Tutak was silent. The Borg did not fight the Star Federation on the ground, but they fought the Zerg...

You must know that on the ground battlefield, the Borg once believed that the Zerg was the most invincible race. Once they established a firm foothold on a planet, no one could defeat them without destroying the planet!

But at this time, everything Holger said subverted the cognition of Tutak and even the entire Borg civilization. Could it be said that the Interstellar Federation has a ground warfare capability stronger than the swarm?

If that's the case, then the future battles of the Borg will be very difficult...

After all, the Borg invaded the Interstellar Federation, and their purpose was to occupy those high-value planets, not destroy half of the universe!

If the Star Federation's ground warfare capability is really as powerful as Holger said, then what's the point of the Borg war?

However, Tutak did not fully believe what Holger said. After all, it was too unbelievable, and Holger did not cite specific examples. His words seemed to hide a lot of things.

If the Interstellar Federation really has such a powerful ground warfare capability, then why did they immediately abandon those planets after losing the space battle? If they really have such a powerful ground warfare capability, they can completely drag the Borg fleet behind them. The outer galaxies of the Interstellar Federation will not drive them straight into the hinterland of the Federation.

Any lie has loopholes, let alone a novice like Holger, as a Zerg, lying is not a necessary skill for them, so as far as Holger is concerned, it is enough for him to be able to tell lies. It's not easy anymore.

And because of Holger's status as the prince, although Tutak had some doubts in his heart, it was not easy to investigate in person, and he did not dare to disbelieve everything Holger said. In fact, not only Tutak, but even this information After passing it to Victor, he was skeptical about the information.


After Holger's nonsense, Tutak didn't know how to deal with the information for a while, so he had to put it aside for the time being and wait for Victor to deal with it himself.

Then Tutak said to Holger: "Well, we already know the strength of the Interstellar Federation. Now, as the commander-in-chief of the Borg ground forces, I want to invite you to our base. I don't know. Will you reward me?"

"Hehe, I don't seem to have any right to refuse, right? We Zerg don't like these false words. We also ask you to be as straightforward as possible in our subsequent exchanges. I don't want to waste brain cells thinking about the specific meaning of your words.

"Holger's words are sincere. As a Zerg Emperor, brain capacity is their most scarce resource, and it can't be replenished, so save as much as you can. He doesn't want to waste it by competing with the Borg. Too much brain capacity.

"Well then, please come with me, we will return to the base, where we can reach the landing craft and return to space." Tutak said with an embarrassed smile.

"Yes!" Holger originally wanted to cooperate with Tutak to go to the Borg starship, and according to the plot at this time, as a noble prince, he was indeed afraid of being destroyed by the enemy together with Kruzer Star , so it is only natural that he was forced to follow Tutak back to the fleet.

Then Holger followed Tutak to board the Hummingbird reconnaissance plane, and then the reconnaissance plane took off and went straight to the forward base when they came.

About an hour and a half later, Tutak's plane landed on the tarmac inside the advance base. At this time, the place was full of Borg soldiers with live ammunition, and there were many large war machines around. The number of mechs is as many as hundreds.

"Hmph! Is this to welcome me?" Holger sneered after getting off the plane. Just let those Borg soldiers stagger around, even those 30-meter-high land combat mechs were shaking non-stop, and finally regained their stature.

"Don't get me wrong...don't get me wrong...this is just a welcome ceremony..." Tutak hurriedly stood in front of Holger, and with a wave of his hand, all the soldiers and mechas retreated.

Having watched Holger's battle video before, he is very aware of how terrifying this guy's combat power is. If he gets mad inside this base, the base will be blown into ruins!

In fact, Tutak himself did not expect that the commander of this base would do such a thing. He originally wanted to return to the base quietly, and then took Holger back to the fleet in a landing craft, but he did not expect that the commander of this base actually Self-assertion wants to give Holger a blow.

The result is obvious, not to mention that the dismounting power has not been achieved, the commander of this forward base has so much face and eyes, he has almost lost all the people of the Borg civilization.

"Oh..." Holger just groaned, everyone knew this kind of thing well, and he didn't bother to worry about it.

"Let's go directly to the fleet..." Tutak was afraid that the commander of the base would do something wrong, so he took Holger and went straight to the landing ship.

Soon, Holger boarded the landing ship under the leadership of Tutak. With his body and shape, he definitely couldn't be fixed on a normal mount. For this reason, Tutak directly dismantled a tank loading position Come out and put Holger in.

The Zerg didn't have high requirements for comfort, and Holger didn't care if it was discrimination against him, so he cooperated and pretended to be a tank there.

"Pilot, we can take off!" Tutak said to the pilot.

"Yes! Your Excellency, we are requesting to take off!" The pilot replied.

But after waiting for about fifteen minutes, the landing ship still hadn't taken off, which made Tutak frowned.

"What happened?" Tutak asked.

"The base tower still hasn't approved our takeoff request." The pilot replied.

"Damn it! What the hell is that bastard doing?" Tutak frowned, then grabbed the communicator directly.

"I am Major General Tutak, and I demand immediate liftoff!" Tutak shouted on the communication channel.

"I'm sorry Lord Tutak, because of the weather, the airspace above the base has been closed, and you cannot be allowed to take off for the time being." The control tower replied.

"Fart!" Tutak was furious. The weather was clear at this time, and there was no sign of a sandstorm. The reason for the damn weather was that the commander of this base was deliberately making things difficult. He was obviously because Holger gave him an embarrassing , so deliberately detained him, and then looked for a chance to get the place back.

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