"I will immediately notify the Kamikaze fleet and ask them to send someone to bring you back. Pinshu.com," Cohen will say.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, and then he briefly reported the rescue process to General Cohen. For Qin Hao's ability, General Cohen still trusts Qin Hao very much, even though he was rescued from a million insect swarms, it sounds like Very fantasy, but Qin Hao has acted more than once before, so Cohen will be used to it.

After cutting off communication with Qin Hao, Cohen ordered someone to notify the Kamikaze fleet, and sent an emergency call to the rear command, reporting that Gangmen Pianzhu had been successfully rescued.

The Gangmen family who got the news was finally relieved, but there was one person who was embarrassed. That was Gangmen Pianyou, the elder brother of Gangmen Pianyou!

Don't look at Gangmen Pianyou is the elder brother of Gangmen Pianyou, but he is only a concubine, so his status is far inferior to Gangmen Pianyou. Although his younger brother is nearly ten years older, his rank is only major general, and the commander is also relatively equipped. backward secondary fleet.

This time Gangmen Pianyou was in danger, and Gangmen Pianyou saw an opportunity. If he can lead troops to the Alpha Star battlefield, then rescuing Gangmen Pianyou is secondary, showing his ability is the main thing, he needs merit Let the family value him!

But now it's alright, Gangmen Pianyou has been rescued, and Gangmen's family has lost the excuse to bypass the president and directly transfer troops to Alpha, bypassing Gangmen Pianyou's fleet and continue to Alpha, then the president has an excuse Go to suppress the Gangmen family.

Therefore, after the Gangmen family learned that Gangmen Pianyou was safe and sound, they immediately issued an order to Gangmen Pianyou to lead the fleet back to his garrison!

So Gangmen Pianyou almost watched helplessly as the military exploits he obtained drifted away with the wind, but he had to obey his family's orders and continue to go back to guard the dead place that was located in the core of the federation and would never have a war.

"Baga! Who rescued that trash!" Gangmen Pianyou almost smashed all the teacups and bowls he could touch.

"General, please calm down first, let's go back to the garrison first, with your talent, there will be a chance sooner or later!" Gangmen Pianyou's counselor persuaded.

"Yeah! That's the only way to go now!" Gangmen Pianyou took a deep breath, he had no choice now.


When Gangmen Pianyou was depressed and returned, the Kamikaze fleet also sent a landing craft to greet Gangmen Pianyou.

Don't look at the base of Thunder Canyon is already a safe area, but the Kamikaze fleet still sent two carrier-based aircraft brigades to escort them, and nearly a hundred fighter jets whizzed through the sky. It is very rare when landing on the beach!

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Qin Hao couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw this scene, but thinking about it, the Kamikaze fleet hardly played any role in the rescue. If they don't work hard to show their loyalty, wait for the gate After Pian Zuo goes back, will his subordinates be better off?

"Qin Hao, what are you going to do? Do you want to go back together?" Gangmen Pianzuo asked.

"Yeah! You can send me back to the Seventh Fleet later." Qin Hao said, and now he is very casual when talking to Assistant Gangmen in private.

"No problem!" Assistant Gangmen nodded, and after the landing craft landed, they had already left.

Soon, the landing craft took off, carrying Qin Hao and Gangmen Pianzuo out of the atmosphere of Alpha Star, and went straight to the Kamikaze fleet.

After Gangmen Pianzuo returned to the Kamikaze fleet, the small fleet immediately broke away from the low-Earth orbit of Alpha Star, and stopped when the Seventh Fleet was still far away.

"Brother, when you arrive at each place, it's like returning to your home, you're welcome!" Gangmen Pianzuo said very cheerfully.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, then followed Gangmen Pian Zuo to his temporary flagship.

"Hehe, although this boat is also a new boat, it's still a little bit worse than my previous rice cake pills. After I go back, I'll let my family get a good boat, and I'll invite you to come and visit." He said to Qin Hao.

His current ship is not an ordinary spaceship. It is the latest type of heavy cruiser of the Federation. Its firepower is powerful and armored, and it is currently the top battleship of the Federation Navy after battleships.

"This ship is very powerful. I have never seen such a ship in the Seventh Fleet." Qin Hao is also telling the truth. Although the Seventh Task Force is the main fleet of the Federation, their equipment update speed is far too fast. The Kamikaze fleet is a semi-private fleet with a small stove.

"That's it! I'm not telling you, the cost of this heavy cruiser is also limited to Cohen's Federal Glory battleship!" Gangmen said proudly.

"What a waste of resources!" Qin Hao said with contempt in his heart, all such excellent warships are wasted in the hands of people like Gangmen Pianzhu, and it is no wonder that the combat effectiveness of the Federal Navy is not as good as each year.

Really capable officers like General Cohen and Major General Jimo Love, the warships under them are almost all old ships from decades ago, and some of them have even reached the age of retirement, but because the high command cannot replenish new ships in time. Therefore, it can only be overdue service after maintenance.

Here, Assistant Gangmen and Qin Hao walked and chatted, and the two quickly came to the bridge.

"Lord General, welcome back!" The captain of the heavy cruiser immediately greeted him.

"Humph! You bastards, if it wasn't for my brother's timely rescue, I would have died at the mouth of the bug!" Gangmen Pian Zuo saw the guy in front of him with a forehead, he came to the captain in two steps, and then He rounded his arms and slapped him loudly!

"Hi!" Although the captain was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he didn't dare to say a word with his head down.

Since the Kamikaze fleet is a semi-private fleet, the captains and officers at all levels here are almost all vassals or servants of the Gangmen family, so even if Gangmen slaps them in the face, they don't dare to resist at all.

"General, calm down first." Qin Hao tugged at the sleeve of Lagangmen's side assistant. He also felt that this guy was a little pitiful.

"Hmph! I'll spare you this time!" Gangmen Pianzhu still gave Qin Hao face, although his heart was still aflame, but it was okay.

"Report to the captain, the content of the general's battlefield recorder has been transmitted, but the soldier's battlefield recorder is lost!" At this time, the technology officer in the spacecraft reported.

Because the spaceship has already covered the sky system, as soon as the spaceship entered the spaceship, the battlefield recorder of Gangmen Pianzuo sent the information recorded by it, but Qin Hao "lost" the battlefield recorder again, so he couldn't report to the sky system at all. Transmit his performance on the battlefield.

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