Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon the Borg battleship was back under control, and the main gun was fully charged again!

"Boom boom boom boom..." Thousands of cannons were fired!

Immediately afterwards, another thick beam of light went straight to the interstellar fortress of the Interstellar Federation, and the capital ships of the Borg also opened fire. After their super weapons were recharged, they fired a salvo at the fortress of the Interstellar Federation...

Although in the previous fifty minutes, the interstellar fortress of the Interstellar Federation recovered some shield energy, but in the face of the Borg's main gun salvo and the attack of super weapons, this shield value is not enough at all!

The shield of the interstellar fortress was torn apart in an instant, and not only that, more super weapons directly hit the armored shell of the fortress.

Violent explosions continued to erupt on the front of the interstellar fortress, and bursts of martyrdom followed, and the huge interstellar base was torn to pieces in an instant!

Different from the previous interstellar base, this interstellar base was forcibly torn apart by the super weapons of the Borg. Everything happened so fast that the officers and soldiers in the interstellar fortress even had no chance to escape into the lifeboats. No!

With the complete disintegration of the interstellar fortress, nearly 300,000 officers and soldiers were also buried in the void of the universe...

"Damn it!" Hu Li clenched his fists in the rear fleet. The casualties of 300,000 troops made him feel heartbroken, but this is not the time to be sad at all!

"Commander! We don't have time to be sad now!" Uncle Wang reminded.

"That's right! The threat of the Borg has not been lifted yet! We really don't have the right to be sad!" Hu Li nodded, and then asked Uncle Wang, "How long is it until the slaughter warhead arrives?"

"About one hour and fifty-five minutes!" Uncle Wang replied.

"In that case, they still have a chance to fire a volley!" Huli nodded, and then issued an order: "Notify the fleet to retreat and gather in the direction of Star Hornier!"

"Yes! Commander!" Uncle Wang immediately conveyed Huli's order.

"Order Tukas to urgently build a phase interference device on the back of Hornier, and then the entourage will land on the surface!" Huli issued another order.

"Yes! Commander!" Uncle Wang conveyed the order again.

The Tukas is a cruiser-class multi-purpose engineering ship. Its greatest capability is to directly disassemble itself, and then build an orbital facility in a relatively short period of time, such as a repair factory, shield replenishment device, or phase interference device. something like that.

After Huli's order was issued, the Star Federation's fleet began to retreat and gathered in the direction of Hornier's star, while the Tukas circled directly from low-earth orbit to the back of Hornier's star, and at this time Borg Although the human fleet has already killed all the interstellar bases of the Interstellar Federation, it can be regarded as looking at each other with the fleet of the Interstellar Federation.

But at this time, their naval guns are cooling down and cannot be fired for the time being. At the same time, there is still a lot of orbital defense weapons in front of the Star Federation fleet. The battleships were completely vulnerable to a single blow, but with their blocking, the Borg battleships could not move forward immediately.

At this time, the Borg are waiting, they are waiting for their weapon system to cool down, although the time seems extremely urgent now, but after calculation,

It is still enough, as long as the Borg wait until the next naval gun is fully charged, then a round of salvo can kill the Star Federation fleet and those orbital defense weapons, and then they still have an hour and thirty-five minutes, This time is enough time for them to evacuate the gravity well of Honey Star.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and the fleet of the Interstellar Federation had gathered in the low-earth orbit of Star Hornier at this time, and this distance was so close that the gravity of Star Hornier began to affect the fleet. The fuel to maintain the current position of the ship, these spaceships of the Interstellar Federation will be captured by the gravity of Honey Star.

"Finally this moment has come! The guys from the Star Federation are at their wit's end? It doesn't matter where they are hiding? They are going to be killed by us together!" Balorna showed a smile on his face. At this time, their ship owner The cannons had already started charging, and in five minutes, they would be able to kill all the enemies with a round of salvo, and then retreat calmly.

"My lord, an enemy spaceship has detoured to the back of Hornier star!" At this time, the radar officer reported a message.

"Forget it, don't care about it, anyway, the slaughter warhead will arrive later, and it won't survive!" Balorna waved his hand, and now the cruiser has circled to the back of Honey Star. If they pursue it, it will definitely die. It was too late to evacuate.

So at this time, Balorna will definitely not care about such a small boat.


"Land down!" At this moment, Huli also gave the last order.

"Yes! Commander!" As Uncle Wang conveyed this order, the ships of the Interstellar Federation began to quickly land on the surface of Honey Star!

Although there is no large airport on Honey Star that can accommodate 3,000 spaceships, there are still quite a few relatively flat deserts, and spaceships can easily land on its surface, although taking off again after landing in this way will consume a lot of energy for the spaceship , but if you don't land at this time, you can only wait to die!

You must know that the gravity well of Honey Star is blocked by both sides at this time. Although one's own blockade can be ignored, the opponent's blockade will not be terminated, so the Borg must destroy the phase interference device in the orbital defense facility. Leaving, similarly, if the Interstellar Federation Fleet wants to leave the gravity well of Hornir, it must either be picked up by an Anteko Marauder-class capital ship, or it must annihilate the Borg fleet.

But at this time, Hu Li can't do either of these two items!

Therefore, in order to survive, the Interstellar Federation Fleet has only one option at this time, and that is to land on the surface of Hornier Star!

Don't look at the killing effect of the massacre warhead on the orbital space is devastating, but it does not attack the planet itself. Although this violent explosion will cause the planet's atmosphere to vibrate rapidly and have a huge impact on the surface environment, but this impact It will not harm the warships on the surface.

So from the very beginning, Huli's retreat for the Interstellar Federation Fleet was not to evacuate, but to land on the surface of the planet.

"My lord, it's not good! The fleet of the Interstellar Federation has landed on the surface of Hornier!" The radar soldiers immediately discovered this.

"My lord, what should we do?" The combat staff officer asked immediately.

"Destroy all orbital defense facilities, and then immediately evacuate to the edge of the gravity well! At the same time, all ships are ready for the jump!" Balorna immediately made a decision!


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