Soon, a shuttle took off from the earth's airport, and then Huang Xing also lifted the seal on the earth's port.


At the same time, a fierce battle was going on on the front line of Omega. The fleet of the Borg and the fleet of the Interstellar Federation were strangled together, and hundreds or even thousands of warships sank almost every day.

Relying on the orbital defense system of Omega and the four interstellar bases, the Interstellar Federation Fleet is on the weak side, but they stubbornly resisted the Borg attack, coupled with the assistance of the Worm Knight, the Borg fleet took up the Some advantages, but it is unable to penetrate the defense line of the Interstellar Federation.

"Trash! They're all trash!" the purple-robed young man jumped and cursed. In his opinion, the Borg had more warships and stronger firepower, but they just couldn't penetrate the defense line of the Star Federation, which made him very angry. Wohuo.

During this period, the purple-robed youth directly participated in the battle more than once. Relying on the fact that he was still young, he still had some life to waste, so he unscrupulously attacked the warships of the Interstellar Federation and slaughtered the bug knights who assisted in the attack.

During the attack during this period of time, because of Qian Feng's secret assistance, the Borg fleet did not work hard, so the real damage to the Star Federation was very limited. Already found an excuse to fix it.

But the purple-robed youth issued a death order to the Borg fleet at this time, telling them not to retreat, otherwise he would directly sink the warships that retreated privately. After several spaceships were destroyed by the purple-robed youth, the other Borg The battleship naturally didn't dare to retreat any more.

But these Borgs are not fools. Since you won’t let them retreat, let’s do our best at the furthest distance. Anyway, if we fight at the furthest distance, I’ve passed the beam. How much lethality, then I don't care!

With Qian Feng's acquiescence, most of the Borg warships fought with this attitude, and the Star Federation, as the weaker side, would definitely not take the initiative to attack, that's why the two sides have been deadlocked for so long.

Among the warships lost by both sides during this period, except for some really unlucky warships that were hit by the opponent's sizing fire at the longest distance and then sunk, most of them were sunk by the purple-robed youth.

The battle is still going on this day, and the purple-robed youth is preparing to fight again. At this time, he is no longer that young man. Although he is still in the purple robe, he is already middle-aged...

There is no way, the mass killings made the purple-robed youth absorb too much power of fear. If he had only a few lifespans left like Kuafu, he would have died by now.

But unlike Kuafu's destroyers,

The young man in purple robe is not the earthling who escaped from the earth back then. He is actually very similar to Qin Hao. He inherited someone else's inner alchemy before being accepted as a disciple by Kuafu, so although he lived hundreds of millions Years, but compared with Kuafu and others, he is really still very young.

Relying on his own longevity, the purple-robed youth has been unscrupulous in these days of battles, so after a lot of lifespan is consumed, he looks like a middle-aged man now.

"Shua!" Just as the purple-robed youth was about to fight, a red light flashed, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of him.

"Boss wants you to go back!" The girl said to the purple-robed youth. If Qin Hao were here, he would be able to recognize that this girl is Jingwei.

Of course, this Jingwei is not the girl who haunted Qin Hao when he traveled the ancient times, but the Destroyer Jingwei who almost killed him with flames!

"I won't go back! I want to avenge my master!" said the purple-robed youth.

"Revenge? Just like you?" Jingwei sneered, and then said to the purple-robed youth, "Let's not talk about revenge in your current state. I'm afraid Qin Hao would have died without seeing him!"

"You!" Although the purple-robed youth was dissatisfied, he didn't get angry with Jingwei. After all, in the so-called Destroyer Organization, except for him and Jingwei who could still be regarded as young people, everyone else was an elder. Under such circumstances, he naturally has such a special affection for Jingwei.

It's a pity that in Jingwei's eyes, the purple-robed youth was not even born on Earth, but a lowly race from other civilizations in the universe, so naturally he would not accept the purple-robed youth's kindness.

"I have conveyed the boss's order, if you want to disobey it, you can do whatever you want!" Jingwei left directly after finishing speaking.

"Qin Hao! Humph!" The face of the purple-robed youth changed a few times, but in the end he still didn't dare to disobey Xing Tian's order, so he had to grit his teeth and leave.

The battle lasted for two days. At this time, the Borg people including Qian Feng discovered that the purple-robed youth had left. Since the two-day battle was not supervised by the purple-robed youth, the Borg fleet was naturally more laborious. .

This is a rare two days. Although the two sides fired fiercely, there were no casualties...

After fighting for another two days, the young man in purple robe still did not appear. Qian Feng could basically confirm that this guy had really left, so he immediately ordered the fleet to retreat to the edge of the gravity well of Planet Omega for replenishment and rest.

The Borg fleet, which had suffered heavy casualties long ago, naturally would not object. They withdrew from the battlefield immediately under Qian Feng's order, and the Interstellar Federation fleet suffered even more serious damage at this time. After all, the casualties of nearly a thousand warships every day were all The purple-robed youth brought them. Apart from destroying a few Borg warships that dared to retreat, all he sank were Interstellar Federation warships.

So at this time, the Interstellar Federation Fleet is also taking advantage of this opportunity to rest and reorganize. As for the pursuit, they are obviously powerless.

On this day, Qin Hao finally arrived at the position of the Interstellar Federation Fleet on Omega, and his shuttle successfully docked on the flagship of Ji Moluofu.

"Generalissimo!" At the end of the quarter, Love greeted Qin Hao respectfully on the tarmac.

"Thank you, General Ji Moluofu!" Qin Hao first expressed condolences to the soldiers here, and then he said to everyone: "The war will end soon!"

"Is it going to end?" No one is more willing to hear the words that the war is over than the soldiers on the front line. After all, people in the rear cannot understand the feeling that they may die at any time.

There is no one who is not afraid of death. The difference is that some people have a greater mission, a stronger sense of responsibility, and people and things to protect. It is not that they are not afraid of death, but because of certain people or things that make them Dare to stand up and face death!

Nine Heavens Emperor

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