"Boom boom boom..." Those worms full of yellow-green liquid immediately detonated themselves after rolling near the Borg war machine. Although these worms were only the size of a puppy, the power of self-explosion was very strong. They are large, and the yellow-green slime produced after their self-explosion is also extremely corrosive. Once the slime gets on the equipment of the Borg, even the most powerful alloy will be corroded and foamed in an instant, and fuse.

In an instant, the Borgs destroyed more than a dozen large chariots by these self-destructing bugs, but this was nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the Borg army.

Because of the advance arrangement of the Borg, the swarm did not find their logistics supply vehicles this time, so destroying just a dozen tanks is completely acceptable to the Borg, and more importantly, the Borg People confirmed that the way the swarm targeted the logistics vehicles was by tracking the mechas that had been withdrawn from the front line.

After confirming this point, after the Borg mechas were withdrawn from the front line, they would never return directly to the logistics vehicles. For a while, the swarm lost the opportunity to attack the Borg logistics vehicles.

After losing this means of surprise attack, the swarm would no longer attack from the ground. After all, the Borg troops were large in scale. If they attacked from the ground indiscriminately, the probability of being able to trap the logistics formation was almost negligible.

So eventually the firefight between the two sides returned to the outermost circle of the Borg ground forces.

Relying on the powerful firepower of the mecha, Volka's troops continued to move towards the assembly point, as did the other five troops. Although they were all attacked by the swarm in various ways, the losses were still under control within the range.

Only the Borg troops who wanted to withdraw from the battlefield and flee back to the advancing base would suffer much more heavy losses.

In order to escape for their lives, the morale of this troop was completely lost. They were chased and killed by the swarm all the way. Because the way back to the advance base was more distant, the Borg ground troop was almost lost along the way. do.

By the time they returned to the advance base, the number of troops was no longer one in ten, but the swarm of insects behind them was still boundless.

Facing the fleeing troops, the commander of the advance base was also dumbfounded. At this time, he also discovered the swarm of insects chasing and killing the troops.

"Ask for help from the fleet immediately!" The commander of the advance base immediately shouted at the signal soldier.

"My... my lord... our communication has been disturbed, we can't contact the fleet at all..." the communications soldier stammered.

The swarm did not block their communication before,

So these advanced bases can keep in touch with the fleet at any time, but at this time the swarm came here chasing down the ground troop, the first thing they must do is to block the communication!

"My lord, shall we open the door..." the adjutant asked.

"This..." The commander was also hesitant. At this time, the swarm was biting the rout soldier very tightly. If he opened the gate, the swarm would also rush in. After being killed by the swarm, even if they have the walls of the base and various fortifications, they still can't stop the swarm of such a scale...

And just when the commander was hesitating, the Borg troops running in the front had already arrived at the gate of the advance base. Because the guards at the base refused to open the door, these red-eyed routs even raised their guns and started bombing The gate of the base!

"These bastards!" The commander of the base was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that these rout soldiers had lost their minds because of the fear of death, and now he dared not let these guys come in...

"My lord, if this goes on like this, our gate will be destroyed!" The adjutant reminded, although the gate and the city wall are protected by shields, no shield can withstand the long-term bombing!

"Order the troops in front to immediately turn around and resist the swarm, we will provide them with cover!" The commander said with a dark face.

"They've already been scared out of their wits, and now they just want to rush in, they won't have the courage to fight against the swarm..." the adjutant said with a look of embarrassment.

"If they disobey! Shoot them immediately!" The commander clenched his teeth and said, if the gate is opened and these guys come in at this time, then their base will have no hope of surviving at all!

"Yes!" The adjutant also gritted his teeth. After all, it takes a lot of courage to shoot and kill his allies, although these allies are no different from the enemies now...

Soon, the broadcast on the wall of the base rang.

"Listen to the troops under the city, I order you to immediately turn your guns to fight against the swarm, and we will provide you with cover!"

"If you continue to disobey and attack the gate, you will be attacked!"


The broadcast was repeated three times in a row to ensure that the troops below could hear clearly, but more and more troops surrounded the city. Except for those robots who immediately turned their guns after receiving the order, those non-Borg land warriors The team members and the various war machines driven by the Borg were unmoved at all. They continued to attack the gate of the base, hoping to rush into the relatively safe base before the swarm broke through the robot blockade...

"Damn it!" The frontline commander on the city wall gritted his teeth, and then gave an order: "Attack!"

"Da da da..." The first to fire was the automatic weapon on the top of the city. These things have no emotion and will execute immediately after receiving the order.

But at this time, the equipment controlled by people on the top of the city did not open fire immediately. Although the troops below the city had lost their minds, they were friendly troops after all...

Therefore, although the Borgs on the top of the wall had to fire due to orders, many of them deliberately missed the bullets, trying not to shoot the Borg soldiers below as much as possible.

"Boom boom boom..." The fierce firepower on the top of the city made some of the irrational Borg soldiers below the city regain their senses. They knew that it was impossible for them to survive under the double blow of the swarm and the base. Yes, at this time they are doomed to die. If they fight bravely against the swarm, they can at least become martyrs after death, but if they continue to attack the base, they will also be deserters or even rebels after death!

So these sober Borgs began to turn their guns and attacked the swarm behind them, but there were still some irrational Borgs who wanted to rush into the base, and these people were eventually killed by the automatic attack on the top of the city. The weapon was ruthlessly shot...

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