This night, Qin Hao and Keen will chat for a long time, and the two of them also drank a lot. Although the degree of red wine is not very high, the stamina is still quite strong, especially for Qin Hao, who has never drank very much. Said that was enough to keep him from having a hangover. !

Qin Hao slept for two days. During this period, Nicole came to take care of him several times, wiped his face, and helped him clean up the house. Qin Hao, who was full of alcohol and drooling at the corners of his mouth, did not dislike Qin Hao at all.

Two days later, Qin Hao finally woke up, the only thing he felt at this time was a splitting headache...

"Damn, how can the enhancement of the Zerg genes have no effect on alcohol..." Qin Hao couldn't help cursing a few words, and also warned himself not to drink like this in the future.

However, this hangover is not completely ineffective. At least it helped Qin Hao get out of that loss. Although Qin Hao still has apologies and self-blame for the deaths of the soldiers, it will not cause him to become depressed. , and it will motivate him in another way, making him strive to find better ways to reduce the casualties of soldiers.

Qin Hao stayed in his room for a long time, and Nicole came to take care of him again in the afternoon.

"Huh? Are you awake?" Ni saw Qin Hao sitting on the bed, and immediately showed a smile.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, a few days of hangover made him a little unshaven, and his appearance looked very down.

"My father is also true, how did he fill you up like this..." Nicole couldn't help but complain about her father. In fact, she really wronged General Cohen a little bit. Although he ordered several bottles of wine, he actually opened the bottle. The bottle of red that I got, and more than half of it was drunk by Cohen himself, Qin Hao didn't drink much.

But what Cohen didn't expect was that Qin Hao's alcohol intake was too bad. After only a few glasses of red wine, he became so drunk...

"How is the recent situation?" Qin Hao was fully awake at this time, and he asked Nicole.

"It's almost the same as a few days ago. Thunder Canyon, Isis Beach and Typhoon Eye Valley are all very good. The bugs don't make any big moves, except for occasional harassment, but the battlefield in the Scarlet Plateau is more difficult. My father There is no reserve team, and now five marine divisions have been drawn from the Third Fleet for reinforcements." Nicole said.

"Well..." Qin Hao nodded. Thunder Canyon, Isis Beach, and Typhoon Eye Valley were all the territory of him and his allies. The stability of these places was to be expected. Hao is not familiar with it, so the battle will definitely be very hard.

"Don't move, I'll remove your hair first!" Nicole brought a basin of water and a razor, and then began to wash Qin Hao's face and shave, looking like a daughter-in-law taking care of her husband.

Soon, Qin Hao was cleaned up by Nicole, and Nicole nodded with satisfaction: "Finally, there is a person! You are not allowed to drink like this in the future!"

"Yeah! I'll listen to you!" Qin Hao said with a smile. Even if Nicole didn't say anything, he didn't want to drink anymore. This kind of hangover was too uncomfortable.

"Let's go! Let's go to the bridge. My dad hasn't seen you for several days." Nicole said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, then followed Nicole towards the bridge.

Although Qin Hao is only a lieutenant, and his military rank is no more than that of a special forces battalion commander, he now often goes to and from the bridge of the flagship. For this reason, the officers of the Seventh Fleet have become accustomed to it. Now, who does not know that Qin Hao is not only a Only a fighting hero, but also the prospective son-in-law of General Cohen?

"Dad, who do you think is here?" After Nicole entered the bridge, she ran to General Cohen's side.

"You guys are here..." Cohen will look a little frowning.

"General, what happened? Could it be that the battle on the Scarlet Plateau is getting tight again?" Qin Hao asked.

"No, the battle in the Scarlet Plateau has stabilized." Cohen shook his head.

"Then why are you worried?" Nicole asked.

"Hey! The new order from the high command..." Cohen will sigh,

Then threw an electricity to Nicole.

"Huh? Qin Hao's award has come down!" Nicole cried out happily, but her brows quickly wrinkled: "Why did you only get a second-class merit?"

"The high command said that Qin Hao's promotion speed is too fast, and it is not suitable to give him another promotion in a short period of time, and he has just won the Silver Eagle Medal, so it seems that this honor is too cheap to award him a medal, so only Got a second-class merit..." Keen Jiang sighed, if it wasn't for someone to suppress Qin Hao on purpose, it would be hell!

"Humph! A bunch of guys who only suppress talent except for corruption!" Nicole complained dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe... Look back, there are even more annoying things..." Cohen will sigh.

"Also?" Nicole was stunned, then turned a page and continued to look behind the electricity.

"What!? They're too much!" Nicole was immediately anxious.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"See for yourself!" Nicole handed over the call to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao turned on the phone and saw only one thing on the second page, that is, the commander appointed Gangmen Pianzhu as the deputy commander of the Alpha Star Battlefield. This guy is about to arrive at the Alpha Star Gravity Well.

"General, didn't you complete the mission of the high command?" Qin Hao looked at General Cohen with a puzzled expression.

"Hey!" Keen Jiang sighed, and then explained to Qin Hao: "The idiots in the headquarters saw that you opened up the fourth landing field so easily, they thought that the living force of the Zerg had almost been wiped out, it's time The siege has reaped the fruits of victory, so under the family operation of Gangmen Pianzhuo, this guy came over to brush up his achievements!"

"How could this be..." Qin Hao was dumbfounded. He and Cohen would try their best to open up the fourth landing site, in order to prevent the command from having an excuse to send this inhuman guy to the battlefield. In the end, they still came. .

But the only thing that is gratifying is that General Cohen did not complete the task of the high command in vain. At least this time, Assistant Gangmen can only serve as a deputy. General Cohen is the head coach. Lest this guy wantonly waste the lives of grassroots soldiers.

"Pity the soldiers below..." General Cohen sighed. As soon as this guard came, with his aggressive style of play, the casualty rate of the soldiers must have skyrocketed.

"No, I have to find a way to stop him!" Qin Hao's brows also wrinkled. He has a tacit understanding with the three insect royal families of Alpha Star, and he doesn't want this guy from Gangmen to mess up his plans.

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