The forbidden area is indeed a good place. Attacking there will not immediately conflict with Xing Tian, ​​and you can also harvest a lot of resources. More importantly, the beasts in the forbidden area are powerful. If you can kill them, it will be a huge challenge for Qin Hao's insect swarm. Said to be a huge gain.

Although Qin Hao's strength has reached the conventional peak at this time, and his continued killing of high-level beasts is only slightly improved, and there will be no qualitative change, but there are several princes in Qin Hao's royal family who have already They have reached the peak of the second level. If they can be allowed to hunt some high-level beasts, perhaps Qin Hao's subordinates will be able to harvest some first-level masters.

Although the risk of hunting first-level ferocious beasts is great, Qin Hao is likely to pay a lot of Zerg casualties for this, but if he can harvest some first-level masters, then this deal is still very cost-effective.

However, due to the restrictions of the rules of this world, Qin Hao cannot help his swarms to hunt and kill ferocious beasts, because the rules of this world are that the more you work, the more you get. more and more.

The reason why Qin Hao was able to borrow the power of the swarm when he was hunting beasts before was mainly because the worms who helped him suffered a lot of casualties in the battle, and few survived to the end of the battle, and the contribution of a single worm was far less than that of a worm. There are many Qin Hao, so they don't have much power to divide.

But Qin Hao couldn't commit suicide just to help the swarm gain strength, could he? If he makes a move, most of the power will belong to him, and then the swarm will probably be working for nothing again. This is not in Qin Hao's interest, so he will at most take Yujue to fight in this kind of battle. To scare the other beasts, lest there be other beasts to make trouble.

"Okay! That's it!" Finally, Qin Hao gritted his teeth. The hatching rate of the swarm is already very fast, and some losses can be made up in a short time, so it doesn't matter if some losses are lost.

"Are you sure? It doesn't matter if you go to the forbidden area to kill a few first-level beasts, but if your swarm messes up the forbidden area, are you not afraid that the old man will be angry?" Hong persuaded Qin Hao.

"Hmph! Master, the old man is even more angry. He won't care about my little things!" Qin Hao sneered. At this time, the conspiracy of the "Mo" organization has started, and Taiyi will have to face those gangs when he comes back. Even if he wins the assassination of someone, he will be even more angry with "Mo". As for Qin Hao's behavior of demolishing the house, it is nothing at all.

"Hey! It would be great if I could inform the old man." Hong sighed. Although she didn't know what memory Qin Hao had read from Bingshen, Hong could also tell from the previous information that Xiang Liu and the others seemed to be What tricks are they planning against Tai Yi?

"You don't know where the master has gone, so you should inform him as soon as possible when he comes back." Qin Hao said.

"Well, it has to be like this." Hong nodded helplessly.

Then Qin Hao changed one of his amoebas into a human form, and then took a Skywalker to Xingtian's territory. The purpose of this amoeba's trip to Xingtian's territory was also very simple, to ask for a piece of land from Xingtian.

Because Qin Hao and Xing Tian had just formed an alliance at this time, and Qilin's territory was neither remote nor very large, so Xing Tian didn't care too much about it. After all, Qin Hao's territory is on the edge of the world, and it is barren. He wants a piece of land. The territory of the Central Belt is also understandable.

Moreover, there is a large forbidden area in Qilin's territory. Xing Tian tried to break into the forbidden area before, but he was driven out by a group of first-class beasts not long after he entered the forbidden area.

Although the beasts of the first level also fight with each other, when they face outsiders, they will unite and besiege the outsiders. The reason why Qin Hao can easily let the beasts alone is mainly because he has the coin in his hand. The jade ring bestowed by Taiyi.

But Xing Tian had nothing in his hands, and he was besieged by many first-level beasts as soon as he entered, so when Qin Hao claimed this territory, Xing Tian even had a gloating idea, and he planned to see how Qin Hao was captured. The ferocious beasts in the forbidden area were beaten up and ran away.

It was precisely because of this mentality of watching each other that Xing Tian happily gave the territory to Qin Hao, and Qin Hao was not polite, he directly let the swarm take over the territory that originally belonged to Qilin, and let the swarm Get ready to attack forbidden areas.

Seven days after the swarm occupied the Qilin territory, Qin Hao led the swarm towards the forbidden area.

"Clean the perimeter first!" Standing outside the forbidden area, Qin Hao waved his hand.

"As you wish!" No. 1 nodded, and then a vast number of stag beetles broke through the ground and went straight to the forbidden area to kill them.



For a while, the roars of various beasts came from the forbidden area, because the outermost part of the forbidden area was only some relatively ordinary beasts, and occasionally there were beasts above level two, so only ordinary stag beetles could handle them.

However, in order not to waste the energy released by these ferocious beasts, No. 1 arranged some adult royal families to follow the stag beetle army to participate in the attack. Although these low-level royal families would still suffer some losses, more The royal family will advance by gaining the power of those beasts.

The overwhelming swarm of worms completely disturbed the periphery of the forbidden area. Although the high-level beasts inside were not disturbed, a large number of second-level beasts united and crazily launched a counterattack against the swarm.

"Master, these ferocious beasts seem to have launched an organized counterattack, and the casualties of the swarm ahead are a bit high." No. 1 reported to Qin Haohui.

"Well, let the swarm shrink first." Qin Hao nodded. The fierce beasts in the forbidden area really have the habit of jointly defending against external invaders. There were thousands of second-level ferocious beasts rising up, and when these ferocious beasts launched a group charge, the swarm couldn't even resist it.

"Yes! Master!" No. 1 nodded. Although the swarm had never had the habit of retreating before, since the Master gave the order, they retreated strategically.

After the swarms withdrew from the forbidden area, the ferocious beasts quickly dispersed. After all, the ferocious beasts had no intelligence. They just united instinctively to deal with outsiders. When the common enemy disappeared, they quickly dispersed. Some ferocious beasts even fought for the corpses left by the bugs.

"Master, these ferocious beasts will unite to fight against the invaders. It may be difficult for us to defeat them one by one." No. 1 said to Qin Hao.

"Well, I'll figure it out." Qin Hao nodded. At the beginning, he thought that only the first-level beasts would unite, so he didn't plan to show up at first, but now it seems that he must use the jade ring to deter other beasts. up.

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