Under Qian Feng's command, a Borg squadron entered the Alpha star in the H5 sector.

This squadron is a standard fleet of the Borg. It consists of ten capital ships and 10,000 conventional battleships, and among these capital ships, four are capital ships from ancient times. The combat effectiveness of the entire fleet is quite large. is considerable.

But it was just such a fleet that was severely hit immediately after entering the gravity well of Star Alpha. The firepower of the Interstellar Federation and even the suppressed Borg fleet were unable to fight back. Hastily withdrew from the gravity well of Alpha Star.

"What's going on? There aren't many warships from the Star Federation in the gravity well of Planet Alpha. How did you lose so quickly?" Qian Feng asked suspiciously.

"These damned interstellar federations have built tens of thousands of missile launch platforms and thousands of drone platforms in the gravity well of Alpha Star. We have just entered the gravity well of Alpha Star, and we have been violently attacked... ..." The captain of this squadron is also very innocent, he has done a good job, if he hadn't made a decisive decision and directly ordered the withdrawal of the gravity well of Alpha Planet, I'm afraid their entire fleet would have been wiped out!

"Is that so..." Qian Feng looked at the distant Alpha Star and fell silent.

In fact, it is very unwise to build a large number of defense devices in the gravity well of a planet. After all, when the earth invades, it is not necessary to occupy the planet. If you build too many orbital defense facilities That's right, people don't need this planet at all, just use some super weapons to blow up this planet and it's over. At that time, the defensive weapons in its orbital space will also be destroyed.

"My lord, blow up Alpha Planet directly. Although this is the only way we must go to the earth, blowing up a planet will have minimal impact on the entire route." A senior Borg officer suggested, Although he didn't have much achievements in the military, at least he understood this simple truth.

"Hmm..." Qian Feng hesitated. He definitely didn't want to directly destroy this planet full of orbital defense facilities, but if he rejects this proposal without a reasonable reason at this time, then the cloaked man will definitely I cannot agree.

So Qian Feng was a little tangled, he needed to find an excuse to convince the cloaked man in a short time.

"Blow it up!" the cloaked man said.

"Okay! Fire the M bomb!" Qian Feng nodded. Although he agreed to blow up the Alpha star, he had a stupid way, which was to launch the M bomb to attack the Alpha star.

"Yes!" Qian Feng's order was conveyed, and some of the officers present heard the problem with Qian Feng's order.

But as sycophant officers, they would definitely not question Qian Feng in such a public place.

The cloaked man didn't know what the M bomb was at all, and the other Borg officers didn't raise any objections at this time, which meant that the M bomb did have the ability to destroy Alpha Star.

Indeed, the M bomb does have the ability to destroy a planet, but the problem is that this super-heavy missile does not fly fast. If you obtain air supremacy within the orbit of a planet, then you can indeed use the M bomb to destroy the planet. For example, when the Borg fleet besieged Lanshield, they could destroy Lanshield with M bombs.

But this time is different. At this time, the control of Alpha Star is still in the hands of the Interstellar Federation. The Borg fleet did not dare to enter the gravity well of Alpha Star. Not to mention hitting Alpha Star, it doesn't even have the ability to get close to Alpha Star's low orbit, and it will be intercepted by the rain of missiles all over the sky.

Sure enough, more than a dozen M bombs were fired, but after they entered the gravity well of Alpha Planet, they were like mud cows entering the sea. They were intercepted and destroyed by the missile rain of the Interstellar Federation without even a wave.

You must know that the more powerful the missile, the higher its precision. Whether it is the nuclear bomb in the early civilization or the M bomb in the hands of the Borg, they can only explode with the power to destroy everything if they detonate independently when the conditions are met. If they are destroyed by other forces, although they can also cause a certain amount of damage, their power is completely incomparable to that of spontaneous explosions.

For example, a nuclear bomb, it will grow mushrooms after it hits the target, but if it is intercepted, then it is a dirty bomb at best, except that the radioactive material will be thrown everywhere, its lethality is almost can be ignored.

Don't think that ordinary shells can be detonated by lighting a fire under their buttocks, but even if you use explosives to blow up a sophisticated weapon like a nuclear bomb, it is just a shattered source of radioactive pollution. The detonation conditions are very harsh, especially for the M bomb. Unless it detonates itself, it is difficult for external forces to make it explode normally.

So although the Borgs fired more than a dozen M-bombs to Alpha Star, they had no effect except adding some sky garbage to the periphery of Alpha Star's gravity well.

"My lord, all our M bombs have been intercepted!" The adjutant reported to Qian Feng.

"Damn it, I was negligent. Alpha Star's defenses are so tight that our fleet can't get in, and these heavy missiles can't even hit the planet!" Qian Feng made an annoyed look, and then he looked He said to his senior officers: "You all understand military affairs better than me, and you are all smarter than me. Do you have a better way?"

"..." The senior officers below looked at each other in blank dismay, Qian Feng's words cornered them, and anyone who proposed a feasible plan at this time would be admitting that they were indeed more knowledgeable and smarter than Qian Feng.

But would a group of people who are proficient in officialdom do this? Will they show themselves smarter than the leader in front of the leader?

The answer is obviously no!

All the senior officers were pretending to be stupid, while the man in the cloak was stupefied. He really didn't understand these things, so he thought the other officers were helpless...

"If it's just some orbital defense facilities, I can solve it for you!" The cloaked man said suddenly.

"Ah?" Qian Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then the cloaked man disappeared in front of them.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The explosions in the gravity well of Alpha star continued, and the orbital defense facilities were destroyed. The figure of the cloaked man kept flickering in the empty starry sky. Although doing so would consume a lot of his strength, but this time When the Borg "can't" pass here, he can't let the fleet just waste here, right?

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