Seeing that the swarm could no longer bear more stinkbugs, Qin Hao was ready to terminate this battle plan. After all, if it continued like this, the swarm would be dragged down. At this time, it is better to kill those stinkbugs immediately and then recycle the resources. This can also reduce the losses of the insect swarm and cultivate more troops to march directly into the desert hinterland.

"Master, please give me another week. I don't need to hatch more stinkbugs. In just one week, I feel that the desert lizards have reached their limit, and they will take the initiative to counterattack soon!" Three Seven Four He didn't want to give up just like this, this plan was related to his future status in the swarm, and he really felt that the desert lizards were about to lose their hold.

During this period of time, the desert lizards launched several sneak attacks on the swarm of stinkbugs. Although none of them were successful, the frequency became higher and higher. Moreover, it seemed that these sneak attacks were not strictly organized, just some stragglers. spontaneous.

This shows that the high-level desert lizards are restraining their people and prohibiting them from launching large-scale sneak attacks on the swarms. However, the poisonous gas of the stink bugs continues to compress the activity space of the desert lizards. A large number of desert lizards died due to the poisonous gas, so At this time, the people's grievances were boiling, and the desert lizards at the bottom wanted to be poor with the swarm.

The lower levels want to work hard, but the upper levels have to exercise restraint. This state cannot last long. Once the public grievances reach a fixed point, then the upper-level rulers will either succumb to the public grievances, or they will have to be overthrown!

As an intelligent race, not every civilization can be as absolutely loyal as the Zerg, and their high-level leaders often have more selfishness. At this time, even the chief of the desert lizard strictly restrains his subordinates, but his ministers can Don't think so anymore.

When public dissatisfaction boils over, those ministers are likely to coerce public opinion to force the palace. At that time, the chief of the desert lizard clan will either submit or have to be replaced, but no matter what, his power will be divided by the ministers below.

This is good news for the ministers of the desert lizard family. After all, they can get more rights and benefits, but it may not be a good thing for the entire desert lizard family.

We must know that what a civilization needs most in peacetime is a democratic system, because mutual supervision can keep the ruling class as clean as possible. Although absolute cleanliness does not exist, the regime under dictatorship will be more corrupt.

But if it is a time of war, then the dictatorship is definitely more efficient. After all, a democratic system that requires a meeting to discuss everything is too time-consuming, and because there will inevitably be factional struggles in a democratic system, these people are used to it. They drag each other down, so no matter which side is in power, there are always some people who try their best to find fault with the egg.

And such a contradictory ruling class, its administrative efficiency can be imagined. In peaceful times, this kind of procrastination can be accepted or tolerated.

But in times of war, such procrastination is absolutely fatal.

This is the case with the desert lizard family at this time. When public dissatisfaction boils, the ministers under the chief will definitely take the opportunity to divide the chief's rights. At that time, the rights of the emirate will be weakened, and the rights of the entire desert lizard family will be dispersed.

And at this time, the desert lizard clan had to fight the swarm, which was simply courting death.

Sanqisi has an accurate judgment on his plan. He knows that the desert lizard has reached its limit. He believes that within a few days, there will be changes within the desert lizard clan. At that time, the swarm can take the opportunity to eliminate this hiding place. In the Sauron Desert, there have been countless generations of ethnic groups.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao thought for a moment after listening to Sanqisi's statement, and then he wanted to ask: "If we don't continue to hatch new stinkbugs, but just maintain the loss of these stinkbugs, how long can we last? "

"Go back to Master, if we only need to maintain the consumption of these stink bugs, then we can last for about two weeks without destructive mining." No. 1 replied, although they will not continue to hatch new stink bugs, but these big guys only need to Alive, their consumption of resources is terrifying, which is why the Zerg army seldom makes such super soldiers on the ground.

"Okay! Then I'll give you one week, remember, you only have one week!" Qin Hao said to Sanqisi after listening to No. 1's report.

"Thank you, Lord, for your trust!" Sanqisi immediately saluted Qin Hao, and he was confident that the war would end within a week.


After getting the grace from Qin Hao, Sanqisi resolutely adjusted his strategic deployment. Before that, he was only constantly putting pressure on the desert lizards. Now he needs to give the desert lizards a chance while putting pressure on them!

Soon, under the mobilization of Sanqisi, the strategic deployment of the swarm changed. The original group of four stinkbugs were completely dismantled, and each stinkbug began to move in different directions, and wantonly released poison.

These stinkbugs were surrounded by a large number of insect swarm guards. If it was only a small group of desert lizards, it would be impossible to break through this layer of defense, unless the desert lizard family mobilized the main force of the whole family to launch a fierce attack on a certain stinkbug.

The first day passed quickly, and the desert lizards still had no violent reactions, as if they could bear it.

However, under the yellow sand that the swarms could not detect, the desert lizards began to migrate again. Under the force of the poisonous gas, the desert lizards kept avoiding those stink bugs, but even so, some of them were poisoned and died, so The bottom desert lizards simply hate these bugs.

"Chief! They are getting worse now. Do we still look at it like this? Do you have to wait until they force us out of the desert before you are willing to take the initiative?" Several lizardman generals surrounded the chief. I'm going to force the palace.

Although these guys are in the name of low-level civilians, their purpose is actually very simple, which is to ask for more rights.

"According to the previous behavior of the swarm, they will send more monsters that can release poisonous gas every other week, but this week they have not increased the number of monsters that can release poisonous gas. It can be seen that there are only so many monsters that can be used in their hands. , as long as we avoid these monsters, they will withdraw from the desert soon, they can't adapt to the environment here!" The chief explained patiently, he believed that as long as he persisted for a month or two, the enemy would definitely retreat.

In fact, let alone a month or two, if the swarm couldn't last for two weeks, they would have to change their strategy.

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