been built on the surface of New Prague. Apart from the inconvenient steering of these fortress guns, their power is very terrifying. After all, building a fortress in space A giant heavy artillery with a caliber of ten kilometers is very dangerous, because it is extremely easy to become a key target of the enemy. Therefore, in order to improve its own survivability, this kind of weapon is generally built on the surface with planetary shields.

In addition to these fixed defense facilities, a fleet of more than 3,000 ships is also gathering in the gravity well of Star New Prague. This fleet is a main fleet dispatched by Huang Xing. It includes twenty With multiple capital ships and more than 3,000 conventional warships, if the horror of the enemy's battle stars is not considered, this fleet is enough to resist the enemy for a long time.

But now, it must cooperate with the defense system of New Prague Star to stop the Borg fleet, and the commander of this fleet has received orders, they are absolutely not allowed to take the initiative to attack, and can only fight the enemy within the range of the orbital defense facility. After a firefight, once the orbital defense facilities are damaged by more than 50%, they must immediately evacuate New Prague.

Because from a strategic point of view, the Interstellar Federation did not intend to stick to New Prague, so the people here had already begun to evacuate two months ago. At this time, there were not many people on New Prague. Only a few people would rather Death is unwilling to leave their new home.

The pace of war is approaching little by little, making everyone's spirits highly tense, especially those non-combatants who are on the front line, such as the staff on those engineering ships.

Finally, on the twelfth day of the sixth month after the Borg fleet appeared, the Interstellar Federation found traces of the Borg fleet outside the gravity well of New Prague, while the orbital defense facilities of New Prague were still It has not been fully built, and several large defense facilities are under construction.

"There is no time! All engineering ships evacuate immediately!" Luo Jinhui, the commander of the fleet and the commander-in-chief of this defensive battle, immediately issued an order. Now the battle is about to begin, and it is impossible for these engineering ships to continue to complete the follow-up The orbital defense facilities are gone, and they can only die in vain if they continue to stay on New Prague. After all, the shield and maneuverability of engineering ships cannot be compared with serious warships.

They are as fragile as a piece of paper.

Soon, all the engineering ships that received Luo Jinhui's order began to retreat slowly, and began to jump to the rear defense node at the edge of the gravity well. Although they withdrew from the front line, this does not mean that they can rest , These engineering ships have to go to the defense nodes behind to build more orbital defense facilities.

"How long will it take for the enemy to arrive?" After ordering the engineering ship and other personnel who did not need to participate in the battle to retreat, Luo Jinhui looked at his adjutant.

"According to the current speed of the enemy, they still have about twelve hours to reach the gravity well of New Prague." The adjutant reported.

"The size of the enemy!" Luo Jinhui continued to ask.

"Thirty-three capital ships, and nearly 10,000 other conventional ships! No trace of Battle Star was found!" the adjutant reported.

"Huh..." Luo Jinhui heaved a sigh of relief. The enemy's battle star was not in his battle zone, which made Luo Jinhui heave a sigh of relief. His three times, but with the orbital defense facilities and the super fortress artillery on the ground, Luo Jinhui is still very confident in defending against the enemy's first wave of attacks.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and the fleet of the Interstellar Federation has long been on standby, ready to meet the enemy at any time. Those orbital defense weapons have also entered the standby state at this time. As long as the enemy enters the range, they will immediately open fire !

Seeing that the Borg fleet was about to enter the gravity well of New Prague, everyone's spirits tensed up.

"Commander! The enemy is about to enter the gravity well!" The radar soldier suddenly shouted loudly.

"Release the drone!" Luo Jinhui immediately ordered. Although the above order is not allowed to fight the enemy outside the orbital defense facility, the drone itself is a consumable, and it needs to be replenished after it is finished.

"Yes!" The adjutant nodded, and then conveyed the order.

Soon, all the drone carriers in the fleet opened their hangar entrances and exits, including those orbital drone platforms. At this time, a large number of drones were also released. Under the control of the drone command center, hundreds of thousands of The man-machines began to hover over the fleet, and after completing the assembly, the fleet rushed towards the Borg fleet that was about to enter the gravity well of New Prague.


"Victor, an old dog, let us be cannon fodder!"

"This damn thing, if I can go back alive, I will definitely kill him!"

Barney, the great engineer, was cursing. He was the kind of great engineer who didn't understand the military. Now he was sent by Victor to act as the cannon fodder for the first wave, so he was full of resentment towards Victor in his heart.

But due to the deterrence of the battle star, Barney didn't dare to resist Victor's order at all, but fortunately, he had done the reconnaissance before, and it was determined that the enemy stationed on this planet in front of him was only 3,000 conventional warships, and the number of capital ships was also higher than that of Victor. His fleet was one-third smaller, so although Barney resented Victor, he didn't feel that he was here to die in the first wave. He felt that he still had a good chance of winning.


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