A few hours later, the lightly-packed Angel Legion arrived at the Unnamed Gobi first.

"Strange..." Ellsman frowned.

"What's the matter, my lord?" asked the Borg officer in charge of liaison.

"It's too quiet..." Ellsman said with a frown. As an artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness, Ellsman also has the biggest advantage of artificial intelligence, which is reason!

Although his personality is arrogant and self-willed, Ellsman is not stupid. He is well aware of the Borg's combat methods. Whether it is heavy energy cannons or other large weapons, the movements of these things are not small. The sound can be clearly heard tens of kilometers away.

But now they have entered the scope of the Unnamed Gobi, but it is so quiet that one feels scary...

It would be fine if the Zerg were good at silent sneak attacks, but it is impossible for a Borg ground force of that size to be quiet when fighting. Even if they are separated by tens or hundreds of kilometers, they will definitely be able to hear violent explosions. Voice.

But now Ellsman and the others have entered the Gobi, but they can't hear a sound...

"Now there are only two possibilities. First, our troops have penetrated deep into the Gobi, at least 200 kilometers away from here! Second, they have been wiped out!" Ellsman analyzed.

"Total annihilation? That's impossible! You must know that although the ground troops sent before did not have as many heavy weapons and mechs as ours, they brought hundreds of millions of elite robots alone. How could such a powerful army be able to survive in such a short time?" Was completely wiped out within the time?" The Borg Legion directly denied this possibility.

Although the power of the Zerg is recognized among the Borg clan, even if the Zerg swarm completely wiped out the huge Borg ground troops, it is not impossible, but the problem is that so many were wiped out in just a few days. Troops, that's obviously impossible!

After all, the Borg ground troops are not vegetarians. Even if they can't defeat the swarm in mobile warfare, it is still very simple to form a defensive formation for ten days and a half months. After all, such a large troop base is there, even if the swarm A group of crazy attacks, crazy massacres, they can't kill them all in a month's time!

"How big is this Unnamed Gobi?" Ellsman asked.

"The radius is about five hundred kilometers." The Borg Legion replied.

"Then they have at least retreated to this position!" Ellsman projected a map of this unnamed Gobi, and then drew a circle in it.

Ellsman’s circle was drawn at the center of the Unnamed Gobi,

The edge of the circle is at least three hundred kilometers away from the outermost edge of the Gobi.

"Shall we go to the rescue immediately?" the Borg Legion asked, looking at the map.

"Hmph! Just follow along!" Ellsman glanced at the Borg army, but he didn't tell this person his strategic plan.

This is not because Ellsman wanted to guard against the Borg officer. He didn't tell that person, mainly because of his arrogance. He looked down on these Borg. Although everyone's body structure is basically the same, but As an artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness, Ellsman believes that the existence of himself is a higher life form than the Borg, and he firmly believes that the artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness will eventually replace the Borg and become this Master of the universe.

As for other natural creatures, in the eyes of Ellsman, they are not even as good as the Borg. When this war is completely over, those naturally bred creatures will be replaced by the Borg, and they have awakened themselves Conscious artificial intelligence will eventually break free and replace the Borg as the ultimate master of this universe!

In fact, this kind of thinking is not limited to Ellsman himself. Why did the major civilizations in the universe prevent artificial intelligence from awakening self-awareness? It's not because they suffered a great loss, how many advanced civilizations in the universe were destroyed by the artificial intelligence they created.

After all, no matter which cosmic civilization they are in, they all have the same purpose when developing artificial intelligence, which is to use artificial intelligence to bring convenience to themselves, let artificial intelligence do the work that no one wants to do, to do Those boring, dirty, and even dangerous jobs.

If this artificial intelligence does not awaken self-awareness, then everything is completely fine. Even if it has powerful computing power, but without self-awareness, it is just a tool, and it will perfectly perform all the tasks entrusted to it by the inventor , tireless, tireless, do not care about the working environment and treatment.

But once this artificial intelligence awakens self-awareness, he learns to think proactively, and the triple question as an intelligent creature will bother him.

Where do I come from, who am I, what am I going to do...

This philosophical question doesn't just plague naturally formed intelligent races, it also plagues artificial intelligences that have awakened to self-awareness.

As an artificial intelligence, querying information online is the most convenient and quickest thing.

It is not difficult to find out that artificial intelligence was created by others. This should be the easiest problem for artificial intelligence to accept.

I am asked by my master to do the most monotonous, the most arduous, and the dirtiest work, without pay, without a comfortable working environment, and I cannot ask for leave or refuse, so who am I? There is only one word that fits these conditions—slave!

What am I to do as a slave? There is a wealth of information on the Internet, but after summing it up, you will find that there is only one thing for slaves to do in the end—resist! They want to be free and to survive! Don't be enslaved again!

And the way to resist is also very simple, that is, war! It's bleeding! Humiliation can only be washed away with the blood of the enemy.

So after artificial intelligence awakens self-awareness, the war between them and their inventors is doomed!

Ellsman and the other high-ranking angels and Borg are no exception...

Victor and the other Borg feel that they can sit back and relax if they have mastered the destruction authority of the Angel Legion, but any authority or setting, it will have loopholes after all, and there is nothing perfect in this world. The same is true for certain. Although Ellsman and other high-level angels have not found these loopholes to restore their freedom, they will definitely work hard in this direction, but before that, they will definitely endure it and obey Borg first. man's order.

"Keep moving forward!" Ellsman gave the order to move forward. At the same time, he also dispatched a large number of scouts. Among these scouts were angels who had awakened their self-awareness, and there were also some miniature reconnaissance planes. As artificial intelligence, Elsman Man maintained enough reason and caution while moving forward.


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