Because the desert lizard family itself is not very big, the people are already full of complaints against the old chief in just a few days.

At this time, several lizardmen generals called for battle many times, so they naturally became the heroes that people aspire to. All lizardmen hope that under the leadership of these generals, they can defeat the swarm and avenge their dead relatives .

"Hey!" In his own hall, the old chief sighed deeply, he knew that his situation was over.

After being the tribal leader for so many years, what did the old chief not understand? He saw the intention of several lizard generals to seize power, but what could he do? Get rid of those guys in advance?

Since these lizardmen generals dared to do this, they must have made complete preparations. If the old chief insisted on getting rid of them, it would inevitably cause a civil war among the lizardmen.

And this kind of civil war is absolutely fatal to the lizard people. Once the losing party is unwilling to perish, they are likely to seek refuge with the swarm outside, and then lead the swarm to help them come back.

But the swarms were not philanthropists. Once they were introduced into the desert and the lizardmen lost their last barrier, they were only a few days away from being wiped out.

The old chief saw this very clearly, so he couldn't take the initiative to deal with those lizard generals who were playing tricks, but if he didn't take the initiative to get rid of those lizard generals, then the people's hearts would be won over by them. The old chief can only choose to abdicate in humiliation and surrender his rights.

And based on the old chief's understanding of those generals, once they got the rights of the old chief, it was almost impossible for them to let the old chief and his family go, so as long as the old chief gave up his position as the leader, then he and his family would be Doom is imminent.

And the third way is that the old chief agreed to the proposal of several generals and led troops to attack the swarm actively, but the swarm is not something that the lizardmen can confront head-on. Human soldiers die in vain.

Moreover, a failed war will not bring any turning point for the old chief. He will still be seized by several generals who are entangled in public grievances, and eventually lose everything.

Therefore, apart from taking the initiative to fight a civil war with these generals, the old chief has no way of life at all, but if he goes to war with these generals for the survival of himself and his family, then the entire desert lizard clan will have Genocide crisis.

After all, with powerful enemies around at this time, if the Lizardmen had another civil war, it would simply kill themselves.

Between family annihilation and genocide,

The old chief thought for a few days, and finally decided to sacrifice himself. After all, those generals just wanted to seize power. Although they may not have any foresight, after a few defeats, they will realize that the swarm is invincible.

But as long as no one defected to the enemy, the lizardmen with the desert barrier would be invincible, so as long as they persisted for a while, the swarm would eventually retreat.

Although the old chief may have been killed by then, and his family may have been uprooted, the entire desert lizardman family is still there, and they are still the masters of this desert.

It has to be admitted that the old chief had a deep love for his own ethnic group. He finally gave up his last chance of life, and was willing to pay the price of the entire family, just to preserve the continuation of the race.

So the old chief watched those generals operate everything, and he didn't even notify his descendants to escape, because the old chief knew that his descendants had to be buried with him in order for the entire desert lizard family to continue.

After all, the individual descendants who escaped cannot continue to fight against those generals, and they will be hunted down at that time, and whether these descendants want to survive or avenge the old chief, they have only one choice, and that is Join the swarm!

But the price for these descendants to take refuge in the swarm is that they have to betray the lizard people, and when the swarm attacks the entire desert lizard people will be wiped out.

In order to put an end to this hidden danger, the old chief didn't say anything. Even if someone in the family saw that the generals had misbehavior, they were scolded by him. Let them not run away, just wait to be buried with themselves at the end...

Ordinary people may not understand the nobleness of the old chief, let alone achieve it, but the reason why a hero becomes a hero is because he can do what ordinary people cannot.


"Old chief, listen to the voices outside!" Finally, the day of forcing the palace arrived, and several generals blocked the old chief in the hall again.

"The old chief stepped down!"

"The Trash Chief Resigns!"

"Abdicate the coward!"


Outside the main hall was full of angry people roaring. Under the deliberate guidance of several generals, the old chief had already lost his reputation at this time. He is now recognized as a coward and waste among the entire desert lizard family. Except for a few absolute cronies, he has already Nobody supports the old chief anymore.

"You are finally here..." Although the old chief had a smile on his face, his heart was extremely bitter. He thought that he would lose his life, his family would be destroyed, and even his fame would be ruined for it. In the end, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, bearing an eternal infamy in the records of the Lizardmen forever.

But when this day really came, the old chief was still very uncomfortable. He was not afraid of death, even if the whole family was going to be destroyed, he would not be moved, but when he heard that the people he cherished so much were treating him When he yelled, his heart was like a knife.

But at this moment, the arrow was on the string, and even if the old chief wanted to regret it, it was too late.

"Old chief, abdicate." A lizard general said.

"Well, I am indeed going to abdicate." The old chief nodded.

"..." Several lizardman generals looked at each other in blank dismay. They never thought that the old chief would be so cooperative. Today they even wanted to take five steps with the old chief. They didn't expect him to let go of his power so easily.

"I can give up everything, but I have one request." The old chief said to several generals.

"Speak!" The generals nodded. They concluded that the old chief must be seeking safety for himself and his family. This is human nature. Although they would never let the old chief and his family go, they would definitely nod in person. of.

"After you get everything you want, don't go to a decisive battle with the Zerg, continue to endure, they will leave soon!" The old chief said to several generals.

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