"Yes!" Qian Feng's adjutant nodded vigorously, then took Qian Feng onto a landing craft and sent him to the battleship Carroll.

The Carroll is an ancient capital ship, its performance is somewhat similar to the Interstellar Federation's Anteco Marauder-class capital ship, but the main design of this spaceship is surprise attacks, not the Anteco Marauder-class capital ship. Ships are used to assist the fleet in phase shifting.

Therefore, the phase engine of the Carroll can overcome almost all phase interference, but it cannot help the fleet to evacuate the battlefield together. Its more role is to single-handedly rush into the enemy's rear, and then loot and destroy it. Once the enemy's troops surround Come over, it can use its own powerful phase jump technology to escape immediately.

But at this time, the spaceship specially used to harass the rear has become Qian Feng's rescue ship. At this time, the gravity well of Omega has been blocked by the Interstellar Federation. Except for a few ancient battleships of the 1st class, it is impossible for other spaceships to escape here in a short time. Once they are surrounded by hundreds of millions of insect swarms, they will be destined to become clumps of space junk.

"Qimas! Robin! Ekana! Immediately escort the Carroll spacecraft back to the local star field! Other ships follow me to meet the enemy!" The captain of Qian Feng's flagship issued an order in the fleet broadcast.

Although Qian Feng was the supreme commander of this fleet, at this time Qian Feng was already in a coma, and the captain of the flagship naturally took over the command!

In addition, Qian Feng's speech just now really boosted the morale of the Borg soldiers and ignited their enthusiasm, so at this time these Borg soldiers were fighting against each other, and they immediately carried out the flagship's order, and the fleet quickly formed An attack formation!

"Quick! Prepare a landing craft for us, we're still here!" At this moment, Qian Feng's senior engineers quit. Some of them were on the flagship, and some were on other capital ships. These people are obviously unaware that they will live and die with the fleet, and they all want to evacuate with Qian Feng.

In fact, when the captain of the flagship sent Qian Feng away just now, he deliberately left out these people, because he knew what kind of goods these people were. There is nothing wrong with the moths, but now that the Borg have reached the point of life and death, these moths can only make the Borg Mechanical Alliance fall into crisis.

So the captain deliberately left those sycophants behind, and he wanted to take this opportunity to clean up those moths around Qian Feng.

Most of the young and strong factions, including the captain of the capital ship, think that Qian Feng is a good leader. Although he was blinded by these sycophants before, it was only because he had such a huge power for the first time. .

But now that the Borg have encountered such setbacks, the young and strong faction believe that Qian Feng has learned enough lessons,

He will no longer trust those sycophants, but in order to get rid of these sycophants who are already in high positions, so that Qian Feng can quickly gather strength after returning to the Borg native land without worrying about being dragged down by these sycophants, so the capital ship The captain decided to take the opportunity to leave all these sycophants to the fleet to be buried with them!

"Are you going to rebel? Prepare a landing craft for us immediately!" Seeing that the mid-level officers of the young and strong faction ignored them, those high-ranking officials were all furious. They were angry that these military ranks were lower than theirs. The low guys dared to disobey their orders, and secondly, they were also afraid of the imminent death, so at this time, the red-eyed flattering officers no longer cared about it!

"Asshole! I'm going to dismiss you!"

"Soldier! Prepare the landing craft for me immediately!"


While cursing, these sycophantic officers passed over the mid-level officers and gave orders directly to the soldiers.

"All ships immediately implement the wartime military law, and lock up all those who interfere with the battle! If they resist, they will be shot immediately!" The captain of the flagship issued an order coldly, and they, the young and strong officers, were obviously ready. Prepare to die, do they still care about those senior officers using their ranks to suppress others?

"Yes!" All the captains and vice-captains of the young and strong faction immediately accepted the order, and they directly sent troops to put those high-ranking officials who flattered them into confinement rooms, and several high-ranking officials who resisted were directly shot.

Although those high-ranking officials have higher ranks, the Borg soldiers have bought them long ago, and these soldiers are all ready to die for the country at this time, so who cares about the threat of those high-ranking officials?

The riot lasted less than fifteen minutes before it subsided completely. Those high-ranking officials were either put into confinement rooms or executed. At this time, the Borg fleet became more efficient than ever before. Down, immediately formed a defensive formation, ready to meet the coming insect swarm.

At the same time, the Carroll and the other three battleships of the same type responsible for escorting it had completed their turn and activated their phase engines.

Although phase interference also had some effect on these ancient capital ships, it only delayed their phase engines for a few minutes. Before the swarm arrived, these spaceships finally escaped from the gravity well of Omega!

"Generalissimo! The enemy has four capital ships that are not affected by the phase interference, and they have fled the battlefield!" The radar officer here reported to Qin Haohui.

"Hmm!" Qin Hao nodded. He did not let the Star Federation's fleet participate in the battle. At this time, the war does not need them to participate. The human soldiers have already paid too many casualties for this war, and the war has no suspense. There is no need for them to make unnecessary sacrifices.

As the swarm approached, the Borg fleet opened fire. The powerful firepower caused huge casualties to the swarm. Thousands of swarms died every minute, but to the swarm, they were simply not give a damn about.

More swarms approached, and one after another positive ion breath shot at those Borg ships who dared to resist, and one spaceship was destroyed under the attack of the swarm...

The battle lasted for nearly five days, and the battleships of the Borg were constantly being eaten away. When the battle reached the sixth day, the number of dead Skywalkers had reached tens of billions, but only the battleships of the Borg were left. The two titans are still holding on, and the other warships have already been sunk by the swarm.

And the reason why these two Titan battleships can persist is also because Qin Hao is not sure whether Qian Feng has withdrawn with the four battleships. He is afraid that Qian Feng is still on the battlefield, so he let the swarm be merciful .

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