The swarm did not intend to continue chasing the angel troops, but that didn't mean they wouldn't fight back after being attacked!

As far as the swarm is concerned, they really do not have the ability to prevent the angel troops from breaking through, but if the angels take the initiative to ask for a fight, the swarm will not be afraid at all. After all, the angel army is full of 3,000 people, and a swarm leader There are hundreds of millions of swarms under his command. Even if the swarms don't fight back, they just stand there in rows waiting for the angels to slaughter them. !

So when some angels took the initiative to provoke, the insect swarm was immediately enraged, and countless insects killed them like a mountain, and those angels who came to provoke did not say anything, turned around and ran away one by one!

The purpose of these angels is very simple, that is to lead the swarm to the garrison of Tutak's army, so once they find that the swarm shows signs of slowing down or not chasing, they turn around and fire a few shots, and when the swarm rushes up again, They continued to run away.

After the two sides chased and fled, they soon came to the Borg army station.

At this time, Tutak's garrison has fallen into a semi-panic state, and all the Borg have lost control of their own armor. In order to avoid cannibalism after being brainwashed by the swarm, Tutak locked almost The armor and weapons of all the soldiers and officers made these officers and soldiers trapped in the armor, so that even if they were brainwashed, they would no longer be able to attack their companions.

As for the combat mission, it can only be handed over to a few hundred Borg officers and the army of robots.

However, although these hundreds of Borg officers have undergone brain modification and are not afraid of the brain wave interference of the swarm, most of them are not suitable for fighting. If you let them command an army of tens of millions of robots, it is simply an idiot. It's a joke, they don't know what to do other than yell "give it to me"...

Although the bug swarm almost always adheres to the "give me up" tactic, but there are enough people, and the combat effectiveness of ordinary bugs is not weaker than robots without command, so this battle was doomed from the beginning result.

In fact, from God's point of view, Tutak's worries are a bit unnecessary. The swarm does have the ability to interfere with brain waves, and can indeed control the actions of the Borg to a certain extent.

But the problem is that this kind of ability cannot be possessed by ordinary vicious dogs, or low-level Zerg such as self-destructive bugs!

To be able to possess this kind of ability, the Zerg must first have extremely strong mental power, and then it must also have strong computing power, otherwise, how could it possibly transform all the scenes it wants into brainwaves?

As for the Zerg with such ability, obviously only the leader of the Zerg,

Only these guys, who are all brains except for a skin and digestive system, can have such strong mental power and brain computing power.

But generally speaking, the leaders of the swarm will not reach the front line of the battlefield. After all, they are too fragile. Send it straight to the west.

How could the swarm leaders who possessed high intelligence and were extremely afraid of death come to the front line of the battlefield in person? They usually hide in a safe place away from the battlefield, and they usually command the swarm to fight from the safety of the deep underground.

In this way, it is naturally impossible for the leaders of the swarm to brainwash the Borg directly through brain wave interference. He can only project his mental power through a small bug called the fulcrum, but the fulcrum itself has a limited mental capacity. , if the leaders of the swarm put too much mental power, the fulcrum will explode.

So when the swarm leaders are at a long distance, they can only control a very small number of Borg individuals through the fulcrum, which means that they can capture some Borg scouts at most, which really allows the swarm leaders to control millions For the Borg, unless you line up all the Borg and then send the Swarm Leader among them so it can complete the brainwashing.

But is it possible?

Will the Borg cooperate like this? Will they stand there obediently? Would the leader of the swarm dare stand alone among them if they were not so honest?

But the problem is that Tutak doesn't know this, because it is impossible for him to use his own army to test, and at this time Ellsman sent an assist to the swarm, in order for the angels to be independent one day, So Ellsman misleads Tutak and makes Tutak make bad decisions...

At this moment, the angels who successfully lured the swarm to the Tutak army garrison had already evacuated, and then there was a battle like a meat grinder. Blind charge.

The swarm side is okay. Under the command of the swarm leader, multiple zerg arms are still cooperating with each other. The long-range firepower is constantly supporting. The melee swarms firmly block the enemy in front of them so that the rear can The long-range firepower can output with peace of mind.

As for the robots, it's over. A group of Borg officers with a logistics system mainly don't know how to fight at all. A few officers with combat functions have only commanded small-scale battles at the level of 100 or 80 people. Now you let them command several battles. In the battle of tens of millions of robots, they simply don't know how to start.

On the battlefield like a meat grinder, the casualties of both sides are huge, but fortunately, the two sides really don't care much about the casualties...

The battle lasted from noon to late night, and from late night to dawn...

At noon on the third day, the battle finally came to an end. A large-scale battle with a scale of tens of millions would take a long time even if it was a massacre. After all, this is a ground battlefield, and there are no destructive weapons used by warships here. ...

Seeing that the robot army was completely wiped out by the swarm, the swarm finally rushed into the temporary Borg camp. At this time, all the fortifications had been destroyed, whether it was automatic artillery or other weapons and equipment. All that was left were broken parts lying on the ground.

As low-level Zerg creatures that only rely on instinct to fight, they will definitely attack those moving targets first. After all, relatively speaking, these moving things are more threatening to them.

So when the swarm rushed into the Borg's position, those Borg with modified brains were quickly found out. After they lost the robots, they could only rely on their own equipment to fight, but no matter whether it was a heavy machine Neither armor nor the battle suits of the Marine Corps can help them defeat the terrifying swarm.

Soon, these hundreds of Borg were wiped out, and only those Borg fighters trapped in the mechs remained in the Borg position...

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