Soon, Vadota was connected to the communication of another great engineer.

"Brother, help me?" Vadota said straight to the point. The great engineer he contacted had the best relationship with him on weekdays, and he was also one of the main forces against Victor.

"What's the matter?" asked the big engineer.

"I'm going to attack Honey Star now, but my troops are a bit short..." Vadota said.

"This is difficult, I'm also out of skills now..." The big engineer frowned. It's not that he didn't want to help Vadota, but Victor had expected that these big engineers would ask for help from each other, so he gave Deadline, which keeps all the big engineers busy attacking their own goals, and they don't have time to help others.

As for the division of troops to help, there is no chance. The tasks assigned by Victor to these great engineers are very difficult, and they may not be able to complete them with all their efforts, let alone division of troops...

Therefore, under such circumstances, it was impossible for Vadota to find any reinforcements. After contacting several great engineers with good relationships, they all received replies that they were helpless.

"Hey!" Slumped on the sofa, Vadota sighed. Obviously, Victor has plotted them all to death, and all other roads have been blocked. Now the only way to go is to storm the planet Hornier. up.

"My lord!" At this moment, the adjutant walked in.

"What's wrong?" Vadota asked.

"Novis Benchmark has something to discuss with you!" said the adjutant.

"Okay! Take over the communication!" Vadota nodded.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately connected the communication to Vadota.

"Commander!" Nowitzki saluted Vadota respectfully.

"Hmm! What's the matter?" Vadota asked.

"Commander! In the past few hours, I have studied the enemy's force deployment and defense facilities, and now I have a bold attack plan!" Nowitzki said.

"Oh?" Vadota immediately became interested when he heard that Nowitzki had a new battle plan. Now he can't find reinforcements at all, so the hope of victory can only be pinned on Nowitzki. .

"Commander, this plan may be risky, but according to my analysis, this may be our only chance!" Nowitzki said.

"What is the winning percentage?" Vadota asked.

"About sixty percent!" Nowitzki said.

"Okay! Tell me!" Vadota clenched his fists. To be honest, in military operations, the 60% chance of winning is definitely not high. Under normal circumstances, a battle plan with such a winning rate will not be approved. Because the 60% chance is too close to 50-50, it's a bit of luck.

But at this time, Vadota has no choice. According to Nowitzki's previous statement, even if there is no time limit, their winning rate is at most 30%. If the time limit is added, the winning rate is infinitely close to zero. , With this early blow, now that Vadota has heard that the 60% chance of winning is already very high, he thinks it is feasible!

"First of all, I analyzed the enemy's fleet deployment and the combat effectiveness of the two interstellar bases. If we attack by force, there is no chance of winning, so we can only defeat them one by one!" Nowitzki said.

"Destroy them one by one?" Vadota's eyes lit up. Although he doesn't know much about military affairs, he still understands the principle of defeating them one by one. If he can really do this, then there is indeed hope of victory!

"So we have to draw out the enemy's fleet first, and then concentrate our superior forces to defeat it!" Nowitzki said.

"I'm afraid it's not easy?" Vadota frowned. They also fought a battle before. During that battle, the Star Federation's fleet was huddled in the defensive position and would never come out to fight the Borg fleet. , until finally they gave up on that planet, and did not fight head-on with Vadota's fleet.

Therefore, it may not be an easy task to lure this Star Federation fleet out.

"Indeed! This is also the key to this campaign, so we must prepare a bait that is attractive enough to them, so that they can't help but take the initiative!" Nowitzki said.

"Ah? What kind of bait do you want?" Vadota asked.

"Actively expose the location of our flagship!" Nowitzki said.

"Exposing the location of the flagship? Isn't that too dangerous? Once the flagship is destroyed, the command system of the fleet will be severely damaged, and we are likely to be defeated by the enemy!" Although Vadota is not very proficient in military affairs, he is so simple. He still understands the truth.

"So I need your help!" Nowitzki said.

"Huh?" Vadota was taken aback.

"I think the enemy will definitely conduct reconnaissance on our fleet, and they will also monitor our communications. At that time, your battleship will be disguised as the flagship of the fleet, and then continue to issue orders." Nowitzki said.

"You mean, let me be the bait?" Vadota was taken aback.

"Well! I will let your ship stand on the left flank, give the enemy a feeling of being alone, and make them feel that there is a chance to execute the beheading operation, so that they will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation and take the initiative to attack!" Nowitzki said.

"No! This is too dangerous, how can you put Lord Vadota in danger?" Before Vadota could speak, his adjutant directly rejected Nowitzki's proposal.

"My lord, although I will use your ship as a bait, please rest assured that I will do my best to ensure your safety, and this is our only chance to win!" Nowitzki said.

"This..." Vadota was silent. As Nowitzki said, this is their only chance to win. Although he will take some risks himself, this risk is relatively worthwhile!

If he didn't do this, then whether he failed to meet Victor's military order goal within the time limit, or was completely wiped out by the enemy head-on, his fate might not be better.

"If that's the case, then I'll act as the bait!" After pondering for a moment, Vadota said, looking directly into Nowitzki's eyes.

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will make all the arrangements, and you will not be in any danger." Nowitzki assured Vadota.

"Well! Commanding battles is your specialty. I, a layman, don't get involved. You can just say what you need me to do!" Vadota still trusts Nowitzki very much.

"Thank you for your trust, sir!" Nowitzki bowed to Vadota, and then cut off the communication, but after cutting off the communication, Vadota couldn't see the deep guilt that immediately appeared on Nowitzki's face love.


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