"According to the information sent back by Capes, there is an extremely fast creature here. There are not many of them, but they are very aggressive. Our armed robots are completely vulnerable to these creatures!" The adjutant said While saying this, he also provided a picture, which is the image data sent back by Capes. This picture is not clear, but it can be vaguely seen that it is a creature similar to a human.

"What's the situation on Capstone's side now?" Victor asked.

"The specific information is not clear. Their communication system has been damaged, and they can only send some messages intermittently, so it is not coherent. But from what we have, Capstone's team should have suffered heavy casualties. At the same time, their The spaceship was also damaged, making it impossible to evacuate from Kruzer Star." The adjutant added here: "The situation of other exploration teams is not too optimistic. These Kruzer Star creatures are very aggressive. The armored shell of the landing craft cannot be breached in a short period of time, but it can damage the spacecraft’s engines and antennas, making many of the spacecraft’s devices unable to function normally.”

"That's it...then let's send a rescue team!" Victor said with a slight smile, as long as there are no swarms on Cruze, it will be nothing to Victor.

And having such a powerful creature is an extra gain for the Borg, they can get a lot of useful things from these powerful creatures.

As for the lost search teams, Victor doesn't care at all. Although the population of the Borg cannot be compared with a race with a strong reproductive ability like humans, they are an old civilization with a population of tens of billions. More than a hundred search teams went up to less than a thousand people in total, and if they died, they died.

Anyway, the Borg who went to the search team basically didn't have too strong guys. The really strong fighters were all in the combat department. How could they do such a dangerous and unskilled thing.

Among the entire search team, the only person who can impress Victor is Cappus, and his impression of Victor is not because of his powerful ability, but because of his very good personal luck.

Therefore, in the army sequence of the Borg, the search team is actually the cannon fodder among the cannon fodder. They use their lives to search for the existence of insect swarms on this planet. As long as the results come out, then these people are It doesn't matter whether you live or die.

That's why Cappus, who was able to detect the existence of the swarm many times and survived, could become the star of the search team.

At this time, Victor has obtained all the information he wanted, so the life and death of the search team is no longer important to him. The so-called rescue team is just a psychological comfort for those search teams. They are actually the main attack force. Troops, the purpose is to occupy this planet. As for the search team, if they can be rescued, they will help, but if there is a conflict with their strategic goals,

Then they wouldn't waste time specifically for the members of the search team.

Because it has been confirmed that there are neither insect swarms nor Interstellar Federation troops on Kruzer, the Borg did not use fighters to open the way, and directly dispatched a large number of landing ships. These large landing ships all carried a large number of The troops and ground equipment slowly landed in several preset landing sites on Kruzer Star.

The entire landing process was extremely smooth, and the Borg landing ships did not encounter any attacks.

"How many landing troops have you sent to Star Cruze?" Victor looked at one of his staff officers. This landing operation was planned by the staff headquarters.

"A total of 32 landing ships, 100,000 robot troops, 50,000 marines, and 3,000 various land combat armored vehicles." A staff officer reported to Victor. For a planet without any defenses, this landing The scale is already very large. After all, the search team mentioned before that there are powerful creatures on this planet, so they sent so many soldiers to land operations.

"Well! It should be almost there!" Victor nodded. To be honest, he thought it was a bit of a fuss to send so many troops, but since these troops had already been dispatched, he didn't say anything more, after all, send more people Going up is just wasting some landing ship fuel, which is nothing.


After the thirty-two landing ships successfully landed at the seven landing sites on the Kruzer star, a large number of robot soldiers rushed down first. They immediately established temporary defensive positions and firmly controlled these temporary landing sites. hands.

Immediately after various engineering vehicles came down from the landing ship, they all carried various supplies, and then began to build the forward base.

The industrial technology of the Borg is even stronger than the humans of the Interstellar Federation, so they built the advance base very quickly. After only two hours, there were seven more Borg bases on Kruzer.

Immediately after those engineering vehicles, with these seven forward bases as the core, a large number of bunkers and defensive weapons were built around them. In less than half a day, these forward bases were already impregnable.

Afterwards, the landing force began to cooperate with the robots to search for energy spar veins on Kruzer star. Compared with those powerful creatures, these energy crystal mines are the main purpose of the Borg.

And at the same time when the ground base started to be built, the Borg fleet also began to move closer to the low-Earth orbit of Kruzer Star. After the ground base was built and resources were obtained, these warships could get some supplies nearby. At the same time, staying in low-earth orbit is also more convenient for them to build orbital defense equipment here.

After all, although the Borg fleet is invincible, they cannot stay here all the time, and once they leave, the Interstellar Federation people who are familiar with the terrain of this galaxy are likely to come and harass them. It is impossible for a large-scale fleet to reach here, but a small-scale fleet can still escape detection.

At that time, these orbital defense facilities will be useful. They may be just some cannon fodder to deal with large fleets, but to fight against the harassment of small groups of enemies, these orbital buildings can fully play their role.

For a while, Kruse Star seemed to have been brought under the command of the Borg, and they had already started construction here.

Until this time, the swarm hadn't taken any action, and the Borg really didn't look for the search teams trapped on Kruzer. They were just focusing on building forward bases and looking for energy crystal veins .


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