Although swarms actually have the means to resist long-range attacks, the hunters are not ground zergs, but can only be used in space warfare. Their microbial clouds can effectively intercept the enemy's energy attacks, but the size of this creature is doomed They cannot survive on the surface with strong gravity.

So facing the enemy's second round of heavy artillery attack at this time, Qin Hao could only give up those plasma worms, but he did not give up these plasma worms in vain. After all, the enemy's heavy artillery needed to kill the plasma worms again. Loading, and this time is enough for Qin Hao to launch the next wave of attacks.

"Fire!" At this time, Xing Tian's heavy artillery has also completed its second state, and has locked on to Qin Hao's long-range position in the distance, and is ready to shoot at the position of the plasma worm.

"Boom boom boom..." The three heavy cannons at the beginning did shoot out bright light, but the problem lies in the fourth heavy cannon.

The fourth heavy cannon, which had also locked onto the plasma worm's position, exploded the moment it opened fire! The energy it burst out directly swept across Xingtian's entire heavy artillery position, and all the other heavy artillery around this heavy artillery were swept away by the energy, causing martyrdom at the same time!

"Boom, boom, boom..." A violent explosion erupted in Xingtian's own position, forcing Xingtian himself to retreat...

"Damn it! What's going on!?" Xing Tian was furious, he never expected such a problem to arise.

Qin Hao in the distance was even more stupefied, he didn't expect that Xing Tian's heavy artillery position would suddenly collapse by itself!

Xing Tian was furious at this time, but no one could explain to him, because the people in charge of the heavy artillery were all killed in the explosion at this time. The power of this explosion was enough to force Xing Tian to back away. Soldiers had no chance of surviving.

Therefore, Xing Tian is doomed not to know the mystery of the sudden self-destruction of the heavy artillery position, and all this is actually because of a reason that no one pays attention to - those civilians who went down to mine!

Before, Xing Tian celebrated his ascension to the throne as the new Emperor Yan and celebrated his unification of the central region, so he wantonly divided up his subordinates, which caused him to distribute all the resources accumulated in his hands.

This was not a problem at first. After all, Xing Tian had a large number of worker bees provided by Qin Hao to mine for him. He distributed the resources, and it only took a few days to replenish them. He didn't care about it.

But the problem is that Xing Tian launched a war against Qin Hao next, and Qin Hao, who had been prepared for this, immediately ordered the worker bees who were mining underground to evacuate, and while evacuating, the worker bees also took away all the workers in the mine. The materials that have been mined have made Xing Tian unable to launch this war in a short time.

Qin Hao's original purpose was actually very simple.

He just wanted to rob a resource in this way, and by the way, delay Xing Tian's time to start the war.

But at this time, Xing Tian had just ascended the throne and became Emperor Yan, and he announced that he was about to attack Qin Hao. If the army stopped moving due to material problems at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in the face for him?

So Xing Tian issued a death order to the officials in charge of logistics, asking them to provide enough supplies to start the war in a short time.

But the problem is that no matter what these civilians do, they don't have worker bee expertise, so they can't provide these materials in a short time, but the officials were ordered to die by Xing Tian. They don't want to die, so they can only force the civilians to use Whips and even the lives of their family members threatened the miners for collection, during which the number of miners who died was countless.

The miners tried their best to collect so many materials. In order not to be whipped and to keep their families alive, they could only shoddy and use low-quality ores or even stones to pretend to be high-quality ores.

And because the amount of materials Xing Tian asked for was too large, the supervisors could not check them one by one, so a large amount of fake ore or even fake ore was handed over to Xing Tian and used in this war.

Whether it is a technological civilization or a civilization of cultivation, the power of war equipment is extremely huge, and while possessing great power, they are also extremely sophisticated instruments, and any fake and inferior products that do not meet the standards will cause unspeakable damage to them .

But at this time, the spirit crystal ore used to power the heavy artillery as an energy source was doped with a large amount of low-quality ore or even fake ore. , and the excitation of the shields were successfully completed, but during the second salvo, one of the more than one hundred heavy guns still had a problem, and it exploded!

Since the heavy artillery was densely arranged, the explosion of one chamber directly affected the others, and even caused martyrdom, which directly led to the annihilation of the heavy artillery army under Xing Tian, ​​and killed and injured a large number of ordinary soldiers.

Until the loss of the entire heavy artillery unit, although Xing Tian was furious, he never thought that all of this was due to the maternity leave of the mining civilians in the ore in order to save their lives.

And Qin Hao never thought that his behavior of withdrawing the worker bees not only took away a lot of resources from Xing Tian, ​​but also left him such a hidden danger. In fact, if Xing Tian was not so anxious to attack Qin Hao, his subordinates would also If the civilians who would not be so driven down the well to death, all this would not have happened.

But in reality, there are not so many ifs, Xing Tian has already paid the price for this at this time!

Because the heavy artillery position was destroyed, Xing Tian lost the ability to attack Qin Hao's troops at ultra-long range, but the plasma worms were not completely wiped out. Although the attack of only three heavy artillery killed a few plasma worms, more plasma worms were killed. The worms were safe and sound. At this time, they were attacking Xingtian's troops unscrupulously. Although there was a shield to resist these high-energy plasmas, it was hard to say how long the shield would last.

Even if everything is normal, the materials brought by Xing Tian cannot maintain such a large-scale shield for a long time, let alone there are still problems with these materials.

"Assault from the whole army!" Xing Tian also made a prompt decision. After he found that his ultra-long-range firepower was destroyed, he immediately ordered a full-scale attack. After all, at this time, others could hit him, but he could not hit the enemy. , he would suffer a loss of one second in vain, and the strength of Xingtian's army was higher than that of Qin Hao's Zerg. At this time, as long as the whole army was on top, they would still be able to win even without the assistance of long-range firepower.

"Kill!" After hearing Xing Tian's order, his army immediately rushed towards Qin Hao's insect emperors. Although the battle just now was a bit defeated, Xing Tian's army had swept across the entire central region, and they were determined to be invincible. There are still.

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