"I will instruct those leaders to pay attention." Prince Naxin said.

"Okay, fourth brother, go back first. If you have anything, feel free to come to us." Prince Fei said to Qin Hao.

"Okay! The three brothers, I'll go back first." Qin Hao nodded, and then walked out of Prince Fei's nest.

"Your Highness, shall we go back?" Sonic asked.

"Well! Take me back to Thunder Canyon first." Qin Hao said to Sonic while jumping on Sonic's back.

"Om..." Sonic vibrated his wings and flew away in the direction of Thunder Canyon.


Sonic's speed was very fast. After more than half an hour, it left Prince Fei's territory with Qin Hao and entered Qin Hao's own territory. The site now belongs to Qin Hao.

"Wait!" Not long after entering his own territory, Qin Hao found sporadic human soldiers.

"What are they doing?" Qin Hao frowned. This place is only about 200 kilometers away from Zayk's worm nest, and it is still in the heart of nuclear explosion. Although modern nuclear bombs have optimized the problem of nuclear pollution, the The radioactive material is still seriously exceeding the standard.

Although these human warriors wear radiation-proof equipment, it is still very risky to stay in such places for a long time.

"What are they searching for? Is it looking for the corpse of the leader of the swarm?" Qin Hao frowned, and then quickly gave up his idea, because in the heart of the nuclear explosion, let alone the leader of the swarm. The insects, even the powerful defense insects like Yinjiao, have to be instantly vaporized.

"Sonic, I'm going down from here, you go back first." Qin Hao said to Sonic.

"Yes! Your Highness, I will continue to return to the vicinity of the Thunder Canyon to wait for your order!" Sonic nodded, and then Qin Hao jumped off its back.

"Whoosh..." With the help of a few half-downed trees, Qin Hao quickly landed on the ground.

"Om..." On the other side, Sonic vibrated his wings and continued to fly in the direction of Thunder Canyon.

Because Qin Hao and those human soldiers were far away from each other, he and Sonic did not fall into the sight of those human soldiers.

"Tatata..." Qin Hao turned on the individual armored marching mode, and then quickly shuttled through the jungle. At this time, there was no safety in the jungle. Zayk's swarm had already evacuated, and the nuclear explosion killed or scared him. The beasts of this place are gone, so there is nothing here except radiation pollution.


"Be careful! There is movement over there!" Several motorized infantrymen in radiation protection suits suddenly became nervous. They picked up their rifles and aimed at the jungle ahead.

At this time, most of the jungle had been destroyed, and almost all the tall trees had fallen down, which made the vision even more obstructed.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" It's a dense rain of bullets!

"Pala..." The branches and leaves that were going to the most were lifted, revealing a reinforced and iron-boned robotic arm.

"Crack..." The motorized infantrymen almost subconsciously opened the safety of the firearms.

"Clap..." As the branches and leaves in front of him were all pushed aside, a man in a single soldier came out.

"Who are you?!" Since Qin Hao put down his visor, the soldiers couldn't see his face.

"It's me!" Qin Hao put down the visor on his head.

"Lieutenant Qin Hao?!"

"You haven't died!"

"I said! How could the legendary Second Lieutenant Qin Hao be killed so easily!"

"Great! I finally found Second Lieutenant Qin Hao!"

"Quick! Send a message to others that Second Lieutenant Qin Hao has been found!"


The seven or eight motorized infantrymen suddenly became excited. The purpose of their coming out was to search for Qin Hao's whereabouts. Although everyone was reluctant to accept this fact, at the heart of the nuclear explosion,

The probability of Qin Hao's death is almost 100%, and the probability of him surviving is very small.

But what these soldiers didn't expect was that they actually found Qin Hao, and Qin Hao survived unscathed.

"God! He survived the nuclear explosion unscathed... Is he really as powerful as a legend, like a god?" The hearts of these motorized infantrymen invariably raised such an idea.

"You came out to find me?" Qin Hao asked in surprise.

"Yes! Cohen will order all our defenders in the Thunder Canyon to dispatch, and be sure to find you, second lieutenant." said the mobile infantry corporal in the lead.

"..." Qin Hao was so moved that he was speechless. Cohen sent so many people to search for him alone, which was enough to show the importance he attached to himself.


"What?! Qin Hao found it!"


"Take him back quickly!"

"Order the troops to return to the Thunder Canyon! By the way, let Miss Nicole know that Qin Hao has been found and found it safe and sound!" Deng Jia and other officers were also very happy.

"I know! I know you're all right!" Nicole cried with joy.

After half a day, Qin Hao and the motorized infantrymen returned to the Thunder Canyon. At this time, many soldiers who went out to search for him had returned, but Nicole and those from the special forces battalion had not returned.

This is not because Nicole and the others are in distress, but because these people ran the furthest to search for Qin Hao, and they were even about to reach the nest, so it would take longer to return.

"Lieutenant Qin Hao, it's really great that you're okay!" Deng Jia greeted him personally.

"Haha... This time it was indeed a bit of an adventure, but luckily I came back alive." Qin Hao smiled.

"Hey? Second Lieutenant Qin Hao, where is your battlefield recorder?" An officer suddenly found that Qin Hao's shoulder was empty, and the right arm of his armor was damaged from the shoulder to the forearm. Look, it must have been smashed by something.

"Oh! I hid under a bunker during the nuclear explosion, but I didn't expect the bunker to collapse. Fortunately, I was wearing a single soldier's armor, otherwise this arm would be useless." Qin Hao's arm has some abrasions, which are all Made it quietly before he came back.

"Second Lieutenant Qin Hao! On behalf of all the defenders in Thunder Canyon, I thank you!" Deng Jia and other officers didn't think much about it. They only thought that Qin Hao was a worm's nest that was destroyed by giving up his life. The canyon will lose many lives in the next Zerg attack!

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