Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter one hundred and ninety-ninth the hero goes on an expedition

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive!" Qin Hao patted Nicole's hair dotingly. He suddenly felt that when a man was fighting outside his life, it was a special blessing to have a woman who misses him at home. thing. !

"I'm waiting for you!" Nicole said affectionately looking at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao's heart suddenly felt an urge. In front of all the officers, he suddenly bent down and put a kiss on Nicole's red lips.

Nicole's body froze slightly, and then she hugged Qin Hao's neck and responded enthusiastically. At this moment, her man was about to risk his life to carry out the mission. What is the so-called reserved?

After a long time, Qin Hao's big mouth moved away from Nicole's red lips. He smiled and said to Nicole: "It feels so good, wait for me to come back, let's continue!"

"As long as you can come back!" Although Nicole was blushing, her tone was very firm.

"Second lieutenant, the instant communication device and laser locator you want." At this time, a technical soldier came to Qin Hao with two instruments.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, and then mounted the two instruments to his battle armor.

"You go first, I'll go out..." Nicole turned away, she was afraid that her tears would become a drag on Qin Hao...

"Don't worry, silly girl, I will definitely come back." Qin Hao looked at Nicole's back and said silently. Although he felt sorry for Nicole, the secrets in his heart were too involved. He really couldn't tell her. Can.

"Qin Hao, the communication with the fleet has been connected!" Deng Jia said to Qin Hao at this time.

"Yeah! I see." Qin Hao came to the communication station in a few steps.

"This is the Federal Glory, Thunder Canyon, do you have any questions?" The fleet communication officer's voice came from the communication device.

"This is Thunder Canyon. I'm Qin Hao from the 1st Special Forces Battalion! I want to talk to General Cohen!" Qin Hao said to the communication device.

"Okay! Second Lieutenant Qin Hao, please wait a moment!" said the communications officer. Although Qin Hao's rank is not high, his status is extremely special in the Seventh Fleet.

Soon, the communication officer received Qin Hao's communication from General Cohen.

"Qin Hao, are you in any trouble?" Cohen will ask nervously, after all, Nicole is also in Thunder Canyon.

"No trouble, there is good news!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Good news? What good news?" Cohen dropped the big stone in his heart.

"I found the location of the worm nest and asked the fleet to strike!" Qin Hao said.

"Insect Nest?! Really?" Cohen will be surprised and delighted after getting the news. He has been under too much pressure recently, and several big families have even threatened him to change generals.

"It's absolutely true!" Qin Hao said.

"What are you going to do?" Cohen would ask.

"The worm's nest is deep in the ground, and it is impossible to completely destroy it by planetary bombardment. If you want to completely destroy it, you can only use earth-penetrating nuclear bombs!" Qin Hao said.

"But that requires precise positioning. We cannot cover the whole area in the sky of Alpha star, which makes it difficult for us to carry out precise strikes." Cohen will say.

"It doesn't matter, I will use the laser locator to provide you with positioning." Qin Hao said.

"What!?" Cohen would be shocked, and then he said to Qin Hao with a serious face: "Qin Hao, although we urgently need a victory to boost the morale of the army, there is absolutely no need for you to take such a risk. I do not agree with you to go. Locate near the worm nest!"

"General, please rest assured, I will not do anything I am not sure about. This time the attack on the worm's nest is of great significance. I ask the fleet to approve my plan!" Qin Hao said solemnly.

"It's too dangerous!" Keen will still be reluctant to let Qin Hao take the risk. He has always regarded Qin Hao as a prospective son-in-law, so of course he is not willing to let Qin Hao take such a risk.

"General! You agree, don't miss the opportunity! At this time, the swarm is brewing a bigger attack. If we don't eliminate them in advance, the Thunder Canyon will be in danger!" Qin Hao said.

"This..." Cohen hesitated. Although he didn't want Qin Hao to take risks, he was even more unwilling to put Nicole in danger!

So when he heard that Thunder Canyon might be threatened, General Cohen relented.

"Qin Hao, are you really sure to evacuate?" Cohen will ask.

"General, don't worry, when have I done something I'm not sure about?" Qin Hao said confidently.

"Okay then! I approve your plan, and I order the Viper and the Falcon to prepare for a nuclear strike!" Cohen will take a deep breath, as the two frigates are on standby in the low-Earth orbit of Alpha.

"General, if that's the case, then I'm off!" Qin Hao saluted General Cohen.

"Be careful all the way!" Cohen said, and then he sent Qin Hao a communication code, which was used to communicate with the two frigates.

"Well! I will!" Qin Hao nodded, then cut off the communication.

"Good luck!" Deng Jia and the other officers saluted Qin Hao one after another, as if sending the warriors of the death squad to the battlefield. At this time, there was no difference in military rank in their hearts, but only admiration for the warriors.

"Everyone, see you later!" Qin Hao smiled and walked out of the headquarters.

After coming out of the headquarters, Qin Hao saw that the soldiers of the 1st Special Forces Battalion had already queued up, but Nicole was not in the queue.

"Salute!" When Qin Hao walked out of the headquarters, these special forces soldiers immediately gave Qin Hao a military salute. They already knew that Qin Hao was going to carry out this extremely dangerous mission, which was to see him off.

"Crack!" Qin Hao returned a salute, and then walked outside the base.

"Salute!" Every time Qin Hao passed a checkpoint, the soldiers inside would salute each other, and Qin Hao smiled back one by one.

After waiting for a distance from the Thunder Canyon, Qin Hao gave a whistle.

"Om..." With Qin Hao's whistle, the sound of wings flapping sounded in the distance of the jungle, and soon Sonic appeared above Qin Hao's head.

"Swish swish..." Qin Hao climbed to the top of a big tree with a few steps, then jumped and landed on Sonic's back.

"Your Highness, where are we going?" Sonic asked.

"Zayk's nest." Qin Hao said.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Sonic's wings fluttered, and its speed suddenly picked up. After just over half an hour, Qin Hao came to Zayk's worm nest.

"Wait for a while..." Qin Hao estimated the time. According to the normal marching speed, he would have to arrive here in a few hours. Qin Hao didn't want to be caught because of these details.

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