"My lord, what are your plans for the future?" Nokia asked.

"One by one, please help me pass a message to La Luke's subordinates first, saying that I will give them a chance to survive, and if they want to seize this opportunity, they will take the initiative to come to see me!" Qian Feng Said to Nokia.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Nokia nodded.

"You handle this matter yourself, don't let others know." Qian Feng warned.

"Don't worry!" Nokia nodded.

"Okay, let's go to work." Qian Feng waved his hand.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Nokia turned and left Qian Feng's office...

"Hey! It's really difficult..." After Nokia left, Qian Feng tapped his fingers on the table, and at the same time he muttered to himself: "It's really not easy to start from scratch. I want to win over some cronies. It's really difficult, no matter how good you are to him, those old guys can take them away with a hook, so I'm not favored like that?"

"My lord, don't pay too much attention to it. Isn't this kind of thing a common occurrence? Besides, you have placed your eyeliner around those people, haven't you?" A secret door opened in the office, and a very mechanized The low Borg stepped out.

"Hehe, I don't really care too much about it, but I feel a bit reluctant to destroy the people I have cultivated so hard..." Qian Feng shook his head.

"Isn't the matter at the end?" said the Borg.

"There are some things. Once you take the first step, you can't turn back. Even if you want to turn back, people will not agree, so he has no choice..." Qian Feng sighed again.

"Let's see... Maybe there is a turning point." The Borg shrugged.

"That's true! Look, fate is always in your own hands, but you often don't notice it when you choose..." Qian Feng opened the drawer and took out a photo while talking , and this photo is an image of an intimate conversation between Nokia and one of Victor's old subordinates.

A few days later, the Borg with a low degree of mechanization reappeared in Qian Feng's office.

"The fellows under Larouque all died on the way to meet you,

Others who want to take refuge in you are now starting to maintain a wait-and-see attitude. "The Borg said straight to the point.

"It seems that he has already made a choice..." Qian Feng sighed, and then said to the Borg: "Go, follow the previous plan."

"Yes! My lord!" The Borg nodded.

"Gao Wen..." Just as the Borg was about to leave, Qian Feng stopped him.

"What's the matter, my lord?" the Borg asked back.

"Will you also betray me one day?" Qian Feng asked.

"Then who knows?" Gao Wen shrugged and left Qian Feng's office.

"Hehe..." Qian Feng chuckled lightly, then leaned back on the chair.


"Gao Wen, why are you here?" Nokia looked at Gao Wen in surprise, they were both under Qian Feng's subordinates, so they knew each other.

If he saw Gao Wen in other places, Nokia would be surprised, but he would definitely not be terrified, but today is different, he received a message from his new boss, asking him to come here for a meeting.

But here they met the subordinates of the old master, which made Nokia inevitably not think too much.

"Why am I here, haven't you already guessed it?" Gao Wen smiled slightly.

"You...why should I know..." Although Nokia pretended to be calm, he was already flustered in his heart, and his men wanted to touch the weapon subconsciously.

"Hehe, don't struggle, it's not like you don't know what I do..." Gawain smiled, but after seeing him make no movement, Nokia suddenly felt that his body was out of control.

"Plop..." Nokia knelt on the ground.

"What did you do..." Nokia looked at Gao Wen in horror.

"It's nothing, it's just temporarily blocking the control of your body." Gawain smiled slightly, and at the same time took out a small device from his arms - an electromagnetic suppressor.

This thing can release electromagnetic pulses to suppress all electronic equipment within a certain range. If this thing is on the side of the Interstellar Federation, although it is also very powerful, it will definitely not be fatal to anyone.

But it is completely different for the Borg. Almost all the Borg have undergone mechanized transformation. Their bodies have a lot of electronic devices. Under the influence of the electromagnetic suppressor, let alone take action, if Gao Wen wants It is a very simple matter to kill Nokia.

The reason why Gao Wen dared to use this casually was because his degree of mechanization was very low, only his left hand was a mechanical hand, so although he was also affected by the electromagnetic suppressor, at this time Gao Wen could only use his left hand.

But Nokia is different. He is a highly mechanized Borg. Under the influence of the electromagnetic suppressor, Nokia can't even move a finger.

In fact, let alone Nokia, so what if it was Qian Feng? If it weren't for the long-term anti-suppressor equipment on his body and the long-term power-on, Qian Feng, a high-level Borg who has been replaced by machinery except for his brain, would be instantly killed by this suppressor.

So ever since he received the transformation and learned about the technology of the Borg, Qian Feng almost always carried that anti-suppressive equipment with him, otherwise he would have died many times by now.

But no matter what, at this time Nokia can't afford to be equipped with that kind of anti-suppressive equipment, which is one of the highest level of black technology of the Borg. If Qian Feng has not won Victor's trust, and Victor's old subordinates always If he wanted to kill Qian Feng, Victor might not equip him with such expensive equipment.

"Okay, don't waste your words with me. If you have anything to say, wait until you see Mr. Qian Feng." Gao Wen came behind Nokia and inserted a chip into Nokia's body.

Then Gao Wen lifted the electromagnetic suppression. At this time, although all the electronic devices on Nokia's body could be used, the chip completely imprisoned him.

"Come here! Take it away!" Following Gao Wen's voice, several Borg soldiers rushed in, set up the Nokia and walked out.

The reason why Gao Wen appeared alone just now was mainly because the electromagnetic suppression device does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If these soldiers came in, that would be bad luck, so he let these soldiers stay outside, and let them come in to arrest people after Nokia was controlled. .

Nine Heavens Emperor

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