Following the order of Sanqisi, the insect swarm that had not cooperated well and was easily pierced by the lizardman just now seemed to have changed, and they suddenly became brave. The group easily divided the lizardman army into two sections.

One section was separated from the outside of the swarm, and the other section was made into dumplings by the swarm.

"Quick! We're going to get close to those stinkbugs soon! Kill them!" The leading generals didn't know that the back route had been cut off, and their eyes were full of meritorious deeds that were about to be achieved.

"Kill!" The lizardman army was also red-eyed at this time. After all, the poisonous gas had been released for many days, and almost every household of the lizardmen died in the poisonous gas, so these lizardmen hated the stinkbug to the bone. Now they finally saw When it comes to the enemy, who doesn't rush up?

Seeing the army of lizardmen rushing to the vicinity of the plasma worms, although the Zerg around these plasma worms resisted desperately, because there are more lizardmen than stag beetles in some places, and the individual strength of lizardmen is still higher than that of stag beetles. up, so those stag beetles are nothing more than mantises.

"Brothers, the opportunity for revenge has come! Kill them!" With the roar of the officer, the lizardman army immediately surrounded the plasma worms, and then began a frenzied siege.

Although the plasma worms are cumbersome, they are not easy to mess with. In addition to their powerful long-range attack capabilities, their plasma shields are also very powerful defensive means. In addition to war equipment, individual soldiers It will take a while for an attack to break through the shield, even if it is a siege by a large army.

The red-eyed lizardman didn't notice at all at this time that the plasma worms under the shield were undergoing subtle changes. The light blue light in their bodies became brighter and brighter, and the flashing electric arcs on their bodies became more and more intense. strong.

If someone who is familiar with the inside story can definitely tell at a glance at this time, this is that the plasma worm is about to explode!

The reason why plasma worms can carry out ultra-long-range powerful strikes is mainly due to the high-voltage plasma in their bodies, that is, high-energy plasma clusters. You must know that high-energy plasma clusters are extremely unstable. Once the plasma worms are hit by life If there is no threat, they will actively detonate themselves, using the high-energy plasma cluster in their bodies to kill the surrounding enemies.

Self-explosion, this is not a new skill for the Zerg. Because the low-level Zerg does not have the ability to think independently, they don't need any dedication. They only need an order from their superiors, and they will immediately give up their lives and The enemies all perish together.

These plasma worms are no exception. Although they are powerful and their energy level even exceeds that of some high-ranking royals, they are only low-level arms. They do not have self-awareness and cannot think. After that, they will self-destruct without hesitation, such as... now!

"Boom boom boom boom..." More than a dozen plasma worms exploded at the same time,

Its power made Qin Hao, who was watching the battle from a distance, amazed.

You must know that plasma worms are a type of arms similar to long-range artillery, and they are usually protected by troops around them, so usually the enemy also uses long-range heavy fire to destroy them. In this case, plasma worms almost do not self-destruct. Opportunity, and its superiors will not allow them to self-destruct. After all, plasma worms are generally used in groups, and one self-destruction can easily affect other plasma worms.

So it was the first time even Qin Hao had seen this kind of plasma worm cluster self-detonation scene.

Dazzling blue light filled the entire battlefield, and the lizardmen surrounded by the plasma worms were instantly gasified by high-energy plasma, and those who were a little further away were also hit by the flying plasma clusters, causing their bodies to be instantly melted.

The violent explosion caused the army of lizardmen trapped in the swarm to lose more than two-thirds in an instant. After all, these lizardmen couldn't wait to kill the beasts that killed their relatives with their own hands, so they were almost surrounded by plasma worms. Nearby, this made the plasma worm's self-destruction play an unexpected killing effect.

But no matter what, the self-destruction of the plasma worms couldn't completely wipe out the lizardman army, and about one-third of the lizardmen were still besieged by the swarm.

In the explosion just now, although the swarm was also affected to a certain extent, and thousands of stag beetles were killed by the explosion, this kind of collateral damage is simply commonplace for the swarm, and it will not affect the health of the swarm at all. Battle rhythm.

"Catch the living ones, especially the strong ones!" Sanqisi ordered again, this is his main goal of this campaign.

To deal with the lizardmen, it is not enough to rely solely on annihilating their troops. After all, even if the army of lizardmen is wiped out, other lizardmen can hide under the yellow sand, and the swarm can't attack them at all.

But capturing a large number of Lizardman captives is different. Even if there are some tough guys among the Lizardmen, they can't all be determined, right? And even if the lizardmen fighters are qualified warriors, the parasites of the Zerg are not a joke. With these parasites, the Zerg can still know everything these lizardmen know, master all their hiding places, and even make these lizardmen become Their spies.

Once these spies are in place, it will be much easier for the Zerg Swarm to deal with the Lizardmen. The Lizardmen will no longer be a elusive race in the desert. It's not really difficult for people.


"What!? Our troops have been divided?" At the same time, Ralvin, who had just recovered from the violent explosion, also received the bad news.

"Yes, General! Our troops that rushed into the swarm have been cut off, and now we have lost contact with them. Judging from the explosion just now, they probably are in danger..." the lizard man who reported the message said with a sad face.

"Damn it! This is a trap!" At this moment, Ralvin also reacted.

"General, let's start the rescue! If you delay any longer, all the brothers caught in the swarm will be finished!" the lizard man who reported the message begged.

"Hmm..." Ralvin was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Withdraw!"

"What!?" The lizardmen officers next to them were dumbfounded. They never thought that Ralvin would be so decisive. You must know that they came out in full force this time, bringing almost all the lizardmen's troops. All young and middle-aged men.

Now two-thirds of this army is trapped in the swarm, if they don't go to the rescue, then the desert lizards will have to do their own things!

"Execute the order! Withdraw the troops!" Larvin was very firm, because he knew that if he didn't withdraw the troops at this time, none of them would be able to leave!

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