Facing the Interstellar Federation fighters that had broken into the defensive circle at this time, the Borg air defense ships naturally placed the first priority on these fighters, but when they intercepted these fighters that had lost their combat capabilities, the Interstellar The second round of missile rain from the Federation is coming.

Compared with the previous wave of missile rain, this wave of missile rain is more dense, and the remaining drones also fired all their missiles at this moment.

"Boom boom boom..." Those drones that lost their combat effectiveness were locked by the Borg anti-aircraft ships, their shields were quickly broken and they were smashed into groups of metal wreckage floating in space, but at this time they were released by follow-up fighters The missiles that came out have already arrived!

And at the moment when the missile rain came, all the Interstellar Federation carrier aircraft that had lost their missile weapons turned on their afterburner and rushed forward. In this way, the fire control system of the Borg air defense ship naturally locked on to these missiles after they were launched. Missile warplane.

Automated weapon systems are excellent because they can automatically lock on to the target and launch an attack. For high-mobility fighters and missiles, manual locking is unrealistic because your hands can't keep up with these fighters. maneuvering action.

Therefore, only a highly automated near-defense weapon system can lock the target and fire on its own, in order to effectively intercept these small and highly maneuverable targets.

But in this way, there will be a priority setting in the program of close-in defense weapons. After all, when facing many targets, attacking high-value targets first can make the combat effectiveness of the fleet reach the best.

But the problem is that this program is not modified randomly, you can’t modify the basic control program of the weapon every time before a battle, this thing needs to be returned to the factory for overhaul, and it will take a long time, because it needs to modify the parameters It's just too much.

In the previous wars of the Borg, their air defense targets were ordinary fighters, and the opponents used energy weapons. In this way, in the tracking program of automatic defense weapons, the priority must be fighters on top, and sporadic missiles are not. Key defense targets.

And because the Borg were too blindly confident because of the existence of the battle star, they didn't pay much attention to minor details such as modifying the targeting priority of the air defense ship.

So when the fighter planes and missiles of the Interstellar Federation appeared within the range of the Borg's air defense ship at the same time, the Borg's air defense system immediately gave priority to locking these fighter planes, ignoring the existence of the missiles.

"Boom boom boom..." A large number of fighter planes of the Star Federation were destroyed under the attack of the Borg anti-aircraft firepower. In less than half a minute, the fighter planes of the Star Federation were completely lost.

But at the same time, the interstellar federation's phase missiles also successfully penetrated and destroyed almost all the air defense ships of the Borg fleet!

In this initial confrontation, the Interstellar Federation lost hundreds of thousands of drones, and the Borg lost tens of thousands of carrier-based aircraft, as well as thousands of air defense ships, and the loss of these air defense ships, It also made the Borg's air defense capabilities fall to the bottom all of a sudden.

Now the air defense capabilities of the Borg can only be provided by the air defense weapons on the capital ship, but judging from the air defense firepower of the thirty capital ships, it is almost impossible to defend against the vast number of phase missiles of the Interstellar Federation. impossible!

The Borg people paid a heavy price for underestimating the enemy and being careless, and the consequences of this underestimating the enemy and being careless cannot be easily undone!

You must know that modifying the program of the anti-aircraft weapon needs to be returned to the factory for overhaul,

But now the Borg are not fighting in the local area, they are invaders, and this is the territory of the Interstellar Federation. If they want to return the air defense ship to the factory for overhaul, there are only two options. The first is to withdraw the troops back to their homeland. Wait until the defense program of the air defense ship is modified before making a comeback; the second is to build a warship factory on the spot, and then repair these air defense ships.

But no matter which way, it is not easy for the Borg.

Returning to the homeland of the Borg, all the previous achievements of the Borg will be in vain, and even their secret passage may be exposed. At that time, Qin Hao will definitely let the swarm Chen Bing at the exit of the passage, and if they want to invade the Interstellar Federation It's not that easy.

It is also not an easy task to build a battleship factory on the spot, because the battleship factory cannot be repaired at will. First, you need to occupy the planet, and then mine resources. Enemy raid.

And the delay in all this is not a small number, it will take at least a year or even longer, and when the programs of these air defense ships are all revised, it may take two years or even longer.

You must know that the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you spend more than two years on this kind of thing, it is hard to tell what happened later.

Of course, these things are not something that Barney and the actual commander of the fleet have to consider. They have not realized the seriousness of the problem at this time. But they are all small warships, which has little effect on the strength of the fleet itself.

Moreover, the size of the enemy's fleet is only one-third of their own, so whether it is Barney or the actual commander of the fleet, they are still optimistic about the victory of this battle.

"Assault the whole army, lock the target, and open fire freely!" The commander of the Borg issued an order. After all, the hard power gap between the two sides is too large, and tactics are not so important anymore.

"Commander! A large number of air mines have been detected in the airspace ahead!" The radar soldier suddenly reported at this time.

"No need to sweep mines, just cover them with artillery fire!" The commander issued an order. Although it is the safest way to let the scout ship go to minesweeping, it can even recover the opponent's empty mines, but this is too time-consuming. As long as the artillery fire covers the minefields directly, then All air mines will be destroyed or detonated, and the fleet can pass through smoothly!

"Yes!" The artillerymen immediately began to execute the order. The Borg warships fired at the minefield one after another, and beams of light swept across the minefield, and quickly cleared more than 90% of the empty mines. Lei was also quickly removed under the spot cleaning of the scout ship.


"Get ready to fight!" On the other side, watching the Borg fleet advancing a little bit forward, Luo Jinhui also issued a battle order. Although they only need to stick to the defensive circle, Luo Jinhui's goal is not just defense, he is more eager to fight. Kill the enemy!

After a short firefight just now, Luo Jinhui has already seen that the commander of the opposite fleet not only carelessly underestimates the enemy, but also has a relatively average command level. His military school for so many years was in vain, and the previous wars were also in vain!


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