
As for the reason why the "Mo" organization wants to get rid of these desert lizards, Qin Hao mainly has two guesses. The first is that they need that desert as a battlefield or a trap site for calculating Taiyi, so in order to avoid the desert lizards there To create unnecessary troubles, you need to eradicate them all in advance.

In addition, the "Mo" organization may also want to get something from the desert lizards, so they need to kill all the desert lizards.

As far as these two reasons are concerned, Qin Hao is actually more inclined to the first reason. After all, if the "Mo" organization really wants to get something from the desert lizard, then they should still do it themselves, after all Although they can avoid their losses by borrowing Qin Hao's hands, if this thing falls into Qin Hao's hands, it will also be troublesome for them.


"Okay, get rid of the desert lizards there, right? Yes, I can help you." Qin Hao nodded after being silent for a while, and then said to Alice: "Then you go with me, Sauron I'm not familiar with the environment over there in the desert."

"I hate those lizards, I don't want to see them!" Alice directly rejected Qin Hao's request, obviously it was time for the people behind not to allow her to leave with Qin Hao.

"But I'm not familiar with the environment in the Sauron Desert. What if I go by myself and can't find them?" Qin Hao is still fighting.

"Isn't Youhong following you?" Alice said.

"I've been away from this world for too long, and I only came back here recently. When I left, the Sauron Desert was still a forest." Hong interjected at this time, she must have followed Qin Hao's wishes and wanted to take Alice away. up.

"Then you have to figure out your own way. I still have some things to deal with here, so I can't go with you." In the end, Alice didn't recruit and simply played a rogue.

"But..." Hong wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Qin Hao.

"Okay, we got it, I will do it as soon as possible, will you be here all the time?" Qin Hao asked Alice.

"It should be..." Alice said uncertainly.

"That's no good, I got rid of those lizards but you ran away, so I didn't do it for nothing?" Qin Hao said dissatisfied.

"So... what do you want to do?" Alice asked.

"I can help you get rid of those lizards,

But you have to make sure that I can find you after completing the task, and you have to make sure that after I get rid of those lizards, you will come with me to revive my grandpa! "Qin Hao said.

"Hmm..." Alice was silent, apparently the person behind the stone was thinking.

"Well, you can arrange someone to stay with me here, and I will accompany you to revive your grandfather after you get rid of those lizards!" Alice said.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded, then directly reached into his arms and took out a small bug. After the bug landed, it turned into a human form. Obviously, what Qin Hao took out was a high-level amoeba, and The amoeba was quietly hatched from its own blood.

"Master!" The amoeba saluted Qin Hao respectfully.

"You stay here with Alice, and report to me immediately if she changes anything!" Qin Hao said to the amoeba.

"Yes! Master!" The amoeba nodded immediately.

Then Qin Haoyou turned around and said to Alice: "This guy doesn't have any strength, he can't stop you if you run away, but he can send me newsletters, no matter how far away he is, he can contact me at any time Me, and once he dies, I will know immediately, so you advise you to fulfill the agreement between us, otherwise don't blame me for quitting halfway."

Although Qin Hao said this to Alice, he was obviously speaking to the people behind the stone. If he dared to take Alice away after Qin Hao left, or breach the contract in other ways, Qin Hao would be able to know immediately of.

"Don't worry, I will definitely fulfill my promise." Alice promised, obviously she was conveying the words of the man behind the stone.

In fact, what is the situation now, both Qin Hao and the person behind the stone know it well, Qin Hao knows that there is someone behind the stone, and that person also knows that Qin Hao knows his existence, but in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts , so the person behind the stone did not show up, but the agreement reached between them was real and effective.

"Then it's a deal!" After Qin Hao finished speaking, he summoned Gelu directly to the peach forest, and then he rode on Gelu's back with Hong.

"A deal!" said Alice.

"Whoosh!" Gru jumped up, flapping his wings and soaring into the air.

After leaving the valley, Hong said to Qin Hao, "Are you sure you want to help them clean up those lizards?"

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then said to Hong: "Although there are a large number of those lizards, they are definitely not something that the "Mo" organization can't handle. They just don't want to waste time and manpower. If I don't do it, they will They will also clean up the lizards there, after all, this is related to their plan to assassinate the master, so they will not give up."

"Then will they fulfill their promise?" Hong asked.

"It should be. Lu Ya knows that I want to revive my grandfather. I think he must report to the "Mo" organization. In this way, it will be reasonable for me to find Alice, and they have wooed me. I have already started to help them, and they should not offend me at this time." Qin Hao paused and continued: "And more importantly, Alice's fighting power is not very strong, and they are not very strong. I'm not afraid that Alice will help Taiyi after she is free, and I estimate that after Alice helps me revive Grandpa, she will be controlled by the people of "Mo" again soon, and she will not have the opportunity to join the battle."

"Then why are you still trying to save her?" Hong asked suspiciously.

"Of course I need her help!" Qin Hao rolled his eyes. Alice's combat power is not particularly strong, which is compared to other element sources, but Alice, who is the element source, is already very strong. More importantly, in the battle between Taiyi and "Mo", every force may be the straw that affects the tilt of the balance, so Alice's joining is very necessary.

As for the possibility that Alice will be controlled or even sealed up again after helping Qin Hao revive Grandpa, that is actually very easy to solve. As long as the task of resurrecting Grandpa Qin Hao is very cumbersome, it’s fine if Alice never completes it?

"You people think so complicated!" Hong shook her head and said.

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