"Boom boom boom boom..." Phase missiles arrived first.

Because Hooley's firing order was issued at the same time, although the capital ship's super weapons are beam weapons, they are basically ready to fire within this distance, but the problem is that the activation of the super weapons requires a short process, Even after charging is completed.

The launch of phase missiles is relatively much faster. At such a short distance, the initial short-distance transition of phase missiles is basically completed instantly, so they arrived at the ship of Vadota first, and directly passed through The shield caused serious damage to Vadota's ship.

These missiles are not the kind of small-equivalent guys reproduced on fighter planes, but ship-borne heavy missiles, each of which has great power. Under the concentrated fire attack of hundreds of missiles, even the battleship's The shell was also battered all over, and even the shield generator became unstable due to the missile attack.

And at this time, the superweapon attack from the capital ship of the Interstellar Federation also arrived, and bright beams of light directly hit the shield of Vadota's ship, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire airspace.

Under the joint attack of multiple super weapons, although Vadota's ship is a capital ship, its shield system that has already been attacked can no longer withstand this level of attack, so it persisted for a while. After that, the battleship's shield finally failed to withstand this round of attack, and was shattered in the dazzling glare.

The shattering of the shield caused the capital ship to no longer have any means of protection against attacks.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." The second wave of missile rain from the Interstellar Federation is coming. Unlike energy weapons, missiles do not need to be recharged, and they can complete their second launch soon. A large number of missiles directly hit Wa. Dota's ship.

When the first wave of missile rain hit, Vadota's ship was a capital ship after all, and its bow was also equipped with a large number of close-in defense guns. Although these close-in defense guns had mediocre firepower when attacking battleships, But the efficiency of intercepting missiles is still amazing.

But after the first round of missile attacks and the subsequent bombardment of super weapons, the armored shell of Vadota's ship has been completely destroyed, and even the close-in defense guns with the bow of the ship have been completely destroyed.

After losing the intercepting weapon, the missile is almost 100% hit. After all, this kind of weapon with a guidance program locks the target by itself and adjusts its own flight trajectory. Unless it is intercepted, it is almost impossible for them to miss .

"Boom, boom, boom..." More violent explosions erupted on Vadota's ship, and missiles directly attacked the structural frame of Vadota's ship. The ship begins to disintegrate...

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Vadota's battleship began to split, explode, and then disintegrate under the fierce attack.

"My lord, our spaceship is finished. Hurry up and follow me to the lifeboat!" The adjutant took Vadota's arm and rushed to the next cabin. Just next to the bridge, there are a large number of lifeboats. No matter in which civilization, the officer The lives of soldiers are more important than ordinary soldiers, so the means of escape for officers are much more than that of soldiers.

The adjutant took Vadota by the arm and shoved him into a lifeboat, while he jumped into it himself.

"Ka..." After entering the lifeboat, the adjutant directly closed the hatch, even though there were several soldiers and officers following them, the adjutant didn't even look at them,

Just hit the escape button!

"Boom!" The lifeboat was ejected, and then immediately ignited, preparing to flee in the direction of the fleet, but at this moment a look of despair appeared on the adjutant's face.

Because at this time the Borg fleet did not send any rescue troops at all, but they began to retreat to the edge of the gravity well of Hornir, which meant that Vadota and the others were abandoned!

"This... this is impossible..." Vadota's face was dull at this moment, he couldn't accept this ending at all.

It was very clear in Vadota's heart that he had been tricked by Nowitzki, what kind of bait was he, he was simply an abandoned child!

"It's over... It's over..." The adjutant looked at the starry sky in despair, because behind them, a large number of Interstellar Federation fighters rushed over. These fighter formations are no longer composed of bomber formations, but more flexible fighter jets. composition.

Obviously, these interstellar federation carrier-based aircraft are not here to attack battleships, they are here to hunt lifeboats!

That's right, Hu Li listened to Uncle Wang's advice and didn't let the fleet rush out of position rashly, but this didn't prevent him from sending carrier-based aircraft to chase and intercept. You must know that for the Interstellar Federation, carrier-based aircraft are actually equivalent to Missile consumables can be replenished at any time, so there is no need to be stingy.

When the Borg fleet threw Vadota's ship out just now, Huli keenly seized this opportunity, and when Vadota didn't react, he directly concentrated fire to destroy the ship. A capital ship, and dispatched a large number of fighter jets to intercept those lifeboats.

The power system of these lifeboats is sloppy, they are not opponents of fighter jets at all, and they are easily overtaken by the Star Federation's carrier fleet, and then the unilateral massacre began, and none of the lifeboats of the Borg escaped back to theirs. In the fleet, the lifeboat that Vadota was in was no exception. Together with his adjutants, they were all intercepted by the Interstellar Federation fighters and buried in the vast starry sky.

Afterwards, the carrier-based aircraft of the Interstellar Federation returned, and then continued to hide in the defensive position, waiting for the enemy's next attack.

On the other side, Nowitzki looked at the starry sky in front of him with a guilty face, where there were still many wreckages of Vadota's ship that were martyred, and bursts of light shone in the dark universe.

"I'm sorry, Great Engineer Vadota..."

"Obviously, this is the chief lord who wants to kill you. If you attack by force, we will all be buried with you..."

"Only when you die, can we get reinforcements from the chief lord. At that time, we will be the real fleet to attack the enemy, and not exist as your funeral objects..."


Nowitzki muttered to himself, from the very beginning, he was digging holes for Vadota, and from the very beginning, his real purpose was to send Vadota to a dead end, because Nowitzki analyzed the strength of both sides In contrast, without reinforcements, he has no chance of winning at all, and if he wants to get reinforcements, only Vadota dies!

Vadota is dead, and Vitok's goal has been achieved, then he will naturally bury this fleet in vain, so Nowitzki and this fleet can survive!


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