Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter Two Thousand Unprofessional Orders

Under the strong attack of Balorna, although the Interstellar Federation has achieved great results and wiped out a large number of Borg fleets, they are also under tremendous pressure.

In front of the fleet, the interstellar base that was heavily attacked by the Borg was already covered in bruises, and its shield had already been broken once. If it is heavy, even the capital ship will be dismantled more than a dozen times!

But relying on the ultra-thick armor shell, as well as the powerful defense and regeneration capabilities of the biological armor, this interstellar base was finally able to survive, and the shield barrier was raised again.

At this time, the Borg's attack did not weaken at all. Their ship's main guns were charged again and again, and then launched round after round of salvos at the interstellar base.

The capital ships of the Borg were not idle either. After the super weapons were cooled down, they launched a second violent attack. This time, the interstellar fortress shield of the Interstellar Federation disintegrated instantly, because the strength of the temporarily repaired shield It can't be compared with the previous heyday. It's okay to resist the salvo of the main gun, but the salvo of super weapons is already devastating to it.

This time, the volley of super weapons not only destroyed the shield system of this interstellar base, but also opened a big hole in the front of this interstellar base!

Then the Borg warships attacked more violently. They all aimed at the big hole that was blown out this time, and then concentrated their firepower here.

For a battleship or a space building, its strongest defense is undoubtedly the shield, and after the shield is damaged, its strongest defense is the thick armor shell. In addition, whether it is a battleship or a space building , its internal structure is very fragile.

At this time, not only the shield of the interstellar base was damaged, but also a big hole was punched in the outer armor shell. Although the biological armor has the ability to repair itself, the problem is that this self-repair also takes time!

But the Borg would not give the Star Federation even a second to rest, and their fully charged main guns struck again!

"Boom!" In a burst of dazzling light, the interstellar base began to disintegrate, and the internal structure began to be martyred. At this time, the personnel on the interstellar base could only evacuate immediately, and the interstellar base was definitely lost.

A large number of lifeboats flew out of the interstellar base, like a swarm of bees leaving their nests, they quickly moved away from this interstellar base that might erupt at any time, and fled to their own fleet in the distance.

"Boom!" A more dazzling light burst out, and this interstellar base was completely blown into a mass of ruins in space. Although more than 70% of the combatants had been evacuated from this interstellar base, there were still tens of thousands of people left. Thousands of people failed to board the lifeboat in time due to various reasons. In the end, they could only follow this interstellar base and turn into dust in space. Civilization made its last contribution.

"It's too fast..." At this time, Hu Li frowned. The time for the interstellar bases to be destroyed was much earlier than he expected. According to Hu Li's calculations, the two interstellar bases would last at least three hours. However, this interstellar base was destroyed by the enemy in just one hour and ten minutes!

You must know that the calculation of this kind of damage is not as simple as one plus one. Don't look at the interstellar base that lasted only 20 minutes less than expected.

But the next interstellar base will bear all the firepower of the Borg alone!

Without the sharing of friendly forces, it may last even less time. If it is destroyed by the enemy within an hour, then Huli will be under much greater pressure than expected! This may even fundamentally affect his strategic deployment.

"Commander! It's definitely not going to work like this. The enemy's main guns have been recharged. According to this style of play, the only remaining interstellar base can't last for an hour." Uncle Wang said from the side.

"Hmm..." Hu Li kept rubbing his fingers, and after about three minutes, he made up his mind.

"Uncle Wang! Order the long-range attack ship to load the No. 4 warhead!" Hu Li gave the order.

"Number 4 warhead? Are you sure?" Uncle Wang asked.

"Sure!" Hooley nodded. The No. 4 warhead is one of the secret weapons of the Interstellar Federation. If it is not sure to wipe out the enemy, it is forbidden to use it, because once the news is leaked, the enemy will have the No. 4 warhead. information, then in the next battle, the Star Federation will lose a big killer!

But Huli has no choice at this time, he must use the No. 4 warhead to turn the tide of the battle, and if all goes well, none of the tens of thousands of Borg warships in front of him will be able to escape, and they will be slaughtered by the warhead Annihilate in the gravity well of Star Honey!

As for the Borg warships sending information to friendly forces during the battle, Hu Li is not worried at all. In such a large-scale battle, both sides will definitely block the long-distance communication in the relevant airspace immediately.

This is not only done by the Interstellar Federation, but also by the Borg. At this time, the gravity well of the Hornier star is equivalent to a small closed space. Under the influence of the phase interference device, no spaceship can leave the Hornier star. Also under the influence of the electromagnetic interference device, all the two sides can only communicate within the range of the gravity well of Honey Star, and it is also impossible to send signals to leave this planet.

At this time, the ships of the Borg were all in the middle or even the inner circle of the gravity well. They didn't even have a battleship on the edge of the gravity well, so it was impossible to communicate with the outside world.

As long as the enemy can be completely wiped out in the gravity well of Star Honey, Huli won't worry about leaking the news at all.

At Huli's insistence, Uncle Wang sent the order to the long-range attack fleet. Soon, all the long-range attack ships began to be equipped with new warheads. Although they also used phase missiles to attack, this time, these The weapons used by the long-range attack ship are completely different!

"Scatter and lock the target, prepare to attack!" Hu Li gave an unprofessional order.

In fleet battles, salvos are usually used to strike at one or some enemy spaceships, because only concentrated firepower can destroy enemy warships in the shortest possible time.

You must know that killing ten spaceships of the enemy is not as good as killing one spaceship!

But at this time, Huli gave the order to disperse the attack. He used these long-range attack ships to attack as many Borg spaceships as possible, but obviously, such attacks cannot achieve effective killing effects!


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