The yellow sand all over the sky made aerial reconnaissance completely useless. Even the sight on the ground was greatly hindered, and the visible distance did not exceed 200 meters.

The distance of 200 meters sounds quite far, but for modern warfare, there is no difference between 200 meters and face to face...

Under the severe electromagnetic interference, any scientific and technological detection equipment has become scrap iron, and the field of vision has been greatly hindered. For the Borg ground troops, it is tantamount to cutting off their two arms. .

But the same environment does have some impact on the swarm, but the impact is not large.

The Borg who use technological civilization use various energy weapons as their main means of attack. These weapons are without exception long-range and powerful terrorist lethal weapons. To use these weapons, high-precision radar is required Assist.

Now the radar is out of order, and the visual distance is only about 200 meters. This greatly restricts the Borg who possess weapons of mass destruction. Although their artillery fire can easily stretch for hundreds of kilometers, they cannot find the enemy. You can't fire indiscriminately, can you?

If that's the case, the amount of energy the Borg bring is not enough to consume it like this.

But when the enemy is found, the distance between the two sides can be at most two hundred meters. The Borg's range advantage is ruined in an instant, and because the enemy is too close, heavy weapons such as tactical nuclear bombs cannot be used casually, because The distance is too short, and it is too easy to accidentally injure friendly troops.

But the swarm doesn’t need to consider these things. Most of the ground troops of the swarm attack at close quarters. The worms use their fangs and sharp teeth to destroy the Borg’s steel army. The sight of 200 meters is for them , almost unaffected.

Therefore, choosing Kruzer star as the main battlefield of this battle was a decision made after a long discussion by the high-level officers of the Interstellar Federation.

Because Qin Hao told Hu Ke before that the swarm must not be used lightly, because once it is used, it may attract more powerful enemies, eventually causing the swarm to withdraw from the battlefield permanently.

Therefore, if the swarm is to be used, it must be at a critical moment and cause enough casualties to the Borg!

Originally, Hu Ke didn't plan to use this trump card so early, but the problem was that the Borg refused to divide their troops. They drove straight into the Lamor galaxy and occupied thousands of star systems in an instant.

Once the entire Lamor galaxy falls, the peak of the Borg soldiers will point directly at the earth, and it will be difficult for Hu Ke to find such a galaxy suitable for defense.

Besides, the Interstellar Federation is also under tremendous pressure. Although Huang Xing strongly suppressed those keyboard warriors, sending them to the battlefield and becoming cannon fodder, he also let more keyboard warriors know the cruelty of war sex.

But the damage caused by those keyboard warriors is not so easy to repair. A large number of people feel that the Federal Navy is incompetent under the instigation of those keyboard warriors. very difficult.

Nowadays, the easiest way to calm public opinion is to win a brilliant victory. However, facing the huge fleet of the Borg, the fleet of the Interstellar Federation will die if they rush up, so in desperation, Hu Ke can only use the swarm up.

But Qin Hao has already explained before that the use of the swarm is likely to be a one-shot deal. Once used, humans may lose the trump card of the swarm.

Therefore, when Hu Ke designed this battle, he worked hard, and even gave up a few more star systems to paralyze the Borg fleet.

As the main battleship, Star Cruze was carefully selected by a large group of staff. It is not only suitable for living creatures, but also has energy crystal veins. It is an excellent bait, and the Borg will never give up on it easily. .

Moreover, the environment of this planet is also very suitable for swarm battles. After a little modification, this place has become the best cemetery for the Borg.


"Keep your bearings! Keep going!" Volka frowned. Although he had tried his best to stabilize the morale of the army, panic was still spreading in the hearts of the Borg.

On the ground battlefield, the swarms left a deep fear for the Borg, so when these Borg fighters knew who they were fighting with, no matter how their superiors comforted them, they couldn't restrain their hearts. deep despair...

"Hoohoo..." The mechas continued to clean up the battlefield ahead with flamethrowers, and the troops continued to advance in the established direction. Everything seemed to be the same as before the sandstorm came.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud bang in the distance.

"My lord! It's not good! The No. 133 logistics unit has been raided!" Soon, the adjutant gave Volka bad news.

"What!?" Volka was stunned for a moment, and then looked towards the location of the No. 133 logistics unit. There was also a sky filled with yellow sand, and nothing could be seen at all.

"Aren't our logistical units tightly protected inside the legion? How could they be attacked by bugs?" Volka asked.

"Insects... Insects are attacking from the ground!" The adjutant shouted loudly, and the strong wind and gravel whistled in his ears. If he didn't shout loudly, it would be difficult to hear what the other party was saying even if they were face to face.

"Damn it!" Volka had actually expected this. The swarm would attack from below the ground, which was no secret to the Borg.

Therefore, when the Borg built their forward base, the ground of the base was paved with metal plates at least 30 centimeters thick, but at this time the troops were marching, and it was simply unrealistic to pave the ground with steel plates!

But Volka also had luck in his heart. After all, the army was constantly marching. Even if the swarms were not affected by the yellow sand, it would be very difficult for them to find those logistics units in the huge Borg army.

But who would have thought that the swarm not only accurately found the No. 133 logistics unit, but also launched an attack on it!

The sudden attack made it impossible for the defense troops to react, and all the logistics vehicles loaded with energy blocks were destroyed.

By the time the Borg defense forces reacted, the swarm had already started rushing in all directions.

Different from troops of other civilizations, if troops of other civilizations come to carry out this kind of raid mission, once the mission is completed, the raid troops will definitely withdraw immediately. After completing the attack mission, they began to charge desperately. After the Borg eliminated the Zerg army, their No. 133 logistics unit had also been completely destroyed...

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