"Master!" The Prince Skywalker who was named by Qin Hao lay down in front of Qin Hao respectfully.

As a high-ranking prince, Skywalker was very huge. Although he was lying in front of Qin Hao, he was nearly three meters tall, and his wingspan even reached ten meters.

"What's your name?" Qin Hao asked, because there are too many royal families born recently, Qin Hao can't remember their names at all, and this Prince Skywalker is also the lucky one who was recently hatched and quickly promoted.

"Master, my name is Gru," replied Prince Skywalker.

"Well! You can follow me from now on." Qin Hao said to Gelu.

"Yes! Master!" Gru was ecstatic. As a royal in insect form, he knew very well that he was not qualified to be the core combat force of the insect swarm.

In fact, Gru's current achievements are largely due to luck. Among the Zerg race, the royal family's shape is more arbitrary. They have all kinds of shapes, some are like bugs, some are like animals, and some are like people. .

But among these royal families, the more human-like the royal family is, the stronger the fighting power is, because the human body structure is the most flexible and the most suitable for fighting. Therefore, with the same strength, the fighting power of the human-shaped royal family will be stronger.

It is precisely because of this that No. 1 will deliberately take care of the royal family in human form when training the royal family. In this case, the royal family in insect form is more likely to be eliminated in training, and elimination means death.

But Gru is lucky. Although it is not in human form, it can fly, and in the center of the universe, being able to fly is a huge capital, so after being hatched, it also got the number one. Focus on care.

It is precisely because of No. 1's key training that Gru has more opportunities to harvest the opponent's life, and can also obtain more energy to advance.

But after being promoted to senior prince, No. 1 didn't take care of Gru that much, because in the recent battles, Gru's combat performance was too ordinary. Although he could fly, his strength in actual combat It is far from being as strong as the high-level royal family in other human forms.

So in the next training, those high-level royals in human form will get more opportunities to be promoted to the first level, while Gru will be given up, and among the Zerg, being given up means that he is worthless. There is no need for worthless bugs.

So at this time, Qin Hao personally hit Gru and let it become the master's mount, which immediately gave Gru new hope. Although in this way, Gru lost his independence and became a mount, but this is Ordinary people's mounts? It is the mount of the ruler!

You must know that the genes of the Zerg have written their absolute allegiance to the master,

So when Qin Hao chose Gru as his mount, Gru felt extremely honored in his heart.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Hao jumped onto Gru's back, and Gru's back immediately swelled up with two lumps of chitin, fixing Qin Hao on his back like a saddle .

"Yes! Master!" Then Gru flew up into the air, because of the connection of the psychic energy, Qin Hao's thoughts would directly appear in Gru's mind, so Qin Hao didn't even need to carefully control Gru to make him Fly on your own terms.

"Why hasn't that kid followed? If that's the case, then the plan has to be changed. There is no need to win over this kind of thing!" Lu Ya in front frowned. He moved so fast just now, he really wanted to give Qin Hao immediately dismounted.

At the same time, Lu Ya was testing Qin Hao to see if he could lock his position and how long it would take him to catch up.

Because Xiangliu's seed failed before, Bingshen also hung in Qin Hao's hands as Xiangliu wished, so Lu Ya changed his mind, and he decided to pull Qin Hao into the "Mo" organization, and because Qin Hao Hao can also be regarded as his younger brother, and he has helped Qin Hao several times before. Although there was an element of cheating Qin Hao, from Lu Ya's point of view, Qin Hao didn't know that he was cheating him.

So Lu Yaxiang tried to win Qin Hao over. After all, this would not only make the "Mo" organization more powerful, but also weaken the strength of Taiyi. After all, Qin Hao is a disciple of Taiyi. If he If they are not members of the "Mo" organization, there is a high probability that they will fight side by side with Taiyi.

Besides these two points, Lu Ya has another purpose in bringing Qin Hao into the "Mo" organization. The "Mo" organization is divided into two factions, the local faction and the foreign faction, Lu Ya and Xiang Liu and others They are all representatives of the outsiders. If Qin Hao can be brought over, he will undoubtedly belong to the outsiders. In this way, after the plan of the "Mo" organization is successful, when the outsiders are fighting for power and profit in the "Mo" organization , can also have a little more strength.

Therefore, Lu Ya's move to win Qin Hao can be regarded as killing three birds with one stone. If it can be successful, it will be of great benefit to Lu Ya and his group.

But before wooing Qin Hao, one thing needs to be confirmed, that is, Qin Hao must have sufficient strength, otherwise what's the use of wooing a waste?

And this is also the main reason why Lu Ya tested Qin Hao, but just now Lu Ya was very disappointed, because he rushed thousands of meters away, but Qin Hao stood there blankly, because at this time Lu Ya could no longer see through his eyes. Now that Qin Hao is here, he can only determine Qin Hao's position through perception.

So from Lu Ya's point of view, Qin Hao just stood there and didn't react at all after he flew thousands of meters away, as if he had lost Lu Ya's trace. The trash I got, there is really no need to win over it!

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Lu Ya noticed that Qin Hao moved, and the speed was extremely fast, so fast that it was beyond Lu Ya's imagination. In just a moment, Qin Hao came to the top of Lu Ya's head.

You must know that ordinary Skywalkers are already very fast, and Gru is a high-ranking prince among Skywalkers, so his speed is naturally not to mention, the distance of several kilometers can be reached in an instant under Gru's wings .

"So fast!" Lu Ya looked up in amazement, and Qin Hao had already reached the top of his head.

"Brother, let's go!" Qin Hao said to Lu Ya with a smile.

"Junior brother, your mount is really good. This must be a second-level beast, right?" Lu Ya said with a smile, taming a second-level beast is actually nothing to a person of his level, but the problem is this It is unusual for a second-level beast to fly.

In the center of the universe, one cannot fly without wings, and there are not many beasts that can fly, especially high-level beasts, which are even rarer.

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