"Whoosh!" Just as Capes was leading his men to collect deeper soil samples, a phantom flashed past, and then disappeared into the nearby bushes, but as it disappeared, The eighty armed robots who were originally guarding the side were now short of one.

"What's going on?" Capps frowned.

"Captain, could it be the swarm?" A team member asked in fear.

"It's not sure yet. After all, this planet is also unknown to us. There is also the possibility of some local beasts here!" Although Cappus was also a little nervous, he was relatively calm.

After all, although there are not many planets with life in the universe, there are still some. Although these planets may not all have powerful beasts, beasts that can rob robots are not uncommon.

But no matter how powerful these ferocious beasts are, they are far less threatening than the swarm, because although the swarm is also very powerful individually, it is not limited to frightening the Borg. What is really desperate is the swarm. Numbers and how fast they reproduce!

No matter how weak it is, once the number increases, it will be terrifying!

"Order all robots to enter the highest alert state! Turn on the shield system!" Cappus gave the order, and the robots also have a shield system on their bodies, but this thing will consume a lot of energy after being turned on, so in normal alert , the shield system is not activated.

But now Cappus and others have been attacked, so it is natural to raise the alert level to the highest level.

"Swish, swish, swish..." In an instant, no matter whether it was the robots or the Borg such as Cappus, a light green shield appeared on their bodies, but it could be seen that the shields of the robots were obviously weaker. dimmer.

At the same time, the detection devices on these robots were also turned on at their maximum power, and they searched for all biological targets and moving targets around them.

"Okay! Don't be idle, everyone, keep working!" Capps said to his team members. It is enough to have nearly 80 robots on high alert. If none of them can find the enemy, then even if they add These search team members are useless, it is better to take advantage of this time to complete the search task quickly.

Once the task is completed, whether it is searching for signs of the existence of the insect swarm or confirming that there are no insects on the planet, Cappus and others can evacuate, and then they will be truly safe.

"Yes!" The search team members nodded and continued their work.

Time passed by, and after many robots entered the highest alert state, everything seemed to have returned to calm. If it wasn't for the fact that the number of robots was one less, it would really make people think that nothing had happened.

"My lord, the drill has penetrated 150 meters into the ground, and still no Zerg DNA was found." A team member under Capes reported.

"Fifty meters deeper!" Cappus ordered, if no DNA of any swarm was detected this time, then he was ready to order the evacuation.

"Yes!" The search team used the drilling machine to drill down again.

"Swish, swish..." At this moment, several phantoms flashed again.

"Enemy attack!" The high-alert robots immediately issued an alarm. They did not detect any biological targets, but after these phantoms were close enough, their radar systems scanned these high-speed moving targets.

But the speed of these targets is too fast, even the high-speed cameras equipped on these robots can't capture their appearance. On their monitors, these high-speed moving targets are still a cloud of phantoms.

Although it is impossible to determine what the target is, this does not prevent the robot from using the weapon in its hand to fight back!

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." beams of light shot straight at these high-speed targets.

These high-speed moving targets are extremely mobile, they dodge a lot of attacks, but some beams still hit them, but these beams don't seem to cause any damage to these high-speed moving targets!

Although these beam weapons are relatively low-power individual weapons, they are energy beams after all!

But after these beams hit the target, they couldn't stop these guys...

"Bang bang bang..." The shields of several robots were broken in an instant, and then they were swept away by the opponent. The whole process was as fast as lightning, without leaving any clues for Cappus and others.

"How about the loss?" Cappus frowned. He was sure that these fast-moving guys were definitely not bugs, at least not known swarms!

"Seven robots were lost..." At this time, all the team members became more nervous. Although the enemy looted all robots, they knew very well that if the enemy's target was replaced by them, the result would not change in any way. .

"Captain! The sample collection is complete!" At this moment, the drilling rig finally drilled to a depth of 200 meters and brought the samples back at the same time.

"Test immediately!" Capps ordered the others after finishing speaking: "Pack up your equipment and prepare to evacuate!"

Although the samples are still being tested, this is not important to Capes. Regardless of whether they can find signs of the existence of the swarm, they will evacuate at this time. These fast-moving guys are too powerful. Let the regular marines deal with it.

Compared with the heavily armed marines, the weapons and equipment of Capps and his search teams are much worse. They are the death squads who came to confirm the existence of the swarm. If the swarm really exists, then give them another Too much equipment is useless, so their biggest reliance is nothing more than the hundred robots.

"Yes!" The team members wanted to evacuate a long time ago, and now they began to pack their bags immediately after receiving the order, and then evacuated.

"Team...captain! The knot...the result is out!" A team member said in a trembling voice.

"How?" At the same time as he asked this sentence, Cappus's heart skipped a beat, and he had already guessed the result.

"In the soil sample at a depth of 200 meters, it was confirmed that Zerg DNA existed..." the team member said in a difficult voice.

"Evacuate immediately!" Without any hesitation, Cappus immediately let the robots form a circle to protect them and the search team began to retreat in the direction of the spaceship. As for the equipment, those that could be discarded were discarded directly.

Based on the experience of many searches, Capes knew that after they searched for information about the existence of the swarm, the swarm must also know the information they had. At this time, it is definitely impossible to communicate remotely. They have to run Get back to the ship and evacuate immediately, or the swarm will arrive in minutes!

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